Thursday, July 20, 2017

The "man bun" & "beard lube".

The "man bun". Yup. It's a thing. Less "my thing", yet, still, a thing in this world of metro-sexuals, the murse, etc.
The man bun was worn by Japanese Samurai soldiers, Yoga masters, some quite attractive, masculine guys. A guy can still be hella sexy while sporting a man bun.



Just, NO!

Just my opinion, it seems emasculating for a guy to style the hair on his head this way.
The "eww" factor goes up when I see it. It makes me want to offer him a scrunchie......and a tampon!
As sexist as this sounds, I Love Love LOVE a masculine guy.
I won't try to tell a guy how to wear his hair, however, I definitely find a guy with a man bun unattractive.

A masculine guy? yes, please! Minus the man bun.

Many women love a beard on a guy, some, not so much. Just as I would resent a guy trying, I say, TRYING to tell me how to wear my hair.

A persons hair is so, well, personal!

Long, short, curly straight, up, down, half up, half down. Head hair is even more of a statement with girls.

Many guys take their facial hair or the lack of it, very personal. The physical ability to grow a mustache and/or beard is such a masculine trait that it SHOULD be a guys personal decision to grow a beard or mustache.
Some guys simply hate to shave their face, some guys just like the feeling. 
A certain "special" guy friend who shall remain nameless, was getting some crap for growing out his beard for the first time in his life. He wanted to try something new.

He's a hot guy, no doubt, a bit of facial hair would be sexy, I thought. In support of his desire to try out growing a beard, I gave him some really nice beard washing "stuff". lol.
It smells good, very clean & masculine. Mmm.

The beard lube can be used to wash & soften his whiskers or shave it off or even soften the hair so he can trim it.

Yupp. lol. Beard Lube! it's a thing! My guy friend appreciated my support.

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