Tuesday, July 25, 2017

To be loved, respected, desired, lusted after.

Would you rather?

Let's play!

The easiest of these levels of being wanted is to be lusted after. It goes on all day, every day. Us humans are sexual, sensual creatures. 
Guys and YES! Girls, too!

Being desired is almost as easy peezy. Being lusted after is more carnal in nature, neither bad nor good, it just is. Both of these can be done in person, the more common ~ online, through media as in movies, internet sites, apps, even telephone chat lines. Umm, how do I know about those? Shh!

The main point is this. Being desired or lusted after is more of a male gratifying action.

Yeah, sounds a bit sexist, yet, it's true. Deal.

It's science, peeps, biologically proven science. While it stops short of covering every persons outlook, agenda & such, it garners 

Heterosexual guys are hard wired to get the ba-zing in the lowers when he sees an attractive female. Yeah, I SAID IT!

Most heterosexual girls are hard wired to seek the security of a relationship with a guy who demonstrates the 3 P's.

~ Profess
~ Protect

So, being desired aka being lusted after is false flattery. It's actually dangerous to a girls personal safety, her emotional well being, the future of her life as well as possibly her present & future children.

For this reason, an immature guy will indulge in the practice of deception for the purpose of sperm spreading. Unbeknownst to him, this practice is just as emotional/psychological growth stunting & damaging to him as it is to the girls.
When I say, "An immature guy" this can apply to any guy who still has not matured beyond sperm spreader, it can be, chronologically birth - 90 years of age if his plumbing is still functional.

Danger - danger.

To be first, respected, is beneficial to guys and girls, yet, they must first have self respect. Enough respect to be sparingly cautious with their sexual appetites. Get a grip on it, lol. Take that as you wish. :)

To be respected AND loved is crucial. 

Especially to girls.

When a girl is first, respected & second loved by a guy who treats her well, it can change her entire world. It can change her attitudes toward a multitude of topics.

Most importantly?

It will show her, by just one good, decent, respectful mans' actions that, yep, you guessed it ~

All guys are NOT the same.

All it takes is one.

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