Friday, February 15, 2019

Got RLTW ?

Some very principled leaders have tried to at least stem the rape culture in the military. This is a culture of condoned heavy drinking, the culture of violence that causes a stain on the worldview of the military males in the US Military. 

This is so appalling.

Even more appalling?

These designs that are printed, sold, displayed to many of the very people who are defending the USA.

Take a look.

For $27.95 this Tradition statement can be yours!

I think I preferred "Make Love Not War" to this promotion of adolescent like proclamation which trivializes many of the plagues on society in today's world. A world where sex is just "for fun", it's great to be an alcoholic and believe it or not ~ Smoking, chewing & dip are still looked upon as being cool. The developing cancer cells think it's "cool", too, it gives them life.
A child who is drowned in a toilet immediately after being born or abandoned or abused is often the product of "just having fun". When a military man is out there, "just having fun", having no concern for the impact of his actions upon the girl he's "having fun" with, nor the impact of the unknown developing fetus, it's more serious than "just having fun".
It's often a death sentence for one of the 3 people involved.

I posted something similar to this commentary on the self proclaimed "Run, Gun, Drink, Fight, FUCK". FUCK is in capital letters. I posted it on social media. 
The backlash was SWIFT (in capital letters). 2 guys who have daughters, were quick to defend this motto as just being "Part of the culture." Wait, WHAT?

Oh, they can defend it all day, all night, after all, it doesn't affect them, or, does it?
If their daughters, sisters, mothers, girlfriends, wives or any female relative or loved one were raped or taken advantage of by a guy who decides to FUCK their loved one?
They would realize the harm that this motto causes.
After all, if it was some other guy's female family member or loved one, not theirs, they would not feel the pain nor see the damage that is caused by FUCKING randomly, "just for fun."
I can guarantee, that when the Okinawan as well as Korean as well as Japanese school girls, under the age of 14, were the recipients of this adage, they were NOT having fun.

Most likely, the below photo is what these underage girls envisioned.
They most likely envisioned the smiling American hero. The rescuer, the good guy who ACTUALLY lives by the Ranger Creed, not just giving it occasional lip service. It DOES SAY that a Ranger vows to keep himself "Morally Straight". 

Many people may wonder or outright ask why I'm so impassioned about this. Being impassioned doesn't fully cover it.
I have seen the aftermath of the damage done from those who live by the first 2 adages of the Ranger Tradition, in sharp contrast to the statement of Ranger Creed.
The only one having "fun" was the US Army Ranger until he was arrested & held accountable for his irresponsible actions in raping a child.

I have, personally been affected by the hard drinking, sexually immoral "Ranger Tradition" which is so proudly proclaimed.
Many times, I have personally spoken with girls who were not underage, yet, were similarly assaulted. They were too embarrassed, too ashamed to admit to what had happened. 
Of course, it was a lapse in judgement on the girl's part. Yet, her lapse in judgement does not excuse rape, sodomy, violence.
All of these are in direct contradiction of the often recited 
Ranger Creed.

I have an understanding of the power of testosterone. It's very life altering, judgement clouding effect is very difficult to manage.
I truly understand this.
When I lived in Colorado, I participated in a 6 month study on the effects of naturally occurring female testosterone. The study also computed the percentage of females with higher testosterone than is common.

It makes sense. I have always had a high energy level. This is not to be misconstrued, however, yes, a higher sex drive than is common.
Although my T-Levels are incomparable to that of a male, it does give me a better understanding of that which drives many males to do the things they do. Throughout the 6 month study, there were regular blood draws, urinalysis & detailed questionnaires. I was in the top 5 as having higher T-Levels than 95% of the other female participants in the study. 
DAM! I hate being stuck with medical needles! Ya better believe that I was adequately compensated for taking part in this study!

The beauty of testosterone is that it also drives our American Heroes to do that which is often necessary in the defense of the USA.
When testosterone is used for good purposes by our beloved Special Forces Operators, it's a beautiful, inspiring ideal.
However ~
It's a slippery slope, dang near impossible to have one without the other.
Near impossible, yet, it's still possible.

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