Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Be Kind

Have you noticed changes in the world in, oh, maybe, the last decade (2007 - 2017) or maybe the last 5 years? Maybe, even in the last year (July 2016 - July 2017). 
Have you?
Maybe, maybe less -so.


I notice these events in the world. People have become desensitized to violence, rudeness, mean actions, even the simple courtesy of holding a door for another person or staying on their phone, ignoring those right in front of them.

It's become very common for people to be in a movie theater, at a restaurant with others, even at family dinner tables, on their phones, tablets, laptops.

It's rude. 

No matter how acceptable it has become, it's still rude.

Sometimes, out of a fight 'em or join 'em attitude, I join 'em. This would be my very last choice, yet, what's a girl to do?

Natural preference, for me, is to be in person, face to face, in person with those people I spend time with. Hugs, smiles, laughter, much of this has been replaced by technological interaction. 

Another natural preference is to be kind.

Better to be kind & feel good about it than to be cruel.

Oh mah goodness, the life lessons I have learned from being more kind than is required as well as, I'm nearly ashamed to say, being cruel for whatever reasons.

Yupp, ha ha. I have been cruel in the past. Having lived with the agony of a guilty conscience, I have learned the power of being kind.

Kindness is more of a form of strength than anything. There's a HUGE difference between being a doormat or too kind and simply acting in kind ways.

Equally important?

~ Empathy
~ Compassion
~ Understanding
~ Refrain from judgment

More than anything, if you can choose to be anything, be kind.


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