Monday, November 28, 2016

The Question

It's often said that good things come in 3's. Sometimes, anything can happen in a multiple of 3's. Unfortunate, disastrous things, also, wonderful, amazingly happy events.

Having been single since 2007, I get the "question" a lot! I've developed a bit of witty repartee', yet, it seems to catch me by surprise nearly every time.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?"
"How can you be single?"
"You should have a boyfriend, shouldn't you?"
"Why are you single?"


Actually, I'm not single, I'm independently owned & operated!

Knowing that I have those qualities which guys search for, who are emotionally mature enough to be able to sustain a connection with a girl. I have learned to hold back.
Only if I'm married will I give those things that I feel safe giving within the context of a legally, morally committed relationship with that one lucky guy who makes me feel like a lucky girl!

~ I keep the home cooked meals coming
~ Happy 99% of the time
~ Kind hearted & compassionate
~ Keep the bed hot & my temper cooled
~ Very careful & frugal with money
~ Physically fit & healthy, energetic & optimistic
~ Devoted & faithful
~ Clean & organized
~ Responsible
~ Just sassy enough to keep him on his toes

There's more, that's the basics.

As a single girl who is happy in my life even when things are less than pleasant. Remaining positive serves me well.

Most likely the reason I'm single is that I'm very authentic. Guys have become accustomed to fake people. When they meet a fake sort of girl, she's the norm, so, he doesn't question her.
When guys see me, with mah sincere, authentic lil self, they assume I'm a fake, a liar, too good to be true.
That's okay.

Having read in psychology publications as well as other places, that intelligent women remain single longer than their lesser sisters.
I must be dam near genius!

I know why I am single, it's because I know that who I am as well as what I have to offer the right guy would be wasted on the wrong one. The wrong one would only feel threatened & insecure by a girl who has herself together.
She's secure within herself, has self confidence.
She will see right through his BS, sometimes she will call him out on it, usually, she will walk away, knowing that an insecure guy still has to work on himself, so, she walks away.

On Friday - Saturday, I was asked 3 times by 3 different people why I am single, why I don't have a boyfriend. It's amusing.

I couldn't be a superhero if I had a boyfriend! 

Always be a superhero!

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