Sunday, November 27, 2016

I'm A Girl

That's what has been said to me many times as in:

You're such a girl!
Your MP3 player is PINK!
Have you ever been told you're ultra feminine?

.......and, so on.

Still, I can hit it hard & kill it in the gym.

People are who they are, one of my favorite colloquialisms is:

"When you love someone, you love them as they are!"

Being a very feminine type of girl has its pros and cons. There's the
often mistaking kindness for weakness. Being very kind is part of my
nature, being strong as in mentally tough is also an equal component.
If it would be practical to dress in silky, flowy dresses, blouses, skirts &
pants suits every day, it would be wonderful! Except, of course, the time
I spend swimming or working out! Yowsa!

Love mixing essential oils to be used as a skincare element or a perfume.
Natural oils are best from my experience. For self care, I started making
my toothpaste a year ago. Coconut oil, baking soda, peppermint oil. BAM!
I keep it in a sealed dish on the sink, swish a dry toothbrush in it, bruf teef!
It's also very inexpensive.
Only $.45! It lasts 2 months! Yup!

I used to deny my feminine nature, now? 

Embracing being a bubbly, happy, sassy, smart girl suits me well!

Be who you are!

Get down wit-cha badd thelf!


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