Saturday, July 8, 2017

Do one thing each day that scares you OR It's fun to mess with people's minds!

Yeah - Yeah. I CAN be a little bit of a fire-starter.
aka a button pusher
aka a trouble maker
aka a brat

Just a little, just enough. It's law abiding, 99%. ;) 

It was Eleanor Roosevelt who made the quote a bit more famous.

"Do one thing each day that scares you."

So, there it is. 

Doing one thing each day that scares me keeps the blood pumping a bit harder, makes me feel a little bit more alive, even fulfills a desire to be a little bit naughty. Just a little.  🙈🙉🙊😈😊😇

Today is a HOTT day in North Texas. At the gym, there was a guy who I have talked to, several times, started doing cardio behind the tread I was on. I could see his reflection, could see that he was watching me.
Baby! Even with AC, it was so hot, I was dyin'!
Usually, I keep my T shirt on over my sports bra, when working out, only removing it in the enclosed classroom during Yoga.
I started thinking. 
Rut-roh, raggy!

I thought ~

"My back looks good enough to take my shirt off."
"Working hard to improve traps, delts, lats, they look good!"
"It's so frkn hot. I'm burning up!"
" OMG. It scares me a little to go without a T Shirt!"

I paused the tread, took my shirt off, watching the facial expression on the dude behind  me. Heh - Heh!

His jaw dropped, then he grinned. Then, he dropped what he was doing, grabbed his stuff from the storage cubbie & left!
Guess it pushed a button. :)

Made my heart pitter a bit, patter a bit. Just a bit scary for me.

Funny shizz today.

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