Friday, July 7, 2017

Hugh Jackman wisdom

Hugh Jackman.

Even if his name is even mentioned, it gets the talk going. The man has it going on!

He's talented, educated, attractive. 
Did you know his wife of over 20 years is also 15 years older?

He is 46, she is 61.

At 26, Hugh Jackman knew something that many guys, even in today's world are  mystified by, sometimes totally against or even won't even consider.

The older woman/younger guy relationship works! Or, at least, it CAN work. Like any romantic coupling, it can also fail.

When both people go about a romantic relationship with more of an open mind, leaving behind the prejudices against age ~ 

The guy can GREATLY benefit!

Mostly because, when the female half of the relationship is older, she is usually waaaayyyy past the BS of girls in their 20s & 30s.
She is more confident, shuns drama, I say USUALLY. There's the disclaimer!
A single older woman in today's world, more often than not has a gym membership, is more financially secure, more body confident & can take or leave having a guy in her life.

Gone is the neediness of a 20s - 30s chikkie. This older woman can take care of herself in more ways than not.
Usually, she knows how to cook, how to change her own oil and is secure enough to refrain from piling the makeup on her face & skin.

Most single guys 20 - 40 would  greatly benefit from dating & marrying an older woman.

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