Thursday, March 28, 2019

When will I be ready?


The answer is....
The answer is …….


According to a Life Insurance Exam, the results from my "samples" ( fecal, blood, urine ) I have the innerds (organs) age of a 25 yr old.

Maybe it's because I take as little meds as possible?
Maybe it's because I have drank far less alcohol than my peers.
Maybe it's something else. What is it? IDK

Today 3/28/2019 a person guessed my age as around 15.


The guess was around 35.

tbt ~ I feel as if I am 25.

I have some of the telltale signs, yet, very few. 
In truth, I fell into a slump, for "a time", stopped working out as much as I have in the past decade.
As of recent weeks, I'm back into my workouts. Both at home as well as at the gym, a deadly- credly combo of both. :D


I will keep my hair long, tyvm.
I will still quash the grey hairs.
I will still change, evolve, keep learning.

Although I know my bio age, I will laugh in defiance.  😁
(that's me, laughing!)

Discriminate or shame a person based on their gender, religion, race, skin color, weight, disability, sexual orientation? 
You will have hellfire complete with brimstone hailed down upon you.

For some odd, unjust reason, which has little basis, age shaming is popular, accepted, legal.
It's also a sign of ignorance.

When a person seems to be of a certain age, they become slowly, to be invisible. Many are viewed being of less value. 
The references are everywhere. references such as:

When a person is driving a POV at a slow speed :

C'mon Grandpa or C'mon Grandma

Other remarks:

That dress/outfit/shoes/blouse/ is so grandma.
EW! You look so grandma!
That's so old! (even if the style or whatever is from just 1 yr ago)

With these derogatisms ……..
(I just NEWLY made that up! You can use it!)

With those phrases said, I will say that (I will kick against the pricks when it comes to age negative remarks I hear every dam day!) age discrimination is such negativity, it's also very rude.

The answer to the original question is twofold. 

It will be a long time before I'm ready.
It will be a longer time before the ignorant will change the way they think then vocalize, proclaiming their ignorance.


Feeling as if I am 25 is something that has chosen me.

Choose to be informed

Choose to be open to new ideas

Choose to view people as they are, caring more about who they are as a person vs the knee-jerk reaction to put them into the box in which society often places them in an effort to devalue individuals.

Delight & surprise yourself!


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