Thursday, January 14, 2016

Love & Romance Coming Up!

It's mid January, you knew that, right?

The day that many love, some despise as well as a significant number of people look to with dread. Call it a pseudo holiday if you wish, some call it "Singles Awareness Day." As for moi, it's Valentines Day, that's the official name of the fourteenth day of February. Valentines Day, as in "you're my..."  or "will you be my....." also "o sh*t, I hate that day". Ha ha.

I see Valentines Day as a day to spread a bit of extra love to people who might need it, who might not have any or enough love in their life. Can a person have too much love? If you are one of the fortunate few out there, who has too much, maybe you could consider sharing a bit with people who might need it. Some of the ways I spread the love around on Valentines Day is to give to people who I don't know, who seem a bit stressed, sad or angry.

Have heard it said that everything is either love or a cry for love. Not sure, but okay,

Some ways I do this is:

Pre-order 1 dozen red roses (everyone will be out of them if you don't pre-order). I go through my day, work, errands, etc., handing a rose to each person I meet who seems to need a little love.

Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! I buy a box of those wonderful soft sugar cookies with the butter cream icing which are decorated in a Valentines Day theme. I pass those out when a rose is not convenient or the roses have run out. Paper napkins required.  :)

Grade school valentines! So affordable, they do so much for someone who might be having a tough day.

I used to hide out at home to watch romantic movies on Valentines Day. Sometimes, I would take another single girl out who felt forgotten, sad, hopeless. After our evening out had ended, she usually came out of it with a brighter perspective. Many times, I would see some of these girls take someone else out when Valentines Day rolled around in the following year.

Of course, the optimal would be, to be in a couple, to have a wonderful girl or guy to celebrate with. It doesn't always work out that way. If  there is someone in your life, people forget, they conveniently ignore the opportunity to express their love & caring for others or just one person, who wishes they did.

Life is funny, like that.

While there is still time, while your loved one is still with you, while you can express love in the world, put a little love, a little caring out there in the world. 

Remember to love yourself, too, that's where it starts.

Pass it on.






  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...