Wednesday, November 23, 2016


It's common knowledge.
Having served my country in several capacities, plus, being 1/2 Native American, now, proud to call myself a Texan.

July 4th is my favorite holiday, red white & blue give me a happy feeling. This country, with its' ups and downs is still the only country I want to live in. 
Yes, I have visited as well as resided in other countries, the US of A is still the only country I would want to permanently live in.

For way too long of a time period, I was married to a Filipino who was born in the P.I., had strong cultural ties, yet, did not have Filipino citizenship. He was even serving in the United States Air Force. 

Still, he constantly bragged about how great the Philippines was, how much better EVERYTHING Filipino is.

I have & had news for him.

The Philippines is not all that. If the Philippine Islands as well as its' culture & people were actually as great as he crowed about, the citizens of the Philippines would not be dying by the boat loads to get out! 
It the Philippines was as good as he claimed, all the beautiful Filipinas wouldn't be marrying the fuglies they married just to get to the land of the Big BX.
If the Filipino culture was as illustrious as he, in his deluded mentality, claimed, the greasy unhealthy foods would not have caused even his own mother to die from heart disease.
After his mother died, his own father, in his 80s, went to the Philippines to BUY a 19 year old girl, then marry her!
Oh yeah, real winning culture, there, pops.

For most of the time I was married to Mr. Filipino, he shoved his culture down my throat. 

Dam! I hated that! 

I'm an all American girl, always have been, always will be! 
When Mr.Filipino tried to give our children Filipino names that would only get them teased, bullies and made to feel embarrassed by their own name, I just said, "NO!"

Names such as ~

Virgin Mary

Umm, NOPE!

These were my AMERICAN children, born in the USA to 2 citizens of the USA. If they were going to live their childhoods in the Philippines, sure, no problem. They lived their childhoods in the USA or on US Military bases around the world.

Oh, there was a bit of a fight regarding this, yet, I stood my ground. You're welcome, kiddies, that you don't have to go through life with ridiculous names foisted upon you by a deluded daddy.
Mama had your back!
ha ha!

The USA is a great country, hopefully, with President Elect Trump, it will improve from the last 8 year stretch of having a cartoon as a CIC.

The USA is far from perfect, this, I know! Even with it's fallacies, it's still a place where there is more opportunity, more fair practices, more acceptance of diverse race & culture than any country on earth.
That was a run-on sentence.

The USA has more diversity in climate than most countries. We have mountains, desert, tropical, 4 season, frozen tundra. Although English is the official language, there are so many versions of it within the country. Southern, Northern, East Coast, West Coast, Pidgin (Hawai'i), Cherokee, Navajo, Spanglish, Cajun, so much more!

The USA is a land of convenience, a land of opportunity, a land of, sometimes over the top, acceptance. Other cultures tend to take unfair advantage, at times, yet they feel, mostly safe. 

As long as the American flag flies, as long as the USA has a good strong leader as its' president, we will be the great nation, always. Of course, even Rome, fell, after a few centuries.
For now, we are standing strong.
The USA military is still great, still strong! I love our military people, respect you for your dedication & sacrifice.


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