Friday, October 28, 2016

What do girls want?

Being just one girl out of thousands in the world, it's safe to say, I can only speak for myself. 
Also, having discussed the topic of what other girls desire, just as safe to say that other girls want many of the same things I want, also, some things different from me.

Having heard this lament from guys, many times~

"I want a woman who knows what she wants!"

It seems to me that guys DO want a girl who knows what she wants, just as long as what she wants is what he, also wants and/or can give her if he can.

If she doesn't want what he wants or can't give her, well, he will comfort himself with, "Oh, she was just crazy."

Many guys seem to give all women the same dismissal under one blanket statement ~

"She was crazy."

Other derivatives?

There's ~ 

She was crazy ~
~ Psycho
~ Stupid
~ Lazy
~ Frigid
~ too slutty
~ not slutty enough
~ Demanding
~ Bitchy
~ Weird

All of these seem to allow the guy to forget that he was a total jerk to her, cheated on her, blamed her for his faults.
This is an easy out. This is also a little boys way, not a man.

Taking responsibility for your own actions is the first step to maturity. Let the other person arrive at their own conclusions, taking on their part in the breakdown in a relationship.

I digress.

What do girls want?

A quote attributed to Marilyn Monroe, although I'm not quite sure she actually said it ~

"All a girl wants is for one guy to prove to her that they are not all the same way."

This pretty much sums it up. How does a guy do that? Relatively simple. It does require some self discipline, some self control. It takes a guy who is self confident plus mature enough to get over his fears of getting attached, getting hurt, looking stupid.

It takes courage!!!

As long as both the guy and the girl are truly legally & emotionally single, available, all systems ~ GO! 
F.Y.I. ~ Separated is still married, living with baby mama means you're still attached, therefore NOT single.
As long as there is chemistry, commonalities, both the guy & girl like each other as people, all systems ~ GO!

From my own experience as well as what I have heard from other girls, here is the incomplete list.

Girls want:

A guy who will get to know what is between her ears without trying to get between her legs as the main objective to achieve.

A guy who calls when he says he will call, shows up when he says he will show up, is where he says he will be. If he has a very truthful reason why he can't carry through with plans ( a legitimate death in the immediate family, called in to work, is really physically ill, etc.) cancel within 6 hours minimum. More time would be better.

A gentleman, he opens the door, then holds it while she walks through first, then, he follows. (It's not rocket science!) He uses polite words out of respect for her. As you get to know each other better, some girls are okay with "colorful metaphors."

A guy who takes care of himself physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. If he can take care of himself, he can take care of her and it will make her want to take care of him in return. 
Like it or not, this is a very attractive trait. 

These are just the basics. 

A guy will know that she likes him when she keeps responding to him. 

Guess what? A girl who truly likes a guy will not require him to have a lot of money or to spend a lot of money on her for her to like him.

When a girl accept the meals, gifts & activities a guy can pay for as he is happily willing and able, because he wants to,she likes HIM.

When she asks or even demands, communicating that she expects him to be spending large amounts of money in order to spend time with her, she doesn't like him. 
She likes the money.

She wants a guy who will make her feel safe, that he can protect her if she needed him to do so.

I have seen it written that when a guy is really into a girl, when and ONLY when he is free to do this honestly, truthfully, sincerely.

Profess ~ Tell her how you feel, whether it means that you love her, just want to be friends (friends,means no sexual interaction!).
Provide ~ Somehow, I think you men can figure this out on your own!
Protect ~ Arms around her when she is sad or cold or scared. An umbrella from the rain. A listening ear, a strong shoulder.

Needless to say. I am a traditional girl.

Please feel free to comment, please be courteous.




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