Thursday, January 21, 2016

A New Year, A New Matthew, Part Deux! I'm not a cougar. Not in the distorted media representation of a cougar and who/what a cougar is.

Matthew? You're reading this, aren't you? GOOD! Ha ha!

It's my belief that ~

1. The media definition & portrayal of who and what it is that defines a cougar is a pornographic caricature made up by juvenile minded males to stroke their own egos.

2. Labeling cans of veggies? cool. Labeling clothing? ok. Labeling people? no bueno.

The media portrayal of a cougar is an over 40 woman with a sexual appetite that causes her to go out hunting younger guys (usually 18 -39) for the purpose of sexual conquest.

F.Y.I.? Wrong, wrong, wrong.

A female who sleeps around in her teens, 20s & 30s will most likely be doing that in her 40s, 50s & 60s even beyond. That's not a cougar.

What is a cougar, if you must use labels?

She is a girl with class & elegance who has taken care of herself. Mind, body, spirit. She's over the age of 40, still taking care of herself. She knows the importance of staying healthy, active, fit as well as being responsible with her resources. She makes her way in the world without the need to have a man at her side in order to prove that she's worthy, desirable and loved.
She is still classy, not a sleep around type of girl as she never was like that in her teens, 20s nor 30s. She's at her sexual peak.
**However** she still, does not go out "hunting".
The younger guys look at her with respect, curiosity, even lustful attraction. They approach her, just as they would approach a silly girl in her 20s.........except! A woman who could be defined as a classy "cougar" (UGH!) knows better than to fall for the ploys used by a younger guy to get lucky! She's been around the ocean on that yacht and knows how to hold herself in the midst of a hot guys ploys & charm. 
i.e. She won't fall over with her legs in the air, like a silly 20 - 30 something girl, then expect the guy to fall in love with her & want to get married & make babies.

She is pursued by them, just as she was in her 20s & 30s, never the other way around. At the most intense, it's mutual.

Matthew asked me just what a cougar is, well, there ya go! *smile*

So, getting home, I gave Matthew a call. The conversation was very pleasant, enjoyable. He sounds a lot like his father, has the same laugh (I loved his fathers' laugh!) He also has the same intelligence, sense of humor, the graceful manners. Amazing to me, that he didn't know his father very well, yet, he's so much like him.

Matthew liked the photos of me & his father. Sitting down to dinner at Zios Italian, walking through the grounds of  The Broadmoor Hotel. One photo that I wasn't even aware of was when Matthew dared me to climb a tree. I climbed up the tree, then, not even thinking, I hung, upside down to kiss him while someone snapped the photo! Sad that he's gone, yet grateful for the happy memories!

The Matthew I dated was confident, polite, a bit impulsive, spontaneous. Unafraid to playfully ask for what he wanted! Just like his father, 20 minutes into our conversation, Matthew suddenly said, 
"Get on Skype!"
I told him, "Drive to Graham".
Knowing one was actually more do-able than the other. I agreed to get on Skype for 10 minutes, it was getting late & I guard my health with adequate sleep. 


He is so much like his father, it took me back a few years. 

Am not sure where this will go or if it will go anywhere. 

It's a wonderful, sweet surprise, either way.

Having been single for nearly 10 years, I'm happy, peaceful, content. With others in my life, or not, I'm happy. I get my goodies from working out, seeing what my strong, healthy body is still capable of. It's true that I have not even so much as kissed a guy since 2012. 
I'm fine with that. Of course, having a wonderful man in my life would be awesome! Being single for 10 years isn't what I would have predicted nor wanted for my life, however, being happy with the status quot is important.

Guess who is mostly happy?


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