Saturday, January 30, 2016

Can't help it.....I'm a hopeless romantic!

What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in & you, kicking me out!
You got my head spinning, no kidding!
I can't pin you down!
What's going on in that beautiful mind?
I'm on your magical mystery ride!
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me!
But I'll be all right!
My head's under water but I'm breathing fine!
You're crazy & I'm outta my mind!
'Cause all of me loves all of you!
All your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me!
I'll give my all to you!
You're my end and my beginning!
Even when I lose I'm winning!

.....and so on.................................

John Legend



The ultimate romantic music. It's the way people should love each other. 
Most people out there are only interested in fucking, using others to boost their ego, getting others to buy "stuff" for them.

They miss out on so much.

The love that should be shared between people transcends self, material possessions, ego strokes.

The selfishness & pain causes males to use girls for their ego strokes & their bodies. The selfishness that causes girls to use guys for money, for whatever they can get from him.
It's sad.
The males who would put forth effort to be authentic in caring for a woman would be rewarded so many times over & over.
The girls wouldn't feel the need for lots of material possessions. Boredom causes many girls to drum up drama. There is something lacking in their lives, so, they use emotional fits to add a little excitement. It's only a bandage for a deeper problem that only they can solve.
Guys would find deeper happiness than they could ever imagine when they find that one girl who just DOES IT for him, then does whatever it takes (within reason, of course) to keep their relationship strong, healthy, happy, fulfilling.

When both people make the other persons happiness their first priority, the relationship will stay strong, will grow, will be fulfilling for both.

I have many acquaintances who have had withstanding, happy marriages from doing this.


All of me loves all of you. 


Haunting (I know, because it haunts my dreams, my thoughts, gives me sweet feelings)


Friday, January 29, 2016

Would you like to have lunch with me?

Just a hypothetical query. I tend to eat healthy.  Mostly raw veggies. Some raw fruit. More salmon than any other protein. Wild caught, Alaskan salmon fillet. YUM!!

Today, I'm going to be a bit bold. A picture!

Yes, this is a foodie pic of my actual lunch. Prepped by moi for moi in my kitchen.

Eating at home more than eating anywhere else is way better. I like my food to look pretty, even when I'm the only one seeing it, eating it. 
Today, it's a bed of organic baby spinach. One sliced boiled egg. One sliced Roma tomato. One small avocado, seeded, peeled, sliced. One 2 oz salmon fillet, pan seared, in coconut oil with snipped fresh basil. My home made raspberry vinaigrette dressing. A little dessert, on the left,  is 1/2 papaya, seeded, sliced.
I'm a simple girl (duh). I can eat the same thing every day, be happy that way or change it up. Usually, 1 cheat meal, on Sunday, with the OSB Singles. 
My fitness goals rock & rule!

Have lunch with me?



(Back-beat - BOOM!)

Ahhh, Alright

Ain't this what you came for? Don't you wish you came more? Girl whatcha playin for?

Ah, c'mon!

Come on.
Come on, let me kiss that, oooo I know you miss that.

What's wrong let me fix that, twist that!

Baby, tonight's the night I let you know, Baby tonight's the night we lose control.

Tonight you need that, tonight believe that.

Tonight, I'll be the best you ever had.

I don't wanna brag.

But, I'll be, the best you ever had.

I don't wanna brag, but, I'll be the best you ever had.



It gets way hotter as the song goes on.

Tonight or Best You Ever Had by John Legend

Quite possibly,the most tastefully sexy song ever written, to date. Oh, there are other songs that were just so blatantly sexual that, they were tasteless. This one is classy, playful, has a great beat to dance to.
It's the words that some girls wish to hear from a guy they love. John Legend has paved the way for the less creative guy. He just has to put this song on, boom. There it is.

I love John Legends music. His other music is equally sensual, playful, warm, inviting.

Many of his tunes are deeply romantic. Very very slightly sexual, mostly romantic. The type of words, the beat, the music that makes a girl feel all soft & sweet in her soul.
He definitely has it all going on, lucky Chrissy Teigen!

(copy & paste )

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Puppy Principle

As spoken of in yesterdays blog entry, today, the Puppy Principle will be shared.
Did you smile?
I felt a smile.
Lots of sweet puppies out there!

I'm a simple girl. Although I have lived & traveled all over the USA, Europe, Central America. 
Cut me some slack.

This is my own theory of how to live a happier life. I'm going to ask you to visualize 4 people, sitting on the floor, 6 feet apart as if sitting at the 4 corners of a square. In the center is a puppy of about 9 weeks of age. The puppy goes to the first person, seeking a pat on the head, maybe a cuddle. The person looks at the puppy with disgust.

"Ew! Get away, you smell. I don't like dogs!"

The puppy walks to the second person 6 feet away. The person says:

"I like dogs, but, I don't like you."

The puppy walks to the next person, again, 6 feet away. Hoping this person will be kinder than the other 2. The puppy approaches the person. The person regards the puppy with a smile. The puppy inches closer, thinking, this person likes me. The person really does like the puppy. As puppy approaches, the person says:

"You're a very cute puppy, I'll pet you, but I'm too busy right now"

The puppy walks away, feeling a bit sad, yet, understands. As Puppy approaches the last person, the person smiles. They stroke the puppy's head, rub the puppy's back. Finally the 4th person says:

"You are such a sweet puppy, you are just the puppy I have wanted. Will you go on a walk with me so we can get to know each other?"

Who do you think the puppy will go to? Stick closer to?

The fourth person. The one who likes the puppy, acts like they like the puppy and verbally acknowledges the puppy. 

Many people in the world will go with person #1, seeking to change that persons mind. 

Some will go to person #2, again, seeking approval, validation, trying to get that person to love them so that they feel worthy. They have never truly learned to love themselves, yet, expect others to value them more than they value themselves.

Then there are some people who go to person #3. They, again, try to change that persons mind, seeking their approval, desperately hoping to be loved, to be validated. They base their self worth upon approval from others, instead of being grounded within themselves.

People who are grounded within themselves, having no desperate need to be loved. Having self love, self respect. They only go toward people of the #4 category.

This is my own little theory, I call it ~ 

The Puppy Principle

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

When Someone Loves You, You Know IT!

It's a fine, delicate line. Many people are very tough to read. Crossword puzzles can be fun.
Rubiks Cubes can be fun.
Playful riddles can be fun.

People puzzles, less than enjoyable.

Most babies are born into a world that is a warm protective bubble. They are loved, protected, all of their needs are met when they have correct parenting. They are bathed in love, adoration, again, when they have correct parenting.
Unfortunately, not all of us, have that correct parenting. I know I didn't have much of a good start in life. Gaining insight, then learning those valuable lessons to keep myself safe, happy, growing, was a painful, time consuming rebirth of sorts. Intense psycho analysis, intense therapy. I got myself straightened out while my children were still almost babies so that I could give them the loving care that is every child's birthright. The tender sweetness of loving them, nurturing, teaching, guiding, showing them the pathways to strong, healthy, confident adulthood. They would need this in a world that can be hostile, cruel, dangerous, hurtful.
Having not had that nurturing environment, I had to spend a great deal of adolescence on into early adulthood, learning many very painful lessons.
There are many predatory people who have an innate sense of others who are more vulnerable to their methods. As a girl in her 20s, the predatory instincts of males to copulate with just about anyone or anything that was suitable often sought me out. I learned, early on, to turn the predators away. Often they became violent, insulting, vindictive, when I called them out. The female predators were not much better. When I was AD USAF, a room-mate robbed me before moving out. I didn't think she would do that, thought that my Supervisor or First Sgt would help me get my money & property back. 
From that time, forward, I stopped trusting males, locked everything up from room mates.
Leaving the dating pool to become a wife & mother, I was sheltered from that. There was a proverbial "lion at the gate" who provided for many needs as well as the needs of my children.
Even he, ultimately, turned into another male who I was a fool to trust.
Going out into the world, on my own, once again, I had forgotten the lessons I learned about predatory males as well as predatory females. The world has definitely become more harsh than it ever was in my initial single days.
Having to re-learn all of those lessons plus the even more harsh reality of the present day was painful. People who are married, think it's okay to date. Sometimes lying about their marital status, sometimes not lying about it, yet, still ensnaring others just the same. It's a scourge upon the earth, when people perpetuate such harmful actions upon others. It causes a great deal of harm, pain, emotional distress. Dark spots upon the souls of others, already struggling to keep their sanity, their trust in others is destroyed.

When a child has correct parenting, they have their instinct intact to be able to discern who the predatory people are. They learn to avoid such evil so that they may grow & mature safely.

This knowledge has come back to me. Having not had the correct parenting, and now, having relearned & added onto those lessons I learned in my 20s. It has brought me to the realization of discernment as to who is truly benevolent as well as to avoid those who are not. There are also many levels of benevolence.

An old song seems to sum it up:

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to be used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them just want to be abused

Or the way Deepak Chopra says it:

There are those who want to hurt you
Those who want to help you
Those who simply leave you alone

It has taken time, many experiences, yet, I have learned to only turn to those who wish to help me.

Deepak Chopra says:

Those who want to hurt you only want what they can take from you or will accept everything from you. They want you to stay the same without growing or changing as this suits them and their purpose, yet, leaves you stagnating.

Those who leave you alone, care not whether you are suffering. They are only concerned with themselves.

Those who want to help you will acknowledge your suffering, will help you in whatever capacity they can even if only to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on. They will do as much as they can within their capacity to help not only you, but, others as well. I feel it necessary to add that they will lend help & support in person when possible, on the phone is a poor substitute, yet, second best.

Wise words.

When someone truly cares about me, as a person, with no methods employed to get what they can from me such as sex,money, possessions, care taking, etc, I know they truly care. This shows more about them than it does about me or really any other person who has whatever need.

I go toward those who genuinely care.

I have a "puppy principle."

More on that, next time.

Stay tuned.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Here we go!


Life has certainly been a bit of a roller coaster ride for the past 10 years. Then again, I have always loved roller coasters! 
Space Mountain, BABY!

Things I had hoped would never happen, have come to be.

Delightful things I could not have even hoped for, came true.

Life is like that.

Is life like that for you?

O, baby, is it ever like that for me!

Yupp, ha ha, and then some.

This morning, I woke up so sore, I really kicked my abs yesterday. Although life is good, I struggle with depression. Yesterday, that mean slobbery dragon of depression started to try to catch up with me. I felt it trying to creep in. My response was ~


I have difficulty sleeping, frequent nightmares when I DO get to sleep. Cold weather, snowy weather, icy weather brings depression on, for me. It usually begins with the first snowfall. It reaches a very high peak from November 26 - February 15, for obvious reasons. After that, as long as the weather stays relatively warm, I do okay. Learning to comfort myself with extra workouts, occasional short road trips, creating future events to look forward to usually work. With no support system in the whole state of Texas, it's a challenge I simply have to face, alone.

Yesterday, the dragon was coming in for the kill. You, know, yeah, the slobbery, snarling, seething, growling, dragon of depression. I rang up a few people, they didn't answer. 

Only one person answered. My good buddy MJ! Yeah, he knows who he is. My superman from USAF Tech School, we go back a ways. Funny, how, when you truly connect with someone, many moons may go by, the friendship connection remains.

He was the shot in the arm I needed. He's funny, thoughtful, insightful. Best of all, he knows me so well, still likes me. The conversation was good, as it always is. After we said good bye, the dragon was waiting for me.
That was when I left for round 2 at the gym! These regular workouts, plus extra workouts are doing amazing things to tone & sculpt my abs.
Am quite sure my 5 minute planks that hurt like hell are making a lot of the changes I see in my abs. Painful, they make me shake all over, sweat, all pain-all gain!
In addition to my planks, yesterday, I went through a circuit of ab exercises I learned from my fave YouTube Fitness channel.
I felt the burn, o yes, yes, I did!

Today, is the pain after the party for my abs. I kinda like it!

In my fatty-poo days, I would have headed for the nearest establishment that sells ice cream. Those days are gone. Clean eating is best. Concentrating on lean protein, mostly veggies, drinking mostly water.

It's the babe life.

Live it!

Love it!


Thursday, January 21, 2016

A New Year, A New Matthew, Part Deux! I'm not a cougar. Not in the distorted media representation of a cougar and who/what a cougar is.

Matthew? You're reading this, aren't you? GOOD! Ha ha!

It's my belief that ~

1. The media definition & portrayal of who and what it is that defines a cougar is a pornographic caricature made up by juvenile minded males to stroke their own egos.

2. Labeling cans of veggies? cool. Labeling clothing? ok. Labeling people? no bueno.

The media portrayal of a cougar is an over 40 woman with a sexual appetite that causes her to go out hunting younger guys (usually 18 -39) for the purpose of sexual conquest.

F.Y.I.? Wrong, wrong, wrong.

A female who sleeps around in her teens, 20s & 30s will most likely be doing that in her 40s, 50s & 60s even beyond. That's not a cougar.

What is a cougar, if you must use labels?

She is a girl with class & elegance who has taken care of herself. Mind, body, spirit. She's over the age of 40, still taking care of herself. She knows the importance of staying healthy, active, fit as well as being responsible with her resources. She makes her way in the world without the need to have a man at her side in order to prove that she's worthy, desirable and loved.
She is still classy, not a sleep around type of girl as she never was like that in her teens, 20s nor 30s. She's at her sexual peak.
**However** she still, does not go out "hunting".
The younger guys look at her with respect, curiosity, even lustful attraction. They approach her, just as they would approach a silly girl in her 20s.........except! A woman who could be defined as a classy "cougar" (UGH!) knows better than to fall for the ploys used by a younger guy to get lucky! She's been around the ocean on that yacht and knows how to hold herself in the midst of a hot guys ploys & charm. 
i.e. She won't fall over with her legs in the air, like a silly 20 - 30 something girl, then expect the guy to fall in love with her & want to get married & make babies.

She is pursued by them, just as she was in her 20s & 30s, never the other way around. At the most intense, it's mutual.

Matthew asked me just what a cougar is, well, there ya go! *smile*

So, getting home, I gave Matthew a call. The conversation was very pleasant, enjoyable. He sounds a lot like his father, has the same laugh (I loved his fathers' laugh!) He also has the same intelligence, sense of humor, the graceful manners. Amazing to me, that he didn't know his father very well, yet, he's so much like him.

Matthew liked the photos of me & his father. Sitting down to dinner at Zios Italian, walking through the grounds of  The Broadmoor Hotel. One photo that I wasn't even aware of was when Matthew dared me to climb a tree. I climbed up the tree, then, not even thinking, I hung, upside down to kiss him while someone snapped the photo! Sad that he's gone, yet grateful for the happy memories!

The Matthew I dated was confident, polite, a bit impulsive, spontaneous. Unafraid to playfully ask for what he wanted! Just like his father, 20 minutes into our conversation, Matthew suddenly said, 
"Get on Skype!"
I told him, "Drive to Graham".
Knowing one was actually more do-able than the other. I agreed to get on Skype for 10 minutes, it was getting late & I guard my health with adequate sleep. 


He is so much like his father, it took me back a few years. 

Am not sure where this will go or if it will go anywhere. 

It's a wonderful, sweet surprise, either way.

Having been single for nearly 10 years, I'm happy, peaceful, content. With others in my life, or not, I'm happy. I get my goodies from working out, seeing what my strong, healthy body is still capable of. It's true that I have not even so much as kissed a guy since 2012. 
I'm fine with that. Of course, having a wonderful man in my life would be awesome! Being single for 10 years isn't what I would have predicted nor wanted for my life, however, being happy with the status quot is important.

Guess who is mostly happy?


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A New Year, A New Matthew

Isn't this interesting?

I've had a mega busy day. Finally got everything done that needed immediate attention. Was ready to blow out the door to hit the Post Office before it closed, send tracking number to my buyer, then.......the phone rang.
Yeah, I know I'm one of the last people clinging to a Land line. I happen to like my Land line. I have a cell phone. Very few people have that number. I like the freedom of people not being able to snag me 24/7. 
So.....the Land line rang, I didn't recognize the number yet, could see from the area code, it's in Austin, Texas.
I answered as I usually do, "Taco Bell, can I take your order?"
The voice on the other end chuckled. A guys voice. O no. trouble! Good trouble! Ha ha!
He was the son of someone I knew a few years ago. He had seen some of the photos of me that his father had, had tracked me down. He never really knew his dad very well, his dad had passed on, he was sorting through his dads remaining possessions & he wanted to know more about him. I told him that I had to take care of a few things, would ring him back this evening. His fathers name was Matthew, he was named after him. 
O boy! There's a wondrous connection between myself & guys with the name, Matthew. It's occurred over and over throughout my short life. Have wondered about it, still working on figuring it out. Maybe it's meant to remain a mystery. idk.

This evening may hold some interesting conversation.

Stay tuned. :)

Friday, January 15, 2016


It seems like everyone I talk to is engaged. Either engaged or totally unengaged! Seems kinda odd.

They tell me the details of what they're doing, who they're doing or want to be doing. Okay, it's a bit TMI for me. 
In all honesty? 
I don't want to know.
Here's why.
I love to hear good news of the happiness in peoples lives. Engagements, births, weddings, graduations, new jobs. It's inevitable that they will, at some point in the conversation turn to me. Asking me, what about you?
My least fave topic to discuss. Me!
People expect me to tell them I'm dating someone or making a lot of money or doing something fabulous.
Truth time.
I'm doing something fabulous every day. Working myself into a hard sweat at the gym, which not enough people do.
Making it on my own in a harsh, cruel world as a single girl, which most women have a difficult time understanding, much less actually doing. Seems as though most people have difficulty going solo. As if they feel incomplete unless there is a "significant other" in their life. If that works for them, awesome. I'm more of an introspective.
A tigress who has earned her stripes. Who will continue to earn her way in the world as long as her heart is beating.
Sculpting my body into one that looks better naked than it does with clothes on.
Enriching my mind with topics that are new to me, exciting, empowering.
Volunteering my time to walk dogs that need to get out, at the Humane Society.
Thinking outside the box.
There'll be enough time in the box when I'm dead or feeding the fish in the ocean!

Yes, I'm engaged. 
Engaged in the every day joy of living fully, enriching myself, mind, body, spirit. Many people believe in life after death, yet, they never fully live.


I will dare to live my dream
To be more down deep 
Than I seem

I will give my time and my care
To those in need

I will think more of my neighbors needs
Than I do of my own
With kindly deeds

When the time comes I no longer exist
I'll perhaps be forgotten
I'd rather be missed


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Love & Romance Coming Up!

It's mid January, you knew that, right?

The day that many love, some despise as well as a significant number of people look to with dread. Call it a pseudo holiday if you wish, some call it "Singles Awareness Day." As for moi, it's Valentines Day, that's the official name of the fourteenth day of February. Valentines Day, as in "you're my..."  or "will you be my....." also "o sh*t, I hate that day". Ha ha.

I see Valentines Day as a day to spread a bit of extra love to people who might need it, who might not have any or enough love in their life. Can a person have too much love? If you are one of the fortunate few out there, who has too much, maybe you could consider sharing a bit with people who might need it. Some of the ways I spread the love around on Valentines Day is to give to people who I don't know, who seem a bit stressed, sad or angry.

Have heard it said that everything is either love or a cry for love. Not sure, but okay,

Some ways I do this is:

Pre-order 1 dozen red roses (everyone will be out of them if you don't pre-order). I go through my day, work, errands, etc., handing a rose to each person I meet who seems to need a little love.

Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! I buy a box of those wonderful soft sugar cookies with the butter cream icing which are decorated in a Valentines Day theme. I pass those out when a rose is not convenient or the roses have run out. Paper napkins required.  :)

Grade school valentines! So affordable, they do so much for someone who might be having a tough day.

I used to hide out at home to watch romantic movies on Valentines Day. Sometimes, I would take another single girl out who felt forgotten, sad, hopeless. After our evening out had ended, she usually came out of it with a brighter perspective. Many times, I would see some of these girls take someone else out when Valentines Day rolled around in the following year.

Of course, the optimal would be, to be in a couple, to have a wonderful girl or guy to celebrate with. It doesn't always work out that way. If  there is someone in your life, people forget, they conveniently ignore the opportunity to express their love & caring for others or just one person, who wishes they did.

Life is funny, like that.

While there is still time, while your loved one is still with you, while you can express love in the world, put a little love, a little caring out there in the world. 

Remember to love yourself, too, that's where it starts.

Pass it on.




Sunday, January 10, 2016

My Planks, My Lovely Lady Planks!

It's a new year, new beginnings. Where are you? How are you? 

Yupp! I truly wish to know. Hopefully, you're well!

I'm well, however, my body is in rebellion! Yeaahh. The infamous dreaded plateau. UGH! Body & me are in communication. Plateau is my body telling me, " Heeyyy gf! Time to change it up again! " 

Sooo, I got the message. Three minute planks have become too easy! Even throwing in shoulder presses, push ups (I effing hate push ups!) The elliptical is the, still, changing it up is good!

Tonight was the start of the change up.

5 minute plank ~ Can you say PAIN? I made it, fracture in right foot still hurts, just have to push through the pain, endure! 
Yep, juicing & drinking 1 whole lemon is doing good things for my belly. Planking definitely is causing positive changes. Little by little, it's happening.

1 salmon fillet pan seared in coconut oil & whatever raw veggies in the house, squeeze a bit of fresh lemon on it ~ BAM! Lunch! Dinner will be more like a heavy snack. 
Drew Canole likes his nuts cold, so do I! I put a nut mixture together, 1/4 cup, then add whatever berries, melon, whatever. That's dinner!

With the tightening of my abs from killer planks, further cleaning up of  what I eat, lemon in the mornings & frozen nuts, I've got it!

Doing this, simply to prove I can ~ Awesome sauce!

Be well, be happy!


Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Let there be music!

Let there be fitness!

People at the gym see how I attack cardio. The Elliptical is my drug of choice.It's a low impact full body burn system that delivers! YAY!

It's a healthy release of stress, sexual frustration, an endorpin rush!

Some people in this town will see me at the bank, the grocery store or a church social event when they will ask what drives me. Now, I'm far from my fitness goals, yet, closer with every drenching, heart pounding hour spent working toward becoming stronger! Often, the questions are about how to stay motivated, so focused.      
A large part of my motivation, as it is with many, is music!
If you are a fellow fitness lover, you may get it, this connect between music, motion, motivation. mmm.  :)

Personally, my taste in music is very diverse. Although I love classical, the popular composers. Handel, Rachmaninoff, Schubert, Vivaldi. It's tough to catch an energy groove there. Some Hawaiian tunes can work for cool down. Changing my music up every month or two so it stays fresh,works just right. 
Change is the spice. The ish!

Tunes for my 5 minute plank:

Hero - Enrique Iglesias 
Ten Feet Tall - Wrabel
Lei Halia - Keali'i Reichel

Tunes that kick me into high start up gear:

Bailando - Enrique Iglesias 
Make It Happen - Mariah Carey
Talk Dirty To Me - Jason Derulo
We're Going Home - Drake
Jealous - Nick Jonas
Best You Ever Had (Tonight's The Night) - John Legend 
Bang Bang - Ariana Grande
Boom Clap - Charli XCX
Let's Go - NeYo

Just to name a few.

For mellow days, cool down, anything slower such as weights, solo yoga, solo pilates. Walking on the tread, stairmaster.

All of Me - John Legend 
Fields of Gold - Keali'i Reichel
Boyfriend - Bieber
That's When I Knew - Alicia Keys
Not a Bad Thing - Justin Timberlake
I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden 
Steal My Girl - One Direction  
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

So, there it is, a fraction of what's in my mp3 list.

Love it!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Hopeless Romantic

Maybe there IS hope for me? idk.

During my KILLER workout this morning, this song put me in a soft, reflective mood. I still love the music of Hawai'i. The voice of Keali'i Reichel, especially!


You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley
You'll forget the 
sun in his jealous sky 
as we walk in fields of gold

So, she took her love for to gaze awhile upon the fields of barley
In his arms 
She fell
As her hair came down
Among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me?
Will you be my love?
Among the fields of barley?
We'll forget the sun
In his jealous sky
As we lay in fields of gold

I never made promises like these
There have been some
That I've broken
But I swear
In the days still left
We will walk in fields
Of gold

Many years have passed 
since those summer days
Among the fields of barley
See the children play
As the sun goes down
Among the fields of gold

You'll remember me
As the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley


So hauntingly beautiful, it makes me feel soft in my soul.

Love, Love, you, today.
(copy & paste)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Man of Grace

He doesn't know his true power true worth
Though he knows his place in the world
He's never alone though always lonesome 
I'd give almost anything to be his girl 

Watching him go through so much pain
Self inflicted or not in his dark place
Causing pain to others when his overflows 
I'd risk my sanity to put a smile on his face

He's a man of compassion plus cruelty too
A smart mind nice behind with great pecs
Don't know if he has a lady or not
Can only yearn to be his love next


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...