Monday, October 31, 2016


He made me feel I was beautiful with one simple word
More beautiful than anyone or anything
Has ever or could ever in my life
Reassuring words for him
Kind eyes on me
His smile

His words meant more to me than any money or chocolate
Sweeter and more caressing than I ever heard
It was the way he spoke in such a hush
Steady gazing eyes a bit of caution
Sincerity personified 

His presence was a charismatic blend of gentleman & celebrity
Taking in my every movement with such attentiveness
Truly listening to drink my words in with care
Listening not just waiting to respond

It's my hope in my woman's heart that he felt respected
As a man desires to be respected by a woman
I truly felt the deep respect for him

Expressions of wonder mixed with trepidation in his gaze
He made me feel cared about like no other

He made me feel attractive, safe, important, respected, desired

It seemed that the chemistry & complement was mutual

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Holding It In

This morning, I noticed something. When getting ready for the day aka ready to work out, the yoga pants I put on, were loose around my belly.

Yeah - Yeah, fitness talk!

There was a tight feeling in my lower abs. Did Santa know what I wanted & brought it early? It's too late in the year for the Easter Bunny or my birthday! Although Halloween is a couple days away, it's more delightful than it is frightening!

With my weight steadily dropping, 80/20 clean eating, daily cardio. Add in the 20 - 30 weighted squats every day, my abs are becoming more firm, more flat. It's happening!

Some people are naturally slender or knew how to remain at a healthy weight.
Unfortunately, I wasn't one of those people.

Having to work my way back to a healthy BMI as well as reducing weight, it feels very nearly miraculous to me when my belly is flat without having to suck it in then hold it in! Putting my jeans on, to go to Sunday School, I tucked my blouse in, something ordinary? Au contraire. I used to tuck my shirts & silky blouses in all the time until I had gained too much weight.
Now? I tuck my shirts & silky blouses in all the time, it feels so good! The proof of my belly getting more flat & firm with time.

To a logical, reasonably intelligent person it would only be a matter of cause & effect. Seeing me, as I work out, gasping for breath, drenched in sweat, it would only make sense for the changes in my body to occur!

Being grateful for everything is part of my personality.
Therefore, it feels miraculous to me that the return of muscle tone as well as flat toned abs is returning! Not where I want to be, yet, getting there, slowly.
If you are of the same ilk as I was, it may be something you can understand.
I know I'm going to have to find a new favorite pair of jeans in a few months. 
I'm on the 8th notch in on my belt ( the last one in) , so, probably a new belt, too. 
O darn!

It's been a difficult journey, turning back into who I really am. Changing everything about my life. Changing eating habits, sleeping habits, total permanent lifestyle overhaul! Yes, permanent!

Going on a temporary "diet" will yield temporary results. Permanent changes, well, .....yeah, you know!

It IS difficult, yet, so rewarding, so satisfying!

Had to do it for myself!
I'm worth it!
If you decide to make whatever positive changes, it has to come from within.
Do it for you!

You're worth it!

Peace out!

Friday, October 28, 2016

What do girls want?

Being just one girl out of thousands in the world, it's safe to say, I can only speak for myself. 
Also, having discussed the topic of what other girls desire, just as safe to say that other girls want many of the same things I want, also, some things different from me.

Having heard this lament from guys, many times~

"I want a woman who knows what she wants!"

It seems to me that guys DO want a girl who knows what she wants, just as long as what she wants is what he, also wants and/or can give her if he can.

If she doesn't want what he wants or can't give her, well, he will comfort himself with, "Oh, she was just crazy."

Many guys seem to give all women the same dismissal under one blanket statement ~

"She was crazy."

Other derivatives?

There's ~ 

She was crazy ~
~ Psycho
~ Stupid
~ Lazy
~ Frigid
~ too slutty
~ not slutty enough
~ Demanding
~ Bitchy
~ Weird

All of these seem to allow the guy to forget that he was a total jerk to her, cheated on her, blamed her for his faults.
This is an easy out. This is also a little boys way, not a man.

Taking responsibility for your own actions is the first step to maturity. Let the other person arrive at their own conclusions, taking on their part in the breakdown in a relationship.

I digress.

What do girls want?

A quote attributed to Marilyn Monroe, although I'm not quite sure she actually said it ~

"All a girl wants is for one guy to prove to her that they are not all the same way."

This pretty much sums it up. How does a guy do that? Relatively simple. It does require some self discipline, some self control. It takes a guy who is self confident plus mature enough to get over his fears of getting attached, getting hurt, looking stupid.

It takes courage!!!

As long as both the guy and the girl are truly legally & emotionally single, available, all systems ~ GO! 
F.Y.I. ~ Separated is still married, living with baby mama means you're still attached, therefore NOT single.
As long as there is chemistry, commonalities, both the guy & girl like each other as people, all systems ~ GO!

From my own experience as well as what I have heard from other girls, here is the incomplete list.

Girls want:

A guy who will get to know what is between her ears without trying to get between her legs as the main objective to achieve.

A guy who calls when he says he will call, shows up when he says he will show up, is where he says he will be. If he has a very truthful reason why he can't carry through with plans ( a legitimate death in the immediate family, called in to work, is really physically ill, etc.) cancel within 6 hours minimum. More time would be better.

A gentleman, he opens the door, then holds it while she walks through first, then, he follows. (It's not rocket science!) He uses polite words out of respect for her. As you get to know each other better, some girls are okay with "colorful metaphors."

A guy who takes care of himself physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. If he can take care of himself, he can take care of her and it will make her want to take care of him in return. 
Like it or not, this is a very attractive trait. 

These are just the basics. 

A guy will know that she likes him when she keeps responding to him. 

Guess what? A girl who truly likes a guy will not require him to have a lot of money or to spend a lot of money on her for her to like him.

When a girl accept the meals, gifts & activities a guy can pay for as he is happily willing and able, because he wants to,she likes HIM.

When she asks or even demands, communicating that she expects him to be spending large amounts of money in order to spend time with her, she doesn't like him. 
She likes the money.

She wants a guy who will make her feel safe, that he can protect her if she needed him to do so.

I have seen it written that when a guy is really into a girl, when and ONLY when he is free to do this honestly, truthfully, sincerely.

Profess ~ Tell her how you feel, whether it means that you love her, just want to be friends (friends,means no sexual interaction!).
Provide ~ Somehow, I think you men can figure this out on your own!
Protect ~ Arms around her when she is sad or cold or scared. An umbrella from the rain. A listening ear, a strong shoulder.

Needless to say. I am a traditional girl.

Please feel free to comment, please be courteous.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

I Take Chances

Bonus blog entry! Ha ha, yupp!

Feeling very prolific today as I am, yes, a second entry for today!

Maybe it's the feeling of strength I have from a good hard workout this morning. 
Maybe it's the victory of having found the way to gain muscle, drop weight, steadily, slowly, the healthy way.
My weight is the lowest it has been in a long long time & dropping. It will drop by 1/2 lb, hold for a couple days, then drop by 1 more lb. Slowly, steadily, it's happening. So exhilarating! 
Victory is mine!

I'm done crowing. (for today) :)

Taking chances, I believe, is the product of a deep curiosity, an active imagination, an intelligent, creative mind. 

If I press this button, what will it do?

If I touch this, what will it feel like?

Will it hurt?

Will be smooth or rough?

What is his name? What is his favorite color?

Something new? I want to try it!!!

Something that has been around awhile which I have, as yet, had little opportunity to try? The opp is here? YESS! Let's go!

When saying that I take chances, I'm talking about smaller experiences. The bigger thaanngs? Those are calculated, informed risks. The higher the probability of damage whether spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, I do a bit of research for those risks.

Trying anything that is new or new to me is something that is very exciting, to me. It does it for me, makes me tick-tick-tick. Yes, it can even be said that it turns me on! Flips the switch!

Chances I have taken in the past are ~

Moving to Texas
Meeting someone in Las Vegas in 2014
Trying a new pre-workout supp that other people hated
(I like it)
Following a path out by the lake just to see where it leads

Receiving an email from someone with his phone number & a request to phone him. I didn't know him, he was fun to talk to!
I blocked my number. Calculated risk! lol.

Life is full of surprises. When taking small or large risks, it only adds to the adventure!

Do it!
Learn it!
Love it!
Live it!

Integrity & An Aha Moment!

Does it make sense?
It will in a moment!

Technology, electronics, gadgets, they all fascinate me! The stereotype of the over 40 person who doesn't understand or like technology, doesn't like social media, etc.? It doesn't apply to me!
I love it!

Getting a new phone, iPad, laptop or the opportunity to play with technology is exciting to me. It's the attitude of ~

Let's see what this beyotch can doooooooooo!  :)

Recently, I "acquired" an new iPad as a gift. Legally, honestly, a gift. When I played with it, which spells F-U-N fun, for me, I found some information which, if I had been a dishonest person with low integrity, would have gotten me some $$$. The information in the form of user accounts with their passwords gave me access to financial as well as personal information.

Sherman Kendall, my beloved grandfather told me that if a person cannot be trusted with money, they can't be trusted with anything else. In today's world, if a person utilizes user account names & their passwords for their own gain, they can't be trusted.
A modern twist on my grandfathers advice!
My grandfather was very Jeffersonian in nature. He would have loved the challenges plus the uses for the technology of today!

When playing with my iPad, I found the exact information I described. Rapid heart rate, a rush of blood ensued as I realized just what I had. It was DEFINITELY and AHA! moment.

If I were a dishonest, untrustworthy person, I could have used the information to my advantage. I had access to bank accounts, social media user names & passwords. Email account addresses & the passwords.

Being a person with integrity, I went to one of the people whose personal information, I had. I showed her how I uncovered the information so she could protect her privacy, keeping it from falling into the wrong iPad users possession. 

Showing her the user names & passwords, then, with her as my witness, deleted the information right in front of her. 

It felt good.

It was proof of my integrity on display.

Trust & verified trust. A head rush!

There are so many liars, cheaters, fakes, flakes & backstabbers out there in the world. Unfortunately, I have met far too many.

Personally, I am not in any of those categories. When people meet me, they are a bit skeptical. I am very sincere, very genuine, people doubt as to my authenticity. As in, if it seems to good to be true, it's most likely fake.

Not thizz chick!

Am not perfect, of course, no one is. We all fall down in our integrity at times. Some people in big ways, some people, in small ways. It truly is a learning process. OMGoodness, have I ever learned. The painful way, the hard way, the way in which a person is forever changed on many levels.

My experience of today was my integrity on display!


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Price of Peace

During this time in my life, I'm happy to say ~

I have more peace.

Life is imperfect for me as it is with many people. There is very little expectation for it to be perfect. Perfect is over rated. 
If your life is perfect?
Take a long look at yourself, you might be a dog. 

When divorcing in 2007, I found myself completely alone for the first time in my entire life. As a child, I had my parents, siblings, neighbors, extended family, school classmates.
While serving in the USAF, there were room mates, work associates, social events.
After marriage there was the huzz (now he is ex-huzz), then children, fellow church go-ers, military community people.

When I divorced? 
Most people deserted me. 
People who I only thought were friends turned their backs on me. 

The people who had been appointed as guardians of my children, you know, "just in case", they no longer kept in touch. 

My brothers & sister, as well as other extended family didn't reach back when I contacted them. It was 1 way communication.

Only one person out of the hundreds I knew, stuck by me. My dear friend, Janice. She was there for me, she is there for me, now, consistently. My angel friend who supports me with no judgment.

Even my children became estranged from me, for a time. Only my youngest has made consistent effort to show her love & care which I am grateful for. Concentrating on who I do have is healthy.

Life was HARD for me when I was married. Full of turmoil, manipulation, verbal abuse, constant work, constant disappointment, constantly having the proverbial rug jerked from under my feet, over and over. It was easier than when I served in the military, yet, still, being married was difficult for me.

When I moved out, alone, into a place where I lived alone in a 2 BD, 2 BA town home, I had panic attacks. Maybe anxiety attacks are the same thing? I had anxiety attacks to the point of hallucinating, vomiting, being unable to get out of my bed.

It was a rough adjustment for me. 

Then, there was the horror of the single world. The equally horrible world of dating. 
Oh, people expect newly single people to laugh, smile, drink, cavort, acting as if they are having a great time! 
I was a good actress.
It was a terrible time, a deeply painful adjustment to be completely alone for the first time in my entire life. It's something that a person has to experience to know what it's like. I would wish a more positive experience for others.

I had the quiet in my life without the peace for the first 4 years. Too much quiet, in fact. The ring of silence in the air was deafening. Learning how to be single all over again was hard. That's an understatement. The single life had changed in countless ways since I had been single. I was also a different person than who I had been during my early single girl days.
For the first time in many years, I had to face, head-on, the symptoms of the PTSD from the time I served in the military. There was nothing bigger than those issues to divert my attention from it.

Truly, it seemed like it would be easy to just find someone, couple up and start a new life with a new guy, go on with life from there.

If Michael had lived, this may have been the case. Umm, nope. It didn't happen.

As time went on, I felt myself turning back into who I really am, who I was born to be, plus, many improvements. During my marriage I was forced into the mold of what others wanted me to be. Conform to their wishes in order to have peace.

4 years prior to the divorce, I started going to a gym to work out consistently for the first time in my life. Those first workouts began to change my body, yet, more importantly, they began to change my mind. The more I worked out, the more I wanted to work out, the more I worked out because I wanted to, the more steadily I began to change. Mind, body, spirit.

After many painful dating disappointments, I discovered Yoga. I went to Yoga classes 2 - 3 days weekly. This added to my metamorphosis back into who I really am. I felt the same feelings of wonder, of confidence, of serenity, coming back into my life.

6 years post divorce, I left Colorado, a place I was forced to move to by the ex huzz. That was the beginning of the end for me.
I had the worst experiences of my life in Colorado! It was a place which I hated more, the longer I was there.
I was excited to move to Texas!
It was my choice to move to Texas. Things didn't happen as I had thought they would in Texas, yet, maybe they have happened the way they are supposed to happen.

Having given up a lot to turn back into who I really am, it was the price I paid to have peace in my life, in my heart, in my mind.

This is the incomplete list of the price I paid:

Loss of family
Loss of stability
Loss of ability to sleep, fall asleep, stay asleep all night
Loss of community
Loss of identity
Loss of spiritual faith in a higher power
Loss of financial income
Loss of holiday celebrations
Loss of those who I only thought were my friends
Loss of home

This is the incomplete list of what I have gained or gained back:

Deeper understanding 
Personal identity
Sense of self
Physical health
Strength & toned body
Deeper compassion
Personal freedom to choose for myself
Financial management skills
Mechanical skills
Personal spiritual faith

I still have the recurring nightmares which is a symptom of PTSD, still, I have difficulty trusting everyone. Hopefully, these will be healed in time along with the occasional anxiety, as well as the workplace anxiety I have experienced in the past.

At the time of this writing, I do feel a deeper, greater peace than I did in 2007.
Possibly, it's because I have worked my way back to having, for the most part, control over my life. Freedom to take action to accomplish that which is important to me without fear of repercussions from those who are supposed to be supportive yet, stab me in the back at most opportunities.

I paid a price to have peace back in my life. For some people, the price may have been too difficult for them to bear.
For me?
The price was definitely high, yet, once I set the wheels into motion to leave an abusive marriage, to gain relative peace of mind, turning back was an option that left the table.

Life is different than I thought it would be. Life is, however, I believe that it is happening the way it's supposed to.

The saying, "All things happen for a reason" is false.

Things happen due to peoples actions or non-actions.

When we choose to do something we also choose not to do something else. (Unknown author of quote)

If given the choice, I will choose that which gives me peace in my heart & mind.


Monday, October 24, 2016

My Cathartic Book

Many people possess maturity & a savvy knowledge of life at a young age, say, in their teens, early 20s.  Some are still quite immature, even at the age of 25.
I was somewhere in the middle.

It was when I was new to the USAF, barely 19 years of age, newly assigned to Hickam AFB, Hawai'i. I had a deliciously tormenting crush on someone who, as is sometimes said, 
"didn't even know I was alive." 
Or, so, it seemed to me, at the time.

The residual feelings of my crush on him lasted long after I had left Hickam AFB, long after I had married, separated from the military, had 4 children. Even now, it still, very softly lingers.

*******I divorced in 2007 for my own personal reasons.
NOTHING at all to do with my "crush".*************

The best way I can describe it is that I didn't want the crush ~

It wanted me! 

Even when the object of my crush clearly did not. The residual feelings stayed with me a long time.

Originally, I thought I was writing the book manuscript for future publication. 
The beauty of writing the manuscript is that it was more cathartic in helping me to resolve my feelings than it was anything. 
For the most part, it helped. It would have been nice if it quashed every last shred of how I felt.
Presently, I am grateful for what I have. A bittersweet memoir.

I apologize for the poor quality of the book's cover. When you see it, you will realize what I'm apologizing for.

This is only the prologue.


                    ~ Sweet Liberty ~
Coming of Age as an American Servicewoman

Maybe he will recognize himself in these pages of my memoirs; maybe he will shrug it off, explaining it to himself as coincidence. He may never hear of my book. This is not the type of book a man would pick up to read. With the little I knew of him, at least. this is not the kind of book HE would pick up to read.

This is a story of no-closure and unrequited passion. 

I have carried it in my heart, in my mind, it would not leave me. It would torment and tease me, waking me after having crept its' way into my dreams. Just when I thought I had solved the what-ifs and whys, it came to me again and again to cajole me into reliving it all over again. I carried the feeling with me for so long, my thought is that by writing my manuscript I might be able to create for myself, the closure I was denied, then, be at peace.

If he had been a man who sought to use me, treat me unkindly, toss me aside, I could have easily written him off with, 
"What a jerk, I hope he rots!"
He wasn't like that.
He was thoughtful, kind, compassionate, intelligent, humorous, mischievous and so mysterious to me from the beginning.

I had plenty of male attention. Often, too much and not the good kind, either. It was the damaging kind that gives PTSD.

I had a few good guys paying attention to me. If I had wanted, I could have had a date for any occasion that I wished for.

So, why? Why, HIM? 

Why did he intrigue me? It was as if I had radar for him. If he was nearby, I knew it, my heart would begin to pound out of control. My palms would sweat, my knees were jelly. From that place inside my soul that every woman who loves a man of his caliber, knows, it would start. It was a vulnerable trembling and softness in a reaction to his presence which I experienced so powerfully around him.

Was this what it was like to have "chemistry" with someone? If it only goes one way was it still "chemistry"? Did it, in fact, go both ways between us or did he simply feel that I was an annoyance? 

An immature young woman with a crush on the enigma presented by the display of a Pararescue hunk in a flight suit & maroon beret?

I know for a fact that he had a presence like no other I had ever felt before or since. 

It was a raw and wild sexuality kept in check only by military bearing. Rules he had to live by, grueling extensive training, phenomenal life experiences that made him very nearly super-human. Part of the course which all selectees must pass is casually referred to as Superman School. The euphemism fits.

He was so much more than a well trained PJ.

I could tell from observing him that he had his own personal code of conduct that respects the American flag, his mother, the preciousness of the lives he helped to save.

After all, the motto of the Pararescue Squadrons, or the P.J.'s as they are affectionately referred to, is:

"That Others May Live"

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Being Real

In a world where nearly everything can be faked, it can be a challenge to be authentic. 
It can be a challenge for some people to be where they say they will be, do as they say they will. 

Even returning a phone call is sometimes difficult for some people who allow themselves to lapse into the pervasive cancer of being a flake. Also sometimes known as "ghosting". Just plain not valuing the other person enough to give them the courtesy of a returned call, a card in the mail, an email, a quick text. A person who is where they say they will be, when they say they will be there. Letting the other(s) know if they are going to be delayed or unable to make it.

With so many communication devices, there is no valid excuse. 
Flaky behaviors?
Ain't nobody got time for that!!!!!
Not me, anyway!

Having a decent amount of challenges, myself, I STILL remain very authentic.      
In a world where the cancer of flakiness is more common, people tend to be skeptical of other people who are very:

down to earth

Pick your adjective !

Being someone who is who I say I am, keeping my promises & commitments or giving others a heads up when delayed or absolutely have to cancel. It makes me more of a pariah than anything.
Have to simply be who I am. Also be thelemic.
Being thelemic used to be my challenge as having to figure out that I am more caring, more sincere than is common in todays world had not dawned on me quite yet.
Slow learner, ah s'pose! :/

Over time, those people who are flaky, fake, uncaring, tend to drop off my radar. 
Water seeks its own level?

Awhile back, I tried being like the flaky, uncaring people who are so frustrating, annoying, etcetera. It felt horrible.
I actually felt my heart aching from doing things that caused the very uneasiness in other people which had caused me some levels distrust of them in me!
It felt like dark spots were forming on my soul!

William Shakespeare knew that being true to yourself is a higher, better way to be.
Thanks, man!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

I Wish I could Share!

Out there in the world, everywhere, there are couples. They laugh, share, fight, make babies, get married, buy homes. To someone who is single, it looks as if these "couples" have it all.

Looks can be accurate, looks can also be deceiving.

I hear the lament from my single female compadres a lot. Whereas most guys are only interested in sex, girls are mostly hard wired to be in a relationship.

I would rather be respected by a guy than I would want to be sexually desired. 
Lust is easy to find, real love and caring, not so much.

It's pure torture for so many single girls who see all of the couples out there, while they don't have a guy in their life.

I found my way to a peaceful place in my life wherein I'm happy to be single. I'm fine with cooking for one, going to movies by myself. Doing as I wish, whenever I want to. 

That means that I'm fine without a guy in my life as I would be fine with one. Either way, I'm happy. He wouldn't "complete me", we would be a complement to each other.
The one drawback is that I don't dish out B.S., I also won't tolerate it. 

So, single by choice. 

When I was out there in the dating world, it seemed to me that too many guys are not being taught the honorable way to treat women. 

Hold on, there, cowboy!

I love guys and just about everything about y'all!

I'm a girl, so, I write from a feminine perspective.

Too many guys assume falsely that sexual intercourse is supposed to be a part of dating.
It isn't.

That's why it's called "dating" not "screwing around."

Getting to know each other as people, first, before anything, is so under-rated. Once the heavy make outs start, Pandoras Box is opened. The issues become cloudy, inhibiting the process of getting to know each other. 
Best to remain vertical with clothes on, stay in a lit area where there are other people. Talk, do things together. Work out, go to movies, sit down to dinner with family!
(I LOVE to cook!)

I have it so much easier than many of the single girls I know. Getting my heart shattered in 2012, I decided to give myself the gift of remaining celibate, concentrating on fitness! 
This is how I do, lol!

I enjoy my peaceful life, the yearning to have a man in my life is not there, any longer. I'm not actively looking. Living my life, being happy, exploring the great indoors!

When I hear the anguish, the pain, the frustration of other single girls, who want a guy in their lives so much, I wish I could bottle my attitude for them to ingest.

Take 1 inogivafook tablet by mouth with water as needed.

If this condition of wanting to couple up goes away ~


You're cured!

Welcome to my world!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Get Up!

I fall down sometimes then I get up again
Stronger than I would have been

Falling down is just a part of living
There can be no taking if there is no giving

Simple words simple thoughts they may be
A theme of life though you may disagree

Hills and valleys with many ups many downs
Tears full of sorrow days full of frowns

They give way to times of sunshiny ways
So that we can enjoy the kinder days

I fall down sometimes as do we all 
It's just a blip just a temporary stall

When you feel sad? When you feel hopeless?


I will, so will you!

Friday, October 14, 2016

It's So Hard

Why oh why do people complicate things that are so simple. So naturally straight forward!

The sweetness of boy meets girl, the natural progression of:

First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then they're pushing a baby carriage

In the horror of today's world, it's more like:

See the guy thinking only of his dick
He can fool all the girls
So selfish, so sick


See the girl who's the pretty plastic one
Makes him spend all his money
Just for her fun

Isn't this so very sad? To reduce human beings to little more than genitalia, selfishness, money? Unfortunately, it's the sad reality of life in the dating world of 2016.

Do you want the good news?

The good news is that it can be different.
When people stop using the debasing phrase "Adult Fun" to describe the act which should be sacred, as little more than trivial volley, it's a nice beginning.
When people who vow to keep themselves only for their beloved who they solemnly declare to be committed and faithful to, actually honor their promise, this is also a good contribution.
When people choose their beloved husband or wife carefully, then, treat the one they chose with loving care & kindness, this is also a positive contribution.

There's more.

A quote which I have heard:

One definition of a COWARD is a man who awakens the love in a woman with no follow through to actually love her in return.


Food for preponderance.

Bon soir.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's Happening!

Yeah, yeah, it goes without saying that when someone has met their goals, riding high, they will, at times tell others to keep going! Keep pushing through the pain even when you are lacking motivation. Even when you would rather give up. Even when you see others achieving their goals while you feel as if you're standing still.
As my ever so eloquent father used to say:

Even when pigs are flyin' outta your ass.

He had a 3rd grade education, lol, must be how he learned to speak with such grace & charm.

There are times when I feel a bit discouraged, tired, wanting to go anywhere except the gym. I go, anyway.
There are also times when I "fall off the wagon" and eat badly, then get punished by my body for my transgression against it when it's a non-cheat meal, cheating anyway. I pay for it.
It's the pain after the partay. *smile*

It's self sabotage of my goals.

Sabotage by guilty pleasures.

~ Ice Cream
~ Gum Drop Candy
~ Too much bread
~ Too much of anything
~ Jameson Whiskey (Michaels favorite!)
~ Wine
~ Whipped Cream Vodka (YUM!)

Yep, I do, sometimes impede my own progress. In the past few weeks, I have been more strict than usual with my eating habits. Although I allowed myself a small container of mint chocolate chip ice cream (Anita was buying!), a glass of wine (it was Anita's birthday!) I balanced it by not cheating in private, at home, alone, with my candy, bread, vodka, wine. The usual suspects.

Now? The pay off!

I'm gaining more muscle tone, while my weight is dropping! 

My weight is the lowest it's been in a long, long time! Seeing this happen for me gives me more determination to be strict with myself. The pay off progress is thrilling!

When I hit the dreaded plateau, that's my body, telling me to change it up! So, I change it up. Hit the Stair Master more than the elliptical. Add in an evening workout to my morning workout.

It makes me feel so good, so much more alive!

It's happening!

I wish I could share, more effectively with others just how good they can feel if they just start a fitness routine. 
90% of all disease can be managed, even cured with weight loss & making permanent healthy changes.

When I was at my heaviest, the doctor suggested blood pressure meds, thyroid meds, cholesterol meds. Meds Meds Meds. UGH!

Not this chik. That was one big wake up call.

If you want to get started, here is how I started.

I walked on the treadmill for 5 minutes. Felt like I was dying! I kept it up, just 5 minutes every day.
Soon, my body craved more, 5 minutes was too easy.
That's how I started. Different methods work for different physiology's. 

Find what works for you.

It's happening for me!

It can happen for you!

Go get 'em TIGER!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Second Chances

Do you give second chances to people or experiences which have turned out less than favorable in the past? 
Long question, big impact!

Have you given a second chance, only to have it blow up in your face, rear back to give you a second dose of damage?

Have you given a second chance to then, have it turn out to be so delightful that you're so happy you went to round two?

It's a slippery slope, my loves.

There are many adages against second chances. One of my faves:

"If the milk has gone sour, it won't become sweet if you put it back in the fridge, then take it out once again."

As an optimistic person, I DO believe in second chances. I have been both the giver as well as the recipient.
It's been a mixed bag.

Another fave adage:

"I give more chances to people than they probably deserve, yet, when I'm done, I'M DONE."

Tending to live by the second adage, yeah, I have had more than my fair share of emotional pain dealt to me. I get right back up, filled with fresh optimism. It may have hurt me, yet, I will still have my joy, my peace of mind.
Maybe less trustful, yet, still, happy, optimistic, a heart of gold.

In my life, in present day, I feel as if I have received a second chance at happiness, love, a good life.
Girls who are naturally slender have it a bit easier in life. Before my first pregnancy, I was one of those girls.
After 4 babies, my metabolism had slowed to a slight crawl, I was miserable in a marriage with a verbally/emotionally abusive male. I ate to escape the emotional pain.

Hitting the gym was dead last on my to-do list.

You've heard my story before, so, avoiding redundancy.

I started out in slender, physical fitness then, slowly morphed into morbid obesity. It happened so slowly, I hardly noticed it.

As a gym goddess, I have come almost full circle. Time spent as I studied, asked questions of PTs or anyone who could offer me helpful information. Taking that knowledge and studying some more to figure out how to apply healthy life practices to my own individual physiology. 
The journey to get back into the athletic condition I was in at 20 years of age has been a long one. It's been filled with pain, sweat, numerous hours at the gym. Changing up my workouts to keep the Brenda bod guessing!
The day I was at the Peterson AFB Fitness Center, when I began a Yoga practice, changed my life.
Yoga looks easy, effortless. It requires more effort than it seems.
Pilates? ditto.

The second chance I have received to re-invent myself only to re-invent myself over and over again. Changing music preference, clothing styles, locations, ways of thinking, ways of doing things. They all feel like a second chance.
A reset button, if you will. The same feeling of fresh awareness that I had, when leaving my parents home at the age of 18 to begin serving in the USAF.
Maybe it's useless to wish that I had the same knowledge back then as I do now. 
I still wish it, though. Yes, I would have done many things differently.
Less naivety, more awareness of opportunities available to me, more courage to take the roads I was afraid to take. More courage to lash out at those who assaulted me during my time in the USAF. I felt so vulnerable, so alone. 
The person I am now?
I would have screamed like a banshee! Maybe it would have made a difference, maybe not, I was too scared to fight my attackers.

So, in present day, I feel like I have a second chance with my newly developing muscle, BMI dropping lower, weight dropping lower. The lowest it has been in a long long time!
No surgery, no pills involved.
Lots of time & sweat!
Lots of self discipline.

Yes, I have given second chances to people. Sometimes it was a sweet surprise, with very happy results. Sometimes it was a truckload of pain. 'Nuff said!

I still believe in the goodness of people.

Follow my heart with brain engaged, now. Trust & verify.

A mature mind, with a child like attitude of simplicity, wonder, joy.

I still believe in love, in happily ever after, in magical things happening in my life. The difference a day can make is real!

What will life hold for me?

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Something New!

Fitness talk, ahead.
Curves, muscles, happy talk!

Spending 2 hours, sometimes more, at the gym, working on a better bod, releasing endorphins or dorphs is second nature to me, now.
Spending 20 - 40 minutes on the Stair Master does my glutes & hammies some good, delivers after burn, pain, ya know what's said about no pain!
That's right!

My "something new" is a new muscle forming! During my morning Yoga, right before my morning cardio, there it was!

Right below my waist, slightly above those 2 little dimples, above gluteus maximus.
It had only been a small muscle ache a week ago, which must have been when it was beginning to form.
Just a baby muscle, baby! It's growing up! up! up!

During Yoga Booty, for almost 15 minutes, I'm in plank position, hands & toes, raising first the left leg straight up, alternating bringing the front of left knee across the back of right knee 8 reps.
Then, bringing front of left knee to back of left elbow, 8 reps.
Switch sides, repeat with the right leg.

It's challenging & oh so effective!

This little muscle of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,  um, I mean, grow! 


Monday, October 3, 2016


You're ~


Just as you are.

Have a happy day.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Do you ever.....    

Do you ever feel hopeless.
Do you ever feel scared.
Do you ever feel so frightened.

Frightened, like the monsters under your bed or in your closet are real, yet, no one believes you!

The monsters of the "grown up" world have many different names, different faces.
Their names or titles can be 

Those who disrespect &  alienate their parents
Verbal Abuser
Emotional Abuser
Physical Abuser
Sexual Abuser
Child Abusers 
Serial Adulterer

They all have one aspect in common. All of these monsters create incalculable pain in the lives, in the hearts of those people the purveyors of such pain, profess to love.

The distress has far reaching effects, a ripple effect through time, if you will.

The result is a heaping helping of pain, regret. Things which people should have or should not have done or said
Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda.
Couldn't have, shouldn't have, wouldn't have if only the far reaching consequences had been known. 
Isn't there a Kenny Chesney song like that?

It's a different situation entirely when a person is too toxic to have contact with, too toxic to you, to have them in your life.

There is hope.

While you & those you love are still living, breathing, smiling, laughing, it's best to reach out when you feel that you sincerely can.

It's better to do it & be glad you did, than to with hold the love you feel, then wish you had, when that person passes on. 
None of us knows when our time or someone else's time on earth will be done.
Life is so fragile, it can end in an instant, that will be it, the opportunity will be lost.

Reach out in love, with sincerity. 
Reap the joy.



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...