Monday, January 25, 2016

Here we go!


Life has certainly been a bit of a roller coaster ride for the past 10 years. Then again, I have always loved roller coasters! 
Space Mountain, BABY!

Things I had hoped would never happen, have come to be.

Delightful things I could not have even hoped for, came true.

Life is like that.

Is life like that for you?

O, baby, is it ever like that for me!

Yupp, ha ha, and then some.

This morning, I woke up so sore, I really kicked my abs yesterday. Although life is good, I struggle with depression. Yesterday, that mean slobbery dragon of depression started to try to catch up with me. I felt it trying to creep in. My response was ~


I have difficulty sleeping, frequent nightmares when I DO get to sleep. Cold weather, snowy weather, icy weather brings depression on, for me. It usually begins with the first snowfall. It reaches a very high peak from November 26 - February 15, for obvious reasons. After that, as long as the weather stays relatively warm, I do okay. Learning to comfort myself with extra workouts, occasional short road trips, creating future events to look forward to usually work. With no support system in the whole state of Texas, it's a challenge I simply have to face, alone.

Yesterday, the dragon was coming in for the kill. You, know, yeah, the slobbery, snarling, seething, growling, dragon of depression. I rang up a few people, they didn't answer. 

Only one person answered. My good buddy MJ! Yeah, he knows who he is. My superman from USAF Tech School, we go back a ways. Funny, how, when you truly connect with someone, many moons may go by, the friendship connection remains.

He was the shot in the arm I needed. He's funny, thoughtful, insightful. Best of all, he knows me so well, still likes me. The conversation was good, as it always is. After we said good bye, the dragon was waiting for me.
That was when I left for round 2 at the gym! These regular workouts, plus extra workouts are doing amazing things to tone & sculpt my abs.
Am quite sure my 5 minute planks that hurt like hell are making a lot of the changes I see in my abs. Painful, they make me shake all over, sweat, all pain-all gain!
In addition to my planks, yesterday, I went through a circuit of ab exercises I learned from my fave YouTube Fitness channel.
I felt the burn, o yes, yes, I did!

Today, is the pain after the party for my abs. I kinda like it!

In my fatty-poo days, I would have headed for the nearest establishment that sells ice cream. Those days are gone. Clean eating is best. Concentrating on lean protein, mostly veggies, drinking mostly water.

It's the babe life.

Live it!

Love it!


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