Friday, March 1, 2019


As a child, I did more playing outside by myself or with a friend or even with Barbie dolls. 
There was one huge behemoth of a TV when I was in my teenage years and I would have to fight to be able to watch the show of my choosing. There were six kiddos, mom & dad and me. That would have been quite a fight! I'm a lover, less of a fighter.

Just now, I'm realizing that there is so much that I missed, or did I really miss much at all? 
Once I left my parents home to go to military training, still, at my first military base, there was more desire for the beach & sunshine than there was for a TV. 
I was living in Honolulu, Hawai'i!!!
My GM Executive uncle had several nick names for a TV.

The idiot box
The boob tube
Brain Rot Central
Addiction in a box

He had a degree from M.I.T. as well as a cushy career, he must be right. 

Just as I had done, as a child, I spent more time outdoors than I did indoors. I was a bit of a book lover. The time I spent in my barracks room was spent either sleeping or reading with the occasional hosting of tame, nearly alcohol free parties.

It's only been lately that I have taken much of an interest in TV shows. tbt ~ semi catching up on shows that were aired from the time I was 12 - 18.


Seriously, I still benefited more from being outside than I would have if I had vege'd out in front of the TV.

Lately, I have seen a bit of coverage of a show called, 
"The Partridge Family", aka "The Partridges".

Have you heard of it? Have you seen it? Did you watch it in your parents home? In your own home?

I heard bits & snippets of it from the other students at school. I remember my cousins had magazines with cheesy names such as, "Tiger Beat", or "16 Magazine" with a photo of David Cassidy on the cover. 
He was so dreamy! So gorgeous!

His shag haircut, large radiant smile, angelic expressive eyes. Yeah, he was a hottie.
His public persona was a façade.

His father, Jack Cassidy, was an alcoholic serial cheater, womanizer ~ everything that David, his son, loathed about him. David hated this, he slowly became just like dear ole dad!

Jack used his off the charts confidence, charisma, fame and access to any and all of the round the clock sex, alcohol, drugs he could handle. As it turns out, Jack had a high tolerance as did his son, David.
Jack died at the young age of 49. David died at age 67. Too young!

Being a person who is very curious, I looked into this when it caught my attention. 
As woo-woo as this may seem, when anyone or anything catches my attention, I feel that it caught my attention for a reason.
So, most often, I investigate.

In later interviews, David, revealed his drinking, drugging, sexual escapades from age 19 - 50. He lived every man slut's dream life.
David seems to have gotten his good looks from his mother while he had more facets of his father's personality.
David's parents, Jack & Evelyn. They divorced when David was in single digits in age.

David, at 19 with his mother, Evelyn.

He was really hot looking to most people, especially teen age girls. They mistakenly believed that he was, in real life, the squeaky clean character, Keith Partridge, who he played on the hit series.
He was the polar opposite. That which is candy to our eyes can sometimes also be poison to our souls.

David was actually most girl's nightmare. A liar, a cheater, druggie, alcoholic, sleep-around charismatic player with the advantage he had. He used his fame, charisma & hot looks to have sex with well over 500 legal age girls, women, all at his disposal 24/7/365. His co-star, Susan Dey was barely 16 when David was 19. Susan was a New York model, very shy in person, relatively inexperienced in life, in love, in dealing with men.
She had a strong crush on David Cassidy that was a bit of a torment for her, personally, as David had zero interest in her.

In David's book, he said that after The Partridge Family ended in it's 4th season, he decided to give a dating relationship with Susan, a chance.
In his book, he stated that Susan was not his type. That she was not like the slutty women he was attracted to. Maybe, if he had changed his "type" it could have saved him from himself.

No one can continue with this precarious lifestyle without it taking it's eventual toll on the mind & body.
By the time David was 47 he looked more like he was 77. From his drinking & drugging he was diagnosed with early onset dementia, a couple years before he died from dementia & organ failure. His last spoken words were, according to his daughter, Katie, who was at his bedside when he died:
"So much wasted time."

You may ask, "Why, this subject for this blog entry?"
You may ask. Here is your answer.

I am average in looks & fine with it. Being average in looks keeps most predatory males away. Not pretty enough to be noticed, not homely enough to repulse the predators. Well above average in intelligence, curiousness, spiritual awareness, even sex drive.

It may seem vain or maybe not. I don't care, either way. 

It's a closely held practice of mine to take very good care of myself, body, mind, spirit. It's an intrinsic part of who I am. 
The reason I'm writing this blog entry is that, I have SOME of the same bad habits that was the downfall of David Cassidy. 
Nothing scandalous here, folks. I don't sleep around. Illegal drugs & substances are unappealing to me along with their health threat.
However, I DO love my alcohol and I make no secret about it. The reason for this blog entry is that I can see, from the later in life photos of David, the toll that his sexcapades, alcoholism, substance abuse, improper rest, took on his physical as well as mental health.
My choice is usually Jameson Whiskey or Pinnacle Vodka. One shot or drink falls short of the enjoyment, an entire bottle in a sitting is more common than not.
I'm no longer going there.

David is not a good example to follow. He is more of a horrid warning of what can happen from his vices carried to the extreme. David was only the second oldest of his Partridge Family co-stars. He is outlived by all of them. He is nearly unrecognizable as the heart throb he once was.

I take care of myself (I know I already said that). It's a daily practice to drink as close to 1 gallon of water as I can, every day.
I eat a lot of raw or lightly steamed cruciferous, veggies. Green leafy veggies such as spinach, arugula, cabbage, brussels sprouts. My protein intake is lean unadulterated protein.
I take in natural supplements, vitamins, fish oil etc. daily.
Drinking copious amounts of alcohol can easily negate whatever benefit these practices would yield.
Many may view it as too much work or unnecessary, however, I enjoy my skin care regimens & practices. Essential oils, occasional facials, micro-current facials + more.
I, actually enjoy doing this, seeing it as an investment in skin health. Maybe a bit of vanity is involved. I will simply own it!

The regrets David expressed as he lay dying in a hospital bed are so tragic. The photos of David Cassidy's ruined health & obliterated good looks in the aftermath is enough to convince me to give up the spirits I enjoyed.
I say this in the past tense. 
It's already done.

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