Saturday, October 22, 2016

Being Real

In a world where nearly everything can be faked, it can be a challenge to be authentic. 
It can be a challenge for some people to be where they say they will be, do as they say they will. 

Even returning a phone call is sometimes difficult for some people who allow themselves to lapse into the pervasive cancer of being a flake. Also sometimes known as "ghosting". Just plain not valuing the other person enough to give them the courtesy of a returned call, a card in the mail, an email, a quick text. A person who is where they say they will be, when they say they will be there. Letting the other(s) know if they are going to be delayed or unable to make it.

With so many communication devices, there is no valid excuse. 
Flaky behaviors?
Ain't nobody got time for that!!!!!
Not me, anyway!

Having a decent amount of challenges, myself, I STILL remain very authentic.      
In a world where the cancer of flakiness is more common, people tend to be skeptical of other people who are very:

down to earth

Pick your adjective !

Being someone who is who I say I am, keeping my promises & commitments or giving others a heads up when delayed or absolutely have to cancel. It makes me more of a pariah than anything.
Have to simply be who I am. Also be thelemic.
Being thelemic used to be my challenge as having to figure out that I am more caring, more sincere than is common in todays world had not dawned on me quite yet.
Slow learner, ah s'pose! :/

Over time, those people who are flaky, fake, uncaring, tend to drop off my radar. 
Water seeks its own level?

Awhile back, I tried being like the flaky, uncaring people who are so frustrating, annoying, etcetera. It felt horrible.
I actually felt my heart aching from doing things that caused the very uneasiness in other people which had caused me some levels distrust of them in me!
It felt like dark spots were forming on my soul!

William Shakespeare knew that being true to yourself is a higher, better way to be.
Thanks, man!



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...