Thursday, October 20, 2016

I Wish I could Share!

Out there in the world, everywhere, there are couples. They laugh, share, fight, make babies, get married, buy homes. To someone who is single, it looks as if these "couples" have it all.

Looks can be accurate, looks can also be deceiving.

I hear the lament from my single female compadres a lot. Whereas most guys are only interested in sex, girls are mostly hard wired to be in a relationship.

I would rather be respected by a guy than I would want to be sexually desired. 
Lust is easy to find, real love and caring, not so much.

It's pure torture for so many single girls who see all of the couples out there, while they don't have a guy in their life.

I found my way to a peaceful place in my life wherein I'm happy to be single. I'm fine with cooking for one, going to movies by myself. Doing as I wish, whenever I want to. 

That means that I'm fine without a guy in my life as I would be fine with one. Either way, I'm happy. He wouldn't "complete me", we would be a complement to each other.
The one drawback is that I don't dish out B.S., I also won't tolerate it. 

So, single by choice. 

When I was out there in the dating world, it seemed to me that too many guys are not being taught the honorable way to treat women. 

Hold on, there, cowboy!

I love guys and just about everything about y'all!

I'm a girl, so, I write from a feminine perspective.

Too many guys assume falsely that sexual intercourse is supposed to be a part of dating.
It isn't.

That's why it's called "dating" not "screwing around."

Getting to know each other as people, first, before anything, is so under-rated. Once the heavy make outs start, Pandoras Box is opened. The issues become cloudy, inhibiting the process of getting to know each other. 
Best to remain vertical with clothes on, stay in a lit area where there are other people. Talk, do things together. Work out, go to movies, sit down to dinner with family!
(I LOVE to cook!)

I have it so much easier than many of the single girls I know. Getting my heart shattered in 2012, I decided to give myself the gift of remaining celibate, concentrating on fitness! 
This is how I do, lol!

I enjoy my peaceful life, the yearning to have a man in my life is not there, any longer. I'm not actively looking. Living my life, being happy, exploring the great indoors!

When I hear the anguish, the pain, the frustration of other single girls, who want a guy in their lives so much, I wish I could bottle my attitude for them to ingest.

Take 1 inogivafook tablet by mouth with water as needed.

If this condition of wanting to couple up goes away ~


You're cured!

Welcome to my world!

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