Sunday, June 30, 2019


This is a sensitive subject.

Ready to proceed?

Let's begin.

I hear the same concern repeated in different phrasing, same story, different words.
In this heart of mine, one that only wishes to help with clarity, I try. Sometimes it is well received, comprehended, often it goes as the colloquialism says:
In one ear, then, out of the other.
Many people hear it, acknowledge it, forget it quickly


Many people who wish to be coupled up, feeling the urge to merge, are a bit lonely, feel the pressure from society to be in a couple, a romantic pairing. The pressure is real!

Most sources to include, music, movies, restaurants, are designed or repeatedly reference 2 people.

Have you ever gone to a cinema or a restaurant alone? 

You may have wanted to see a movie or go to a restaurant and other people were busy or unavailable or the movie or the restaurant was your taste, theirs - less than yours.

Happily, you trot on down to a cinema or a restaurant. When you arrive at the restaurant, wait to be seated. The host/hostess looks at you, then, speaks the words every single person (as in uncoupled) just loves to hear, "How many?" or "Is this just for one?"

When you answer, "Yes" the response, from the host/hostess, will often be a slight hesitation, it doesn't compute, so they must get it in their brain that this poor person is alone, is single. 
The appearance of pity on their face is automatic.

I have seen this reaction so many times! If it weren't for the discomfort from the host/hostess, it would actually be funny!

It's copacetic. 

For those people who are lonely or very vigilant of the fact that they are somewhat of a pariah in a world which is mostly geared toward couples & families, this can be irksome.

Myself? I got this! I'm more entertained than anything at this. 😀

With the many romantic heartaches in my life, it would be understandable that I would be one of those repulsive man haters. 
Except ~
Home girl is a man LOVER!

In the decade or so, since divorcing, there have been 4 marriage proposals, yet, in fairness to the gentlemen, they were fine, manly
people. My feelings for them were platonic. I was truthful with these suitors. Better to disappoint them with the truth than to mislead with a lie.

Having said that, this is why I say I'm single by choice.

Choosing to remain single instead of being with someone who is Mr. Wrong, is choosing to remain single. Redundant.

Being mostly happy, with the occasional speed bumps, is pretty sweet! Some people who need to be in a couple, are with someone who is more of an opposite sex roommate.  Often, the other person is less than suitable yet better than not having someone, they have a bit of difficulty understanding this & that is A - O - K. 

These dear souls desire to fit into what the world tells them they should be. Some people fear being alone. That's okay, we are all only human.

This may work for many people, okay, the majority of people. I need a healthy, passionate connection with a person who treats me well who I can spoil as I love to do with trust that my heart is safe with them.

Often, I hear the disdain in my single acquaintances sadness's at seeing someone who doesn't have as much going for them, as they do, get married, or enter into a romantic coupling.

It blows their mind, often, it ticks them off!

Myself? I'm happy for the couple! In fact, I'm just happy.

I hope for them, that they get married & invite me to the wedding!


For people like me, who can be happy, single for the rest of my life, or finding someone to be with. I will be happy either way.

Once you know how to take care of yourself, company becomes an option, not a necessity. ~ Keanu Reeves

Another common mindset is when someone thinks that they are treated in an unkind way by a spouse or S.O. because they are:

Too skinny
Too fat
Too young
Too old
Don't have enough money
Lacking an education
single parent
Have a physical aspect which alters their appearance

All of these are true for the wrong people who would turn someone  away because of a perceived flaw whether it's there or not.

For the right one who will love someone just as they are? The flaws are only endearing traits which endears the person to them.

When you truly love someone, you love them as they are.

When someone loves you, they love you as you are.

Also, when someone cheats on their "loved one", the guilt mostly rests on the cheater, male or female.
When one person abuses another, the guilt mostly rests upon the abuser, male or female.
There is, however a somewhat skewed balance of guilt. The perp, of course, yet, within reason, the other person who is accepting such harmful behavior.

Having experienced this firsthand, I know how hard it is to leave, I left. It was hard at first, became more pleasant, more stable in time!

Somehow, I feel that there are eyes out there which needed to read this, ears that needed to hear these words. 
It DOES require soul searching, thought, brutal truthfulness with self.
Been there, did that, loving myself, got the T Shirt! 😜

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Hole Heart Whole Heart

This heart of mine is a wild seven pound creature
It's a good thing that my ribs are such a strong cage
The most important of it's deterrent feature
Still cannot hold it back when it wants to rage

My heart is not a virgin it has not been one for years
It was broken too many times to be called as such
It has seen too many torrents of sobs of tears
Indeed my heart has been played with way too much

I shoulda protected my heart much more than I did
I coulda been more careful with my loving ways
I woulda secured it with lock and key then hid
On those which were my most vulnerable days

Now I know the lessons which I have learned so well
To be less open to all the flowery word sayers
Who had no qualms as they put me through hell
With their lies their games those insidious players

Right now my heart is still broken though I hope to heal
It takes some time to mend it with the passage of time
Untangling what is false from that which is real
Lots of expression outlet in  my prose with my rhyme

Friends can surely help while they can only do so much
Ultimately it's up to me to do the work to self heal
To find my way back to happy to get back in spirit touch
Loving my body with more action will affect how I feel

Baby steps baby softness baby I'll get there I know
One day at a time I will become stronger each day
If I work it I'll get back to my former mojo
Already I'm feeling it as if I'm surely finding my way


Friday, June 28, 2019


Do you believe the world can live
In a raindrop from clouds
Or a drop from a sieve

Do you believe that the human heart
Can carry force of the heavens
To keep evil apart

Do you believe that there is so much good in this world
That it's still so worthwhile to bring children
Into our lives as war is still unfurled

Do you believe in the goodness of people
The heart warming sight of
A church steeple

Do you believe in the power of permanent healing
Of a life gone wrong so far that
It was beyond feeling

I believe people can change if they do so desire
To rise up from that sin and that pain
That muck that very sad mire

How do I know this is what some readers might ask
I have been schooled by HIM who has
Taken me to that very task

He loved me he scolded me then embraced me so true
There was only peace with contentment 
Only one choice I could do

Choose to do right to the best of my power
In my darkest of those hard days
In that very sad painful hour

Do what is right is what I was chastened to do
So in my prose with rhyme I say with love
If you're listening this is for you

Do your best for all of your full remaining days 
Mend hearts mend the issues in life 
Mend your tough angry ways

The love in my heart caused me to write this. Nothing is rhyming, here. It's just the HS speaking through me. I'm a spiritual person, a somewhat silly, mischievous person at times (naw, you?). Also, a very intuitive person. SOMEONE needed to read this. I felt inspired. The HS woke me, put this on my heart.

I am an intuitive person who listens to the HS.

I am flawed.

I am imperfect.

Still, I listen.

Love & kindness to you.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Life Lesson, Baby!

I'm using red font coloring for this.

Do you wonder why?

Well, do ya?

I want to call attention to this, I want to create awareness. Hopefully, the red letter day I had, will translate over to you. If this will help you as it has helped me.

I care, peeps. Daaaannnng. I care too much. At times, it sux.

I had an eye opening life lesson, today. Poignant. So poignant.

Saying it's poignant, because it poinged me!

First as well as foremost, I want to say that I have been so innocently naïve! 
Unaware though I THOUGHT I was aware! 
Danger - danger. Where was my freakin' warning light???

How in hades have I skipped this lesson?

So...…...yesterday, ( Wednesday 6-26-2019) I was casually shopping for produce when a guy whom had struck up a conversation with me. It turned from, nice produce to "Can I get your cell#?"
"You are, really, so attractive, I can't help but..." OMG alations 5:19

I was shocked.

I was not wearing much makeup at all, had not done my hair, I was wearing a Mickey Mouse T-Shirt for propriety's  sake!

I had a rough Thursday, today. It was the worst day of my life in a minute.

Many factors were involved. Refraining from discussing in depth is appropriate in this scenario. 

I turned to a person who I know I can trust. S.R. ~ Thank you!

I had been bawling most of the day (6-27-2019) so my usual Thursday counseling appt was cut short. I turned to a friend.

This friend was very kind while being very candid with me.

I blubbered, sobbed, poured out that which was so pain filled for me to speak of.

This friend was so compassionate. In a way that no one has explained to me, I heard truths that were news to me! I was told that while being friendly, kind, always smiling, focusing on whoever I was having a conversation with at the moment, looking into the person's eyes, was a good thing, that I should do it less with guys because they perceive it differently.
As my brain was processing, I realize that this was correct.
Although I have never been the sleep-around, kinda slutty type of girl, guys were perceiving me as being this way because I was very friendly.
Of course, not ALL guys think this way, however, a high enough percentage to make a difference!!! 
(I have never taken an opinion percentage, "Hey, do you think I'm easy? Hey, do you think I'm a ho? Do you think I'm slutty?")


This bit of info does explain a few things.

As an aside: 
I have very high T-levels for a female
My body gives off higher pheromone scent than many females.

The pheromone thangy has been pointed out to me more than thrice, as in:

" good!"
"What perfume is that?"
(I was not wearing any)
"Is this weird? I can sense you when I smell you."
"The scent is like nothing I know. What perfume is that?"
(Again, I wasn't wearing any perfume)

I am so vexed.

That which I gained was:
Be less focused on who I'm speaking with, in public.
Stop making so much eye contact with, well, everyone!
Be less friendly, be more unto ones self.

Having always been approached by guys in public as well as them coming right to the front door of my home, to ask me out for dinner or a movie or both, it was so odd. It perplexed me a great deal!


Just a personal belief is that all guys are out of my league. Some, a bit more than others.

This is less self loathing or a lack of self confidence.

Self confidence is a strong suit for me. 

It is simply mind blowing when a guy expresses interest in me or asks me out in any setting. Grocery store, church, gym, my front door, parking lot, post office, shopping mall, public park, online.

Yup. All of the above have taken place in my life regularly.

Yep, this person, S.R. gave me some life advice on how to give the right impression, vs giving a wrong impression.

All I have to say is ~

A heartfelt ~

Thank you!

(Now, when the current stalker leaves me be, probbs solved!!!!!)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I'm like you, You're like me

Are you there?
If you're there, say hello.
If you're shy, scared or hesitant, it's okay.

I can be shy, I get scared or hold back for fear of rejection.
We're only human.
People in a big big world trying to navigate through life.

Sometimes I know that I've done wrong, accepting the consequences. Knowing that my actions closed a door on an opportunity, possibly for now, possibly forever. Possibly for a shorter time.
I did it, I will take my lumps.

It's the people who blame so many things in their life on everyone else, they give up their personal power by shirking personal responsibility.

I have heard it several times ~

1. I had sex with someone who wasn't my wife, but, we were separated, so, it didn't count.
2. He made me so angry, he made me do it!
3. The world is unfair to people like me so, I troll, to make others as miserable as the world has made me.
4. It's my right to do whatever makes me happy.
5. I didn't mean to do it, it just kinda happened.

What do you, dear reader, see as a running theme in this?

Lack of taking responsibility, selfishness. Disregarding the hearts, feelings, love of others.


Personally, if I have acted wrongly, if there is a way to repent 

I will do it.


I will ask the HS to stay with me until my heart recovers, to stay with me until the pain of having inflicted pain, heals as much as it can. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes shorter.

I'm human. Imperfect for sure. I'm a unicorn! Hayyy A.G.! :)

When I can repent yet there's no way to repair, I suffer the most.
If you see yourself like this, welcome to my world.

The hope in this raison d'etre is that we are far less common than the ones who self dub themselves as "normal".
I'll remain an abnormally kind, humble creature.

I self proclaim as being average in looks, far above average in intelligence with a heart of gold that loves too much for my own good.
I will ring that bell!  😏

What will you choose? What bell will you ring?

It's your choice.

Go for it, yet with kindness, humility, gratitude.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Military Mindset Human Heart

If you could read my mind right now
You would be sobbing in tears
Wondering why you did it and how

The moment hit me so hard today
Remembering how badly it hurt me
When I knew you had gone away

I had been hurt so many times before
This hurt too much when it hit me
Nothing else had ever hurt me more

Having been beaten almost unto death
Because of your actions and also mine
Those loving words underneath your breath

I have been:
Cheated on
Lied to
Financially devastated
Self loathed
Discriminated against

None of these hurt as much as your emotional punch to my gut
Nor has anything hurt quite as much as when I lost you then
Never will it ever happen to me again because ya know what?

I am:
More financially secure
More successful
More careful
Less trusting
Less kind
Less forgiving

Being careful with my heart as I should have been
Is a part of the new me who has changed for the better
Since you there's no one, though I will always love men

Thank you my love for such important life lessons
You are far away from me in so many ways now
I only wish you love and joy and all good blessings 

Finally, I developed the strength to release you

Monday, June 24, 2019

The danger of being sincere


  1. free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings.
    "they offer their sincere thanks to Paul"
    synonyms:heartfelt, wholehearted, profound, deep, from the heart; More
    • (of a person) saying what they genuinely feel or believe; not dishonest or hypocritical.

Where is the danger?
What is the danger?
Who would pose a threat?

The danger in being sincere is an increasingly fake world is so obvious yet overlooked. If you are a pro-active person (Heyyy!) seeing these fallacies, you might have the uncontrollable urge to take action.
How do I know this?
I feel the urge to take action all the time. People can only be who they are.
I'm a sincere person. I love deeply, unconditionally. Danger.
Romance scammers hunt for people like me, playing upon a kind heart that has no expectation, no malice.
Predatory people will happily prey upon people like me. Predators will extract whatever suits their fancy.
Work for no pay

Until, that is, people like me learn a good lesson early on in life. Some people never learn. This is very sad. I'm most grateful for those predators that facilitated me, early on, learning to hold back.

What is the danger?
The danger lies in being hurt, disappointed, having your heart shattered so many times that it makes a person bitter, cynical, a bit mean. Online trolls are a blaring example. Granted, some of the trolls are simply jerks by nature.
Some may be someone who loved so much, someone who was hurt so many times, didn't learn the lesson. Becoming bitter, angry, sad trolls whose hatred spills out into the cess pools online.
They were in distress with no hope of recovery.

Hence, having not learned to recognize the danger or self protect, the tender heart transformed, with their consent, into a troll.

Who would pose a threat?


The internet is a double edged sword. Flowers can be ordered with 3 clicks!
Vacations can be planned roughly within the space of 60 minutes or less!
People can reconnect, renew friendships from the past.
(You probably know what's coming up next!)
On the flip side.
Married people can troll the internet looking for sex. In most online dating sites, roughly 75% of those people are either legally married or they are in what they loosely term as a "relationship."
There are also romance scammers, looking for their next victim. They use stolen photos, deceitful words, false pretense.
These scammers are sometimes even a past romantic flame who comes back to find then reconnect for the purpose of relieving the boredom in their lives.
The scammer will devote the time, the money, preying upon someone who truly believes that because they knew the scammer before, that the intent is sincere. Mm Hmm.
The scammer will use their victim until they become bored or until their significant other catches on. Then, they ghost. 

The danger in being a sincere person is very real.

There is hope.

Gratitude for having learned a valuable lesson, I learned to back away, then re-charge. Re-charge by indulging in sweaty workouts. Long meditation sessions.
A day trip or a longer trip when it's feasible.
Then, there's my guilty pleasure! Needlework! Intricate, very detailed, beautiful, soul comforting needlework!
Volunteering. There is so much need for volunteers, losing the self in helping a non-predatory person or even puppies & kitties!

The triumph is in defiance of the odds at remaining sincere in spite of all that is fake in the world.

Additional triumph is in remaining positive, finding the simplicity in the silver lining in everything. It's there when it's sought out.

Against the odds of that which has happened in my life I will remain defiantly sincere, positive & happy. 

Choosing happiness!

Try it, you just might like it. Do it again. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

My Baby is Growing!

Yup ~ Ha ha!

My baby blog is growing again!

I received a message from my sponsors to check my reader statistics. 

New countries have been added to the sources where people are reading my blog!
Ankara, Turkey

Unknown Region is still holding on strongly! *smile*

Thank you, to those people who are taking time out of your busy lives to read my blog. 
You are golden!
You matter!
I feel very honored that you are now reading my blog. Hope you enjoy it, it's my hope that you find it interesting, that it gives you a smile.

When I started this blog a couple years ago, it was borne out of a need for self expression. Having enjoyed creative writing from the time I could hold a crayon, putting thoughts as well as ideas, on whatever medium was placed in front of me, expression of what is going on inside my noggin has become a favored outlet.

Tucked away in my private closet, I have 3 notebooks dating back to when I was only 7 years of age. The first of these notebooks were given to me by my beloved grandfather.
He had read some of my poetry, he felt that I should have a way to preserve my thoughts, prose & rhyme.
I filled up the first notebook p.d.q. !
After that, a second followed, then, a third. 
I continued to write long after my beloved grandpa Kendall had passed on.
When the long hours of being in a remote location during my military service, would drag on, I wrote poetry. After a duty shift would end, I would transfer the musings into one of my notebooks.

People have described my hand writing as beautiful, flowery, flowing script, even Jeffersonian. It's interesting to see how my 7 year old handwriting evolved into the handwriting style I have, in present form of today.

I digress.

Welcome to my new readers, thank you for taking the time.

Saturday, June 22, 2019


Dear readers, 

Do you ever feel as though people around you doubt you as well as your abilities? 
People enjoy being judged as incapable. Yeah, right! 
Do the life choices you make, as long as no pricks or beyotches get in the way, the outcome of your efforts generally produce success.
Dontcha love it when people have very little faith in you? Your abilities, your judgment, your very worth?
Dang, it sux when someone has faith in me & my capabilities! NOT!
I'm still young, I know, yet, I have done many things many people either would not even try or would be chicken shizz to finish.

I'm a DIY girl.

It started when I was only 2 years of age, taught myself to tie my own shoes. Thus began my love for suh-weet footwear.

Not long after that, wanting pierced ears so I could put a little bling in my ears, my mother gave me an impossible task to accomplish to earn an "ear piercing."
I had to keep my bedroom clean for 2 months. She was using a very skanky method. Setting me up to fail.
Mm Hm.
I shared a bedroom with my older and younger sisters.

F that noise.

One evening, I gathered some supplies that some of the girls I went to school with, told me I would need. I was going to do it.
All by myself!

I had "procured" some earrings for pierced ears. I was a bit hesitant, yet, my determination was stronger than my fear. I went into the bathroom, locked the door.
It took me about 15 minutes.

When I came out of the bathroom wearing my very first earrings, I was proud! I was also a bit afraid if daddy would unleash a full can of whoop-ass on me for piercing my own ears. 
If teaching myself to tie my own shoes didn't clue my parents in, this, I'm just guessing, did it!

My mother took me a bit more serious after that. Just a little more.

That's alright, mama, I had plenty more up my sleeves!

In present day, I'm still quite the adventuress. Lots more tricks!

There is still so much more to explore, so much more to do. Adventures which have always been around as well as many new ways of doing things. Some improvements upon prior methods, some things which are totally new. 
Newly discovered! ~ Yes, please!

Maybe I was a DIY girl before people knew what a DIY even was!

Many things I had to teach myself was to change the oil on my car. Fix a flat tire on my car. Cook, as in, cook really good! Perfect the languages I learned how to speak. Traveling Europe & Central America was much easier because I spoke the languages fluently.

Aside from that, I taught myself some very intricate needlework stitches. Walking through the villages in Germany, I saw Hardanger embroidery everywhere! I had already taught myself some basic stitches, how hard could it be?
It's not so much that it was hard.
The problem, if you will, was ME!

I was so intimidated, it held me back.

Finally, the 2 choices I had were:

1. Do a home invasion & make off with the curtains! Ha ha!
(German prisons held little to no appeal, if I were sent!)
2. Put on my big girl panties & teach myself.

Option #2 was a better choice. Ya think?

One evening with everyone in the house either asleep or gone, I sat on my bed to teach myself. It took some time. Around 5 hours.

Finally ~ I had it!!!!!!!

The resulting needlework piece is a beauty to behold. A symbol of perseverance. The trophy of many trophies in my DIY life.

With this preface to say, I am, a DIY girl who can DIM.

Sometimes with calculated risk, sometimes blind faith, more success than failures, tyvm.

Alas, there are still many people who are unsupportive of that which I plan to do.
The solution?
Stop telling people my plan. Be more like Nike, just do it!

Something I have learned is that when others nay-say to others that something cannot or should not be done (within reason), they are broadcasting that they, themselves are too timid to try.

Life favors the brave, the bold!

Take your chances, calculated risks. 

It's good to truly LIVE!

Thursday, June 20, 2019


She sat in the peace of the morning, enjoying birdsong. Enjoying the peace before all hell would break loose.
She would welcome her visitors with their pros's as well as con. It would make her relish her peaceful life even more.
More than  she already did? Impossible. 
Recognizing as well as feeling appreciation for the life she has, it had always come easily, though not always.

There had been many years of turmoil, of depression, of wondering if she could persevere long enough for life to improve. It did, after all, improve in so many ways. The past struggles & sadness were even less than a memory. Just enough essence of sadness to evoke gratitude.

Be grateful for the little things. Remember to pet the sweaty things. Ew. WTH was that supposed to mean, anyway? She didn't know, nor did she give it much more thought. It was es spielt keine rolle.
Many Americans thought it was "es mach nichts".
Umm, nope. lol. Maybe in low Deutsche or low German. American soldiers made such a fubar on that one! It gave the German people something funny to have a laugh over it for awhile.
She had found her niche in the art world. A world of eccentrics, brilliant minds who had been shunned by scientists, snickered at by the rest. Just as many before her. Michael Angelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Peter Paul Rubens, just to name a few. Though she might not be in that class.
Not yet.

Her sculpture was very well received. She had even made a very lucrative living from the works she translated from flights of fancy to multidimensional works of refined beauty.
It fell short of drawing to her, those whom she wished most, with all her heart to draw to her. The ones who stood aloof.
Her children.
The very ones she had given birth to, had loved, taught, devoted herself to. She saw them less, spoke to them far less than the clients who sought her out.
A lunch, a dinner to honor her, an interview or simply a conversation that concluded minus accusations of abuse. Conversations that were revered, that were very sup[ported by the spouses of the ones wishing to speak to her even if only for a few minutes.
She wished for her children to value her in this way, yet, it was rare.
Soon, they would all be arriving at her home. All of them with their spouses and children in tow. Some of the children she had not yet seen, some of the children, not in a few years. It was daunting, yet, she knew it was necessary. She had a large home with 12 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms to herself. It was more than she needed.
She had bought it just on the chance that some day...some day...

Someday was here.
Be careful what you wish for...
She heard the first of the vehicles grinding up the private road where her home was the only property on it.
She knew that it was the first of many vehicles to arrive on that day.
That wonderful day she had wished for as well as felt a slight tinge of anxiety about. There had been no children in her home for many years.
That was about to change.
(stay tuned)

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

He was on top for a long, long time......

When he woke up the next morning, after pushing himself the night before, the pain was almost unbearable. The night before had been a triumph. Everyone was throwing love at him.
The dudes in the crowd and all, every one of em, the ladies! Squealing, singing along, screaming with delight. 
Swaying, moving to the music he made. This was what he was put on earth, to do!

As he willed his body out of his huge bed, thought for new creations flowed through his mind like water. Coursing free, at liberty to take it wherever it would. At this moment, he had to take his tired buns to the bathroom as fast as possible.

Dang it!

Why, oh why did he forget to bleed the weed before his head had hit the bed? There was lots of pain as he hastened, he was a bit of a germaphobe, so, he wouldn't be cleaning up if he had a wee on the floor. There would be more pain at the disapproval of his cleaning lady, it was her day off, so the puddle would sit there until next day.


That trip to the loo was only 12 feet, it felt like 12 miles.

Finally, he made it! This time. Not every time, this time, he did.

He thought to himself about the crowd the night before, his joy in bringing them joy. Was there 300? 600? 1,000?
All that mattered was the happiness, the numbers were just numbers.
The money spent on good food, the effort he expended, it was all worth it.

Now, the pain.
The searing, awful pain.

There were no more pain killers in his med cabinet or in the drawers, not even one inadvertently dropped on the floor or on the counter in a rush to put one in his mouth. The pain. OMG, the pain!

All the people who were like family to him. The ones who cooked, cleaned, helped him with whatever, he had given them the day off after the smash success of the party the night before.

He went into his office to call in a favor with one of his trusted staff. The pain was intensifying by the minute.
Someone, anyone, OMGarbanzos, pick up your phone!

Finally, he reached a real person. Someone who could help him get some relief from the increasing pain running from navel to toes.
His trusted staff, he said a prayer of thanks to God, then, to send blessings on his trusted friend who agreed to help him.

The chair he was sitting in, in his office was so comfortable. If he barely moved, breathed slow & shallow, the pain let up just enough for him to be able to bear it.

There was a stack of receipts, paid in full. The homes he had anonymously paid off. Some of the homes he had paid to install solar panels on to help ease the financial burden on struggling families around the area.
This was also something he was put on earth to do. Help others.

He remembered the days when he had to be content to stand outside the burger places. He couldn't even afford an order of fries.
It was free of charge to take in the heavenly aroma, though.

He started counting the number of receipts for paid off mortgages, solar panels installed, even 3 for college tuition. It distracted him from the extreme pain coursing through his body stronger, now.
This was also, his purpose, to help others. 
Always anonymously.

As much as he lived in the present moment, his mind was searching for a distraction. Thinking back to the early days of performing. Not quite the superstar as he is in present day, yet, he was packing the stadiums & arenas, tyvm!

He was a nasty boy. Singing raunchy words. So what!

A smile curled across his lips. Oh, no! "When I die, will I be forgiven? I hope so. I heard hell is hot, not in a good way!" He wondered to himself, hoping he would find out later than sooner.

Finally, he heard his friend open the front door, calling his name. The pain was unbearable, now, it was agonizing to speak!
To make a noise for his friend to find him, he breathed painfully deep, with one arm, sweeping a solid glass paperweight onto the floor. 
He heard hastened footfalls. Maybe his friend was trying to make it to the toilet, too!
Then, his friend, calling his name, appeared in the doorway. From the way the color left his face, when his friend saw him, he knew he wasn't looking too fly at the moment! He managed to smile.

The doc had called his painkiller in, the pharmacy was only minutes away. The ride in the car seemed to take forever. He had a sweet tune in his head, hoping he could record it after the painkiller took effect. 

10 minutes later, he had the merciful, magical, wonderful legal drugs in his hand. He said a prayer to God, thanking him. His friend opened the bottle of pain relief tablets, handed them to him with an opened bottle of water.
With a shaking hand, he placed the tablets in his mouth, drank the water. 
His friend looked at him with concern. This was the worst he had ever seen him looking. It was rough, shocking.

Friend: "Hey, man, you look really bad, I'm going to stick around."
The Star: "Naw, man, I gave you the day off. Go, be with your family."
Friend: "Are you sure? They'll be fine."
The Star: Glancing over the top of his sunglasses.
Friend: "Okay, if you need anything, ANY-THING, call me."

His friend drove away, he barely made it inside the door to his home when the pain, which seemed to subside, doubled back with a vengeance! His knees buckled, his back hit the wall, sliding down toward the cold floor.
Then, a sensation.
Oh no!

He definitely felt something warm that would soon cool. He would  put some extra cash in his cleaning lady's pay.

He opened the pharmacy bottle as another wave of pain washed over him. This time, he didn't count, he just dumped the relief giving little beauties into his hand, downing them with the last of the bottle of water. He sat there, slumped against the wall, waiting for the pain to subside. Another crashing wave hit him, he curled into a fetal position. 

His life was flashing before his eyes as he grew weaker. All he could do was to cry out.
"Jehovah? Lord God? Please forgive me. I know I repented and mended my ways these last 10 years. I hope you forgive me!"


"Can you hear me? I'm sorry!"


Then, the silence turned into softness. The pain was completely gone. Better than gone. It was as if he were light as a feather.

Then, he felt the sweet peace wash over his mind, his soul.

Then, he was no longer in his body.

It was a life well lived, he was happy to have mended his ways in time. He was happy that he had started saying artichoke instead of the "F" word.





  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...