Friday, September 29, 2017

The Pinterest Gestaspo

It appears, in my personal experience that Pinterest is a rigid, my way or the highway organization.

Correct me if I'm wrong, peeps, isn't it a common observe that the whole point of Pinterest is to find photos, news articles, recipes, etc and collect them or "pin" them to your boards?


That's what it seemed to be, to me.

Then, I started receiving nasty-grams in my email about "copyright complaints."


Everything is copyrighted ~ well, dam, skippy.

Peoples names, photos, website domain, recipes. Yet, when people put their "stuff" out there in public domain whether it's freebie craft patterns, recipes, decor ideas, seems like it's fair game, as long as it's not being used  to make $$.

'Parrently not ~ at least ~ NOT to the Pinterest Nazis 
The Pinterest Team.

I WAS a fan of Pinterest. I was a regular "Pinner."


Then, I started receiving nasty grams from 
"The Pinterest Team"

Finally, on September 20th, I received a final particularly nasty email from "The Pinterest Team, stating that they were receiving copyright complaints. Also stating that if I didn't reply within 14 days, my account would be deleted.
All 150+ boards.
'Parently, The Pinterest Team can't count. 
I replied to them that very day.
By 6 pm, on September 20th, they had deleted my account.

All good things....

Watch out!

You might have your account deleted next!!!

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