Thursday, November 29, 2018

Dead at 58

My mother at age 19

Is 58 a young age?

Is 58 an older age?

50 is the new 30!!

Tonight, in a very poignant conversation, it was pointed out that my mother died at age 58.
To me, that is way too young to die. 
Given her unhealthy living habits, it's understandable that she would die so young. 
As a child, in my parents home, from the minute she woke up until she went to sleep at night, even in bed, she always had a cigarette in her hand. I always knew when she was awake in the morning. The scent of  a freshly lit cigarette wafted on the air from her room.

She smoked cigarettes constantly, lived with a great deal of stress. Some of her stress was self inflicted, some of it was a result of making decisions that were less conducive to happiness.
Some of her stress was simply circumstantial outcomes from taking less time than she should have to weigh her options, take it slow, decide with more care.

Mother was born on January 1st! She was born at home, as many babies were at the time. According to my Grandfather (her father), he said this,
"She was born with a full head of bright red curly hair. She was the wildest thing I ever saw!"
And, she continued to be a bit wild throughout her life. My grandfather would shake his head in dismay at the things my mother would do and say. He was an intelligent man with a spirit for discovery. He was also very kind yet firm with a deep commitment to my Grandmother and a fierce yet tender love for his 5 daughters of which my mother was the youngest born.

Mother came from a stable, strict yet loving home, so, it's hard for me to understand how she turned out the way that she did.

I will say that I will stop short of telling her life story.

To die at the age of 58, she had done some very hard living.

As hard as I tried to have a relationship with mother, when she had an attorney call me, as she was going to try to sue me for unsupervised visitation with my 4 kiddos, that was it. She could say or do as she wished, regarding me, within reason.
When it concerned my children?


That was where I drew the line. Threaten my sweet babies, that would constitute total termination of contact.
She lived in Michigan, I was living in Nebraska. She wanted me to take my kiddos to Michigan, leave them with her for a week at a time.

From 1992 until she died in 1996 or 1997 (It's unclear to me), I was living in Europe, then, Central America with no contact with her.

It's very sad when things such as this occur.

I was so sure there would be more time. A time for reconnecting later. A time to reconcile. 

The time never happened. She died so young.

I have no regrets, I was the lioness, protecting her babies.

If you love someone, tell them. If you care, express it.

None of us knows what tomorrow brings.


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Have you evolved?

Have you evolved beyond your human genetic pre-disposition?

You. You may ask what is meant by this query.
You may.

Peeps! Keep in mind that as genus homo sapiens, male & female,
we have distinct traits. Males, mostly, are sexually driven.
Females are, mostly, driven to seek security aka a commitment.

Striking the balance in these is a mostly tricky concept for all!!  :)

As one who is very female, I can tell you, it's such a minefield to navigate.
For 10 years, I sometimes searched, mostly, only flowed. All that came into my "flow" if you will, were males who were mostly ~~~

~ Liars (said they were many things they were not)
~ Cheaters (married males or otherwise committed to baby mamas, shack up honeys etc. seeking that which they needed disregarding all except their own needs & desires for themselves, painful for me)
~ Players (both married & single, looking for "more" aka a side chick to give them what they were not getting at home w/wifey  :()

All of these were this single girls nightmare.

Blissfully, a fated attack, which I found was either by a married guy's wife or her gang of girlfriends or both.
It matters not, at present.

It only really matters that it brought me to Texas.

There is only love in my heart for him. He was someone in pain from a situation outside of his choosing. I understand. Yes, I do.

Having evolved beyond grudge holding or vengeance or any of that bull-corn. Knowing the place from whence it came from. I know.

Yes, evolving is so very important.

Let yourself grow, let yourself evolve.

It gives peace + contentment to the soul.


I'm not as strong as I seem
Not as happy as I look
Yet I know how to clean
I really do love to cook
So I will rustle up a steak
Clean my house to a shine
To cover the heartbreak
I alone know is mine
Indulging in a daydream
A dear passion of mine
Sewing a beautiful seam
On soft linens sublime
Making myself feel the joy
As happiness is much better
A mixture of bittersweet alloy
On my heart is my own love letter

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Nootropic Review

It has taken some time as I wanted to give the supplements a trial period to give a good, truthful review.

About me?

I'm in excellent health, no limitations, no meds needed unless I get a cold or flu that lots of rest will have no effect on. Taking meds, going to a doctor (unless the doc is a Native American Shaman) is something I avoid.

FYI ~ Nootropics are legal.

Silicon Valley - I'm on my way!

#1 Nootropic - neuroIgnite - It was somewhat mild in its effect. I felt only slightly more alert. A pleasant energy lift. It boosted focus, the effect lasted for 4 hours with a barely there taper off.

#2 Nootropic - NEURO-PEAK - This one, true to its reviews, kicked in with a bit of a punch. It was a boost while the jitters were absent. Focus was more intense, energy level was slightly more pronounced. The tapering off was slow, steady, gradual.

Having been a VPX Redline user (also a legal substance) these 2 supplements are mild. Redline also was habit forming for me, it also had a faster drop in its' effect. Occasionally, I will turn to Redline if needed, yet, I do prefer Nootropics.

There is your promised review!


Saturday, November 24, 2018

I like it simple

In spirit I reach out to the skies to the star
Wherever it is so I can be where you are

In body I'm earthbound in such a loveless place
Only coldness only emptiness on everyone's face

In spirit I can fly through space through time
Beyond sorrow or need or victimized crime

In body it takes so much work just to maintain
Wake sleep breathe run give into it or abstain

In spirit I can be the most true to my celestial heart
Drifting on air flowing like water with a new start

In body I'm a lover a fighter a champion just a girl
Making my way as best I can as a simple one in a complex world


Friday, November 23, 2018


To so many people who I encountered before I learned so much!

I apologize.

I didn't know
Before I chose to go
Having evolved beyond 
Those days
Now, when I realized
What was right what was wrong

Evolving helps so much
Evolving beyond me! me! me!
It's everything!
My heart hurts, I apologize.

If you hurt me if I hurt you ~ I apologize!!!
The realizations haunt me.

Will you forgive me?
Maybe, yes.
Maybe, no.
Either way, I offer love.

Kindness & caring can mean so much.

Bored much?

Bored much? 


It's accepted by many when someone says, "I'm bored".

Saying you are bored can circumvent saying, "I'm lonely", "Living up to my potential is hard".

Saying, "Living up to my potential is hard." evokes pity.

Saying, "I'm lonely" seems to evoke pity, appears as you, feeling sorry for you.

Does anyone truly wish to be pitied?

So, with this said, will you admit that you are lonely?
Missing someone?

It seems to have become more acceptable for a person to say they are bored vs the true expression of how they really feel.  

Dig deep, have a conversation with yourself. Are you really bored or are you feeling one or more of those conditions mentioned above?

Self admitting, sometimes I'm anxious, sometimes I'm lonely, sometimes I'm even regret-filled. Admitting is the way to solution.

FYI ~ Being bored is a condition that is rare in my life. I can always find something to do. Go to the gym, get a good hard work out, take a walk around the lake, work on a needlework project, write a blog entry or watch Exploring With Josh on You Tube.
I can go to the animal shelter to play with the cats or walk the dogs.
There's always a lot to do!

Ask yourself questions, explore your psyche.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Many people choose to hate, I choose kindness & caring.

Does it benefit anyone to hold a grudge?

Most likely, you have heard the colloquialism about what as well as who it hurts to hold animosity toward another person.

Having seen the effects of grudge holding, choosing to refrain as well as loving someone forever no matter what. Whether it's a breakdown, a break up, a negative ending of association with another person. 

A break is minuscule in the scheme of life, love, even eternity.

It hurts, it is less than mainstream, it's also better to choose to forgive, to love the person for always.

When a person was wronged by me or a person who has wronged me, comes back to me at a later date, I will receive them with opened arms. Somewhat less trust, yet, I know how rejection feels.

I will still welcome someone who has humbled themselves to me.

This is how I choose to live.


Love deeply

Love strongly

Love with passion


I choose love, in all its forms.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018


I see you as you truly are a vision of the person in your heart
The world sees you as what they only wish to see
A wondrous being of beauty a being of light who is set apart

The world will take from you leaving you as a sad empty soul
Only chattel for their own purposes unaware of your decline
Leaving it up to you to bring the wounds into a semblance of whole

 In truth you are much more than the world could ever believe
The seeker sees only that they wish their own reality to be real
Opting to be false with spider webs woven to trap to deceive

Neglecting the chance to make a friend who is so precious and rare
To love their goods while in the practice of using others hearts
Promising with declarations of love while they truly never care

So, I will be as conscious as is possible to skillfully rise above
Showing tender mercies to those in deep soul stealing pain
To rise up as I fulfill destiny I'm given to fill the world with love

This, I fulfill as a sort of destiny.

Peace & love, always.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Got dreams?

Do you?

*big smile*

Many people dream as children, of their desired profession when becoming adult age, adults would call the dreams silly.

Do you want to become a ballerina? Silly.
Do you want to become an actor/actress? Silly
Do you want to become a fireman? Silly.
Do you want to become president of your country? Silly.
Do you want to be a Cowboy Hat? (Jon Carlos!) How funny.

Becoming a garbage truck driver, a janitor, store manger, restaurant manger, factory worker are often seen as undesirable. These professions, jobs, etc are seen as less desirable yet so necessary!

Many of us have seen what happens when our rubbish goes uncollected. Without a manager, things can certainly go awry! Fast!

The other sort of dream is the kind which is experienced while in R.E.M. sleep or while doing what is referred to as a daydream.

Lucid dreaming, nightmares, recurring dreams, prophetic dreams, life changing dreams.
These dreams have their sub categories. 

On a personal note, I have had all of these as have many people.

Have you?

As a child, living in Michigan, I visited the Detroit Zoo with school groups as well as family trips, it was a long drive.
There was a fountain at the zoo which I always loved to stop to stand at while gazing into the water. It mesmerized me!
Some time, around the age of 12 years, I began dreaming of this fountain.

This is a rather personal dream. No sex involved. I was only 12!  :)

In the dream, I was standing at the edge of the fountain with my mother & 5 sibs around me. I would feel such empowerment. Then, I would raise my arms up high above my head. Levitating up off of the ground, I went up, up, up! High into the air, then, I did a jack-knife, then, dove, upside down, hands ahead of head, I would dive into the fountain! At this point, the feeling of elation, a feeling of complete freedom. At this point, always, I woke up, empowered!

As a child, I lived in a dysfunctional home of pain of terror, mostly.

Many people did, at the time I thought it was how everyone lived.

Surely, here's hoping that many people lived in their home with a mother, father, brothers & sisters in a happy loving way.

The dream encouraged me, it was a prophetic dream or became one!

Adventure, travel, escape, freedom were all awaiting me. 
I was going!

Being a painfully shy skinny girl in a small town. Challenges! 
Challenges, accepted!

Explaining the significance of the dream may be tedious for my dear, darling, wonderful, curious readers!
I will skip it!
In summation, it was a catalyst which led me to join the military.

Another very significant dream?

Well, okay, then!

When I was miserable in a marriage with an abusive male, I began to have a recurring dream.

In  the dream, I would be standing on a precipice similar to images described in the book & movie, Wuthering Heights.

Standing on the cliff, I was dressed in beautiful, flowing robes as well as a filmy cape. These were blowing behind me as the mild tempest, filtering up from the flotsam & jetsam of the brewing sea.

Again, I would raise my arms above my head into prayer hands position. I would rise up in the air. 
The sea would slightly calm, I would suddenly turn, in the air, diving into the sea as the tempest calmed.

Both of these involved water. Is it any wonder that my zodiac is a water sign? Cancer. I love water in any form. The ocean, a pool, drinking water, even a soak in a hot bath gives me so much renewal!!!!

I believe there are elements of truth in everything. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Special Forces guys use this to their advantage. In their professional life as well as personal, they often include a kernel or a few of truth in their speech of lies so as to protect themselves or deceive.

The wuthering dream was an encourage men as well as a prophecy of what I needed to do as well as what I did do.
I left my long term marriage of abuse for emotional/greater/sexual health. As before, I was terrified of the move, yet, knew I had to do this or live in misery or die from suicide in the worst case scenario.

Having had daydreams in addition to this, I had daydreams about Scott. A very intriguing man who greatly inspired me. Those dreams of him were so vivid, so intense, people around me could identify when said dreams were occurring for me. OMG! Scary!

Having mastered the skill of lucid dream, mostly, often, dream of that which was self pre-programmed aka lucid dreaming. 
Google it! Ha ha, YUP!

Some times I simply let the dreams come as they whilst.

Let yourself dream!

Aspirations are good.

Dreams DO come true!!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Wants, Wishes, Dreams

I want to die in beauty with all of my charms
After a lifetime of love wrapped in his arms

I want to swim in the ocean with dolphin friends
All day every day as the fun never ends

I want to walk in the warm summer rain
To wash me clean from so much soul pain

I want to soar with eagles to be carried aloft by the breeze 
To sit in an aerie for as long as I please

I want to ride a wild stallion through tall weeds
Then show him thanks by brushing him while tending to his needs

I want to have chocolate for breakfast each day for a year
Sharing it with those who I hold most dear

I want to be in a room full of puppies just for a day
Such soft warm little critters who only want to play

Saving best for last I want to go back in time
To hold my babies close again would be oh so sublime

I can wish my wishes as many daydreamers do
This I know, sometimes our dreams come true

                                                               Flaming June by Lord Frederic Leighton

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Hallmark Moments

Maybe I watch a lot of Hallmark movies/ romances.

I DO love romance. I DO love Hallmark movies.

Compartmentalizing romance from Hallmark is something I do well!

Romance is, whether single or coupled, is beauty! I create both in everyday life!
Romance is beautiful!
Everyday life is beautiful!

I come out a winner in both areas!


I create beauty in my surroundings. I try.

I create beauty in my dreams, irl in needlework!

This is my current aspiration.

Well, half of it. Must with-hold a bit of my charm  :)

Blame it on the Hallmark moments.

It's a secret that I love needlework like many people love their pets!


I love needlework!

However, I love you, I love needlework the most!

If you can deal?

Get in touch!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

In Hawai'i

In Michigan I felt...
Definite cons

In Hawai'i I felt...
Free & confused at the same time
Fascinated by the culture, Pidgin, everything
Fascinated by local boyz!

In California I felt...
Culture shocked

In Nebraska I felt...
Sad, mostly
Like a misfit

In Kaiserslautern, Germany I felt...
In touch with my roots
Mostly, in love with motherhood & being a mother

In la Republica de Panama' I felt...
Joyous, mostly
Beach love satisfied

In Colorado I felt...
(After Divorce)
Only a little confused

In Texas I feel...
Socially isolated
In control of my life
At complete peace (finally!)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Have you felt it?

It's that sweet sensation of familiarity with that which is not familiar. The heart warming feeling of comfort with a person who you just barely met. You two have your own vibe that you both know which is as real as anything you know well, yet you don't.
(Are you confused af yet?)

Have you felt this feeling?

It's common sense leaving your body en mass!

Just joking, bruh.

That feeling? It's connection!

People get the warmies for each other very easily. The feeling fades on a dime. One day it's strong, soon, it's gone.
Attraction is fleeting.


I don't know exactly wth connection is. Knowing what it is when I feel it, well, durr! Yes, I have felt it, also know when the other person is feeling it or things are less than stellar for them. rut-roh!
I mean, I have my theories, my own hypotheses.
Often, the chemistry between 2 people is faked so that one person can get in the other persons panties or sometimes, their money ala romance scams.  
That's not connection.

Connection is when you can connect on dearly held deep beliefs. 2 people who show kindness, courtesy for the other person. 
It can be felt by messaging online, chatting, messaging, emailing.
It can be felt in person, upon a first meeting. Danger - Danger.

Personal beliefs, I have a few.

Sometimes there are 2 people. 1 of them is at a vulnerable time in life when the other who is vulnerable yet stronger.
They connect over email or IM or phone at first. Rarely initially in person yet if they connect other than in person to start, if there is geographic distance, they, most likely, won't meet in person.

Then, there are those who connect online, then, if one is not otherwise very committed or stays interested with the limited connecting, there may be a face to face connection.

The heart to heart, spirit to spirit connection is strong.

Most people have less appreciation for connection than they do for attraction. Attraction is more wham-bam now I don't give a ........


Connection lasts. Even if the 2 people don't see each other for a long time, months, years, even decades, connection is there. 
It remains long after the physical proximity, long after the physical, in person interaction ends. 

Connection of the spirit will last long after the body has passed on.

Connection could be the product of compatible genetics (aka having chemistry with someone), it could be many things. idk.

All I know is this, connection with another person is precious, it's rare. When it happens, I cherish it.


Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Plan!

Many people all over the world struggle with anorexia or weight gain or sometimes people will experience one of each during their lifetime.

Person suffering from anorexia: You're so lucky that you can gain weight with so little planning, effort or worrying about what you are eating, not eating or any problems with eating.

Person struggling with weight loss: You're so lucky that you're skinny without ever even trying to lose weight. You can eat anything you want and stay the same weight.

The truth is that both people described as well as are suffering at both ends of the food issues that many struggle with.

Having been on both sides of the struggle ~ both struggles are real!

When I had evolved from 6 pk abs to uncomfortably obese, it shocked me to see the amount of weight I had gained. 

Maybe it was my younger sisters death due to complications from morbid obesity that shocked me into getting back to a healthy weight.
Maybe it was the very sensitive doctor who took me aside and very gently told me that I was at risk for stroke or heart attack if I continued in my obese state when I was at 480 lbs.
(I put on another 20 after that!)
Maybe it was becoming weary of the pain in my back, hips, knees and feet, being out of breath after even climbing 10 stairs.

I think it was a combination of all of these. At the point where I simply decided I was going to become the healthy, slender girl I once was. Between December 2017 - April 2018 I managed to put some of the weight back on. 
The difference?
I decided earlier on to get on a different path, to start to take the weight back off, this time, for good! For the rest of my life.

I keep a journal which I write in irregularly. As I looked in my journaling about getting my weight back under control in 2004, I saw the entry detailing how I did it. 
In 2004, at 500 lbs (I'm 5'3")
I started out by going 3 miles every morning then again in the evening. A total of 6 miles every day. Whether it was on the elliptical machine, the stationary bike, treadmill or a combination of all three or just one, as long as it was 3 miles am then pm. 

I could go fast or slow as long as I went! 

I could go in the morning or twice in the afternoon or twice in the evening, as long as I went and racked up 3 miles, I was doing it!

It's working! I started on November 1, 2018. I can feel the difference already. My clothes feel different as they brush against my skin when I'm walking or even simply moving around during daily activities.

This was how I jump started myself in 2004. It's been awhile. It still works just as well as it did then. 
Some things change, others remain.

All good things
All things sad
All things great
All things weak
All things true
All things bright 
All things make up what we call life.

Friday, November 2, 2018


In your personal power you're the artist with a brush
The canvas is blank it's such a head rush
What will you create with a field that is all ready
Such a sumptuous harvest of succulence so heady
Your choices will make you who you're going to be
Choose with informed ideas and most carefully
Will you be kind and sincere as a bright shining light
Will you be scared to leap it's natural it's all right
Will you rise up above the negativity of the nay say
To do your own thing to go your own way

To become who you are by his all divine plan
A gift available to every woman every man
To know who you are to feel it deep in your soul
Is to arrive with your scars at your personal goal
Rise up rise up with angels traveling by your side
Show them all that you can stay on this wild ride


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...