Sunday, March 3, 2019

Man Candle


The title says it all.  I love my man candle! The scent of testosterone mixed with clean, masculine scent is a little slice of heaven, to me.

Some people might say, "Gurl! You don't get out much, do you?"

Actually, I get out a lot. However, after having my heart played with and shattered so many times, the last time was in August of 2012, remains as the last time.
It took me 2 years to recover. 
The guy?
I'm grateful to him. He hurt me so badly, it completely took the desire for male company, away from my heart.
This is sincere. I am, truly grateful to him.
In my recovery process, I made a promise to my heart that I would never let it be played with and shattered, again.
This is a good thing!

Of course, I still admire guys, I still look, I don't touch. Also, I don't allow them to touch me. I'm asked out a lot, probably because I'm always smiling, generally in  a good mood, mostly happy. Very sweetly, I decline, thanking the gentleman for the compliment.

Having worked on myself enough to get to this peaceful state of being, life is good. 
Every time I would get to this blissful state of being, I would allow a guy into my life where he would proceed to shit all over me.
I allowed it, I can take my lumps, I learned to stop allowing males in.

Though I don't let manthrax in, I still admire masculine traits. One of those traits is the scent. 
Their scent!
Just like girls, every guy has his own distinctive scent, his own attributes which are very appealing.
Having a sensitive sense of smell, I appreciate the scent that guys have as individuals. It can be recreated, for my enjoyment.
Oh, yes, it can!

I have a candle that is made by Colonial Candle with the name of the scent as "Leather." It should be called, "Hot Sexy Guy."
I found this candle marked down in a store where I liked to shop, so, I bought one.
The same day I bought it, I took it home. As the sun was setting I lit the candle and...………...HOLEE SCHLAMOLEE! 
The scent was so intoxicating. 
It smelled like a man was sitting next to me, enjoying the movie. Good thing he didn't try to take my popcorn, he'd have a fight!
The next day, I went back to the store where I bought every one of those candles that had been  deeply discounted even lower!
Maybe it was because the candle was a deep black? Maybe the other shoppers saw a black candle and didn't go in for a sniff.
Their loss!
I brought all 6 of those candles home.

When a close female friend's husband was deployed to the Middle East for a year, she was a bit sad, missing him. I asked her if she missed his scent. The scent of shaving cream, after shave, masculine scented soap, his cologne.
She almost tearfully said she did, indeed, miss his scent.

Time to break out the Man Candle!!!

When I find something good, I love to share it.

I went to her lovely home later that day where I gave her one of my precious Man  Candles. She looked at it, doubtfully. I encouraged her to pop the lid off and smell it!
She did so.
Yup! She seemed to love it as much as I did!

Mmmmm Man Candle!

It's been a few years since then. I'm down to my last Man Candle, it's burned half way down, so, I burn it sparingly. Colonial Candle discontinued the scent. There is a Mahogany Leather scented candle, while it's a nice scent, it's missing something.
I tried making my own version of the Man Candle. It was still lacking something.
Maybe the candles are actually made with man-bits? Maybe, the candle makers ran short of donations of man-bits? idk.

As a way to "get my fix", I buy yummy scented men's cologne to spritz around, obtaining the desired scent.

Afterall ~
Why buy the whole candle when all I need is a spritz or two. 



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...