Tuesday, December 1, 2015

After midnight ...

It's  00:35.

I'm awake. The dishwasher is humming as it cleans the dinner dishes. I bbq'd some excellent ribeyes  brought over by my guest de noir. Cooking for others is a joy. So, for dinner ~ Steak, fresh spinach salad, grilled sweet potatoes , home made wheat bread. No dessert. 

It was a fun evening, good company, good food, laughter, interesting conversation. Sharing my views of  Marilyn Monroe, her life, her joy, while hearing my guests input, ideas, point of view.

Hearing a fresh perspective on an often visited subject is stimulating, you know, intellectually.

With so much stimulation, the brain keeps ticking long after the evening of company has ended.


Turn the warming mattress pad & electric blanket on. Perhaps the warmth will wrap around my body as a caressing, soothing physical lullaby, transporting my psyche to blissful sleep.

Bon noir. A demain.

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