Thursday, September 28, 2017


How do you define greatness?
How is goodness defined?

In terms of a man, both of these could describe him.

Although, he was so humble, so unassuming. John was seemingly, unaware of the huge impact he made upon people. As the publicly proclaimed "American Prince", the only surviving son of one of the US's most beloved presidents, he was born famous.


Ahhh, fame.

It's less glamour, more annoyance. It haunted him, it highlighted his failures as well as his accomplishments. Fame aka the paparazzi Nazis,  nearly ruined his marriage to Carolyn Bessete-Kennnedy, who was unprepped for the onslaught of media attention.

As the son of President JFK, he was almost pre-destined for success in politics, that is, until he got in Hillary Clinton's way.

It seems to be a theme in the Clinton family. Interfere with a Clinton, you end up dead.

Pick your poison.

Plane Crash
Auto Crash
Mysterious overdose
Embassy Invasion

John F Kennedy JR was, indeed, destined for greatness, as it is, he was ripped from us all too soon. 
Every interview, every accounting or retelling of him by friend & foe alike speaks well of him. 
He was a devoted son, an attorney, a magazine founder & publisher.
He was also a roller blader, a pilot.
A faithful, loving, devoted husband.

Rest in peace, American Prince.

Oh, Johnny-boy, we barely knew ye.

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