It's been in the news a lot, for a few years! That's how long it's been going on.....maybe longer.
TSA Theft.
It became a bit more personal to me on May 3, 2017.
A fellow military veteran and I were the fortunate recipients of an all expenses paid 3 days in Albany, New York to participate in a program for veterans.
As I needed to keep an eye on my various money makers online, I took a new laptop that I had only purchased a week earlier.
It was a bit cumbersome to carry, so, I wrapped it in 3 layers of bubble wrap, before strapping it down securely in my checked baggage. When leaving New York, I wrapped it in bubble wrap, again.
Everything was fine, the trip to Albany, NY went fine.
Upon returning home, to Texas, to unpack my suitcase, I saw that the bubble wrap had been slit opened & my laptop was not there. The thief didn't take the charging cord. Must have been in a hurry so they didn't get caught stealing my laptop.
I called the hotel we had stayed in, I called a few other places, to no avail.
I called American Airlines, who told me I had to file a claim with the TSA.
It was very time consuming as well as a bit expensive to download & print their 7 page claim form.
Then, there was, making copies of checked baggage tags, luggage receipt, itinerary.....on and on and on.
Did I do it?
Dam straight - I did!
Initially, the first correspondence from the TSA only occurred 2 months after filing a claim.
Part of the delay was that they sent the letter to the wrong address.
Such incompetence when it isn't your money!
Since it looked as though my claim was being ignored, I contacted my congressman, Jodey Arrington for assistance.
Having now received 2 identical letters, from the TSA, denying that the theft occurred, I'm angry!
People wonder why so many citizens are so mistrustful of those in positions of authority?
This is only one example of what can happen.
I will fight this,!
Whoever has stolen my laptop will get their dose of karma.
One thing I know for certain, I will never check a bag when traveling, again.
$25. checked baggage fee paid, only to be robbed by someone in a position of trust!
Hopefully, Congressman Jodey Arrington can help.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
What will you do with your power?
You can be a girl or you can be a guy
You have the power to rock someones world
Also the power to make someone cry
What will you do?
Your swagger your charismatic charm
Has the power to manipulate
To cause great joy or great harm
How will you use your power ?
Your body your eyes your disarming smile
All serve to disarm the strongest
To deceive to beguile
So much power, isn't it?
Will you use this power for evil or for good
To do great things in the world
As you know you should
But, will you?
Prince Charming had his Aurora as Achilles had his heel
We all know these are so fictional
Yet their stories are real
What can you learn from them?
Be kind when next you have someones heart in your hand
Be careful full of care with your personal power
Only one with a broken heart could understand
Peace out.
You have the power to rock someones world
Also the power to make someone cry
What will you do?
Your swagger your charismatic charm
Has the power to manipulate
To cause great joy or great harm
How will you use your power ?
Your body your eyes your disarming smile
All serve to disarm the strongest
To deceive to beguile
So much power, isn't it?
Will you use this power for evil or for good
To do great things in the world
As you know you should
But, will you?
Prince Charming had his Aurora as Achilles had his heel
We all know these are so fictional
Yet their stories are real
What can you learn from them?
Be kind when next you have someones heart in your hand
Be careful full of care with your personal power
Only one with a broken heart could understand
Peace out.
Love & Encouragement
Aren't we all only human?
Doesn't encouragement help everyone?
Am I on track with this?
When I finally...finally, was tired of feeling tired with back pain, knee pain, foot pain. Tired of having difficulty breathing from simply walking up a flight of 10 stairs.
Also, the pain of the embarrassment when a flight attendant asked me if I would like to move to a seat where I could put the armrest up to "give me more room".
I was so big that sitting in a regular sized airlines seat on a flight to Las Vegas, Nevada, was very uncomfortable.
The weight had crept up on me.
I knew it was time to do SOMETHING!
To be candid, exactly WHAT to do was unclear to me, I only knew I had to make some permanent changes.
When my father passed on, there was some money from his estate.
Unfortunately, I believed the ex huzz when he promised to split the money from the sale of his parents home in Honolulu if I would give him half of what I received. Of course, words, promises, integrity, mean nothing to the ex huzz. When it comes to honoring his word, it's a crap shoot!
Not only did I never see a dime of the money I put into the home we owned, I never received any $$ from the sale of his parents home in exchange for giving him 1/2 of my inheritance.
The half of the money I had, went to a gym & 10 sessions with a Personal Trainer. I needed SOMETHING to start me up.
The P.T. was the only encouragement I had from anyone.
There were many nay-sayers, discouragers, saboteurs, only *ONE* person who encouraged me when I was getting started. I will, forever be grateful to my first P.T.!
FFWD to 2017, baby!
Going back in time to glean encouragement is unlikely.
With all of the knowledge I have obtained about health, fitness, as well as many other areas, I can be the one who encourages others who are starting their journey!
Today, a girl who I see, around town, regularly, came into the gym. She told me of her desire to get started toward being healthier, more fit, more lean.
Like me?
To look so good, nekkid, I turn myself on just looking in a mirror!
However......she DID want to get started.
I felt the compassion inside me surge! I wanted to share with her, what I found that worked for me, is STILL working! I wanted to help her so much, I knew I had to temper it, so, I bought a bottle of water for her. Cheers!
More than anything, I want to be the encouragement for her, that was absent from my fitness journey.
The road is wide open, full speed, ahead!
Doesn't encouragement help everyone?
Am I on track with this?
When I finally...finally, was tired of feeling tired with back pain, knee pain, foot pain. Tired of having difficulty breathing from simply walking up a flight of 10 stairs.
Also, the pain of the embarrassment when a flight attendant asked me if I would like to move to a seat where I could put the armrest up to "give me more room".
I was so big that sitting in a regular sized airlines seat on a flight to Las Vegas, Nevada, was very uncomfortable.
The weight had crept up on me.
I knew it was time to do SOMETHING!
To be candid, exactly WHAT to do was unclear to me, I only knew I had to make some permanent changes.
When my father passed on, there was some money from his estate.
Unfortunately, I believed the ex huzz when he promised to split the money from the sale of his parents home in Honolulu if I would give him half of what I received. Of course, words, promises, integrity, mean nothing to the ex huzz. When it comes to honoring his word, it's a crap shoot!
Not only did I never see a dime of the money I put into the home we owned, I never received any $$ from the sale of his parents home in exchange for giving him 1/2 of my inheritance.
The half of the money I had, went to a gym & 10 sessions with a Personal Trainer. I needed SOMETHING to start me up.
The P.T. was the only encouragement I had from anyone.
There were many nay-sayers, discouragers, saboteurs, only *ONE* person who encouraged me when I was getting started. I will, forever be grateful to my first P.T.!
FFWD to 2017, baby!
Going back in time to glean encouragement is unlikely.
With all of the knowledge I have obtained about health, fitness, as well as many other areas, I can be the one who encourages others who are starting their journey!
Today, a girl who I see, around town, regularly, came into the gym. She told me of her desire to get started toward being healthier, more fit, more lean.
Like me?
To look so good, nekkid, I turn myself on just looking in a mirror!
However......she DID want to get started.
I felt the compassion inside me surge! I wanted to share with her, what I found that worked for me, is STILL working! I wanted to help her so much, I knew I had to temper it, so, I bought a bottle of water for her. Cheers!
More than anything, I want to be the encouragement for her, that was absent from my fitness journey.
The road is wide open, full speed, ahead!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Update on Sleeping With Hot Guy!
I slept like a baby last night! Maybe I slept like a bear. Bears sleep long and deep in hibernation!
Babies, on the other hand, (if you're a parent you may know this) often wake up crying every 2 hours or more during the night.
How do I know this?
Yesterday, arriving home, after a small bite to eat, I went through my nightly ablutions. Settling down to listen to my latest audio book, happily in my meditative state while doing some artistic handwork, I was eagerly looking forward to sleeping with my hot guy for the first time.
It was his first time, too!
Ha ha!
Hot guy getting nuked
Donning my jammie wrap
Getting ready to cuddle
For our very first nap
He came out of the "nuker"
To the all finished alarm
To keep me happy all night
All toasty & warm
Last night, I enjoyed a bit of deja-vu as I held my heated teddy bear to my back, it actually felt like there was someone there. Then, I put him between my legs, and.....
It was a good night, happy dreams, peaceful sleep, I'm having a wonderful day, today!
I slept like a baby last night! Maybe I slept like a bear. Bears sleep long and deep in hibernation!
Babies, on the other hand, (if you're a parent you may know this) often wake up crying every 2 hours or more during the night.
How do I know this?
Yesterday, arriving home, after a small bite to eat, I went through my nightly ablutions. Settling down to listen to my latest audio book, happily in my meditative state while doing some artistic handwork, I was eagerly looking forward to sleeping with my hot guy for the first time.
It was his first time, too!
Ha ha!
Hot guy getting nuked
Donning my jammie wrap
Getting ready to cuddle
For our very first nap
He came out of the "nuker"
To the all finished alarm
To keep me happy all night
All toasty & warm
Last night, I enjoyed a bit of deja-vu as I held my heated teddy bear to my back, it actually felt like there was someone there. Then, I put him between my legs, and.....
It was a good night, happy dreams, peaceful sleep, I'm having a wonderful day, today!
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Sleeping With a Hot Guy......Again!
Sometimes, just sometimes, I feel so danged smart, I amaze myself!
Learning to sleep alone, do without the warmth of another body in the bed was tough, at first.
Doing without his snoring, thrashing around & awake BS was easy.
But the warmth.......that was tough to do without.
Then, perchance, I found a microwaveable teddy bear! Once again, I had a hot guy in my bed. He was quiet, stayed still and didn't dish out any of the crap of his predecessor.
The drawbacks of the microwaveable teddy bear?
* The cost! $40 - $60 each!
* Nuke the guy for too long, he smelled like burned toast!
* Family & friends thought my hot guy was unusual. :(
After adjusting to always sleeping alone as well as nuking my teddy's a bit too long, I had to give up my hot little bed
buddy. :(
Although I live in North Texas, the weather is still a bit chilly toward Oct - March. In July, I had bought a new teddy bear from a thrift store. I had a little experiment in mind. When I had cut my last microwaveable teddy bear open to see what he was filled with that made him warm up so well, I was amazed!
It was dry rice!
With the temps dropping, I started to miss my hot lil guy!
I picked up the 99 cent T-bear, this morning, cut him opened in the back, removed all of his stuffing.
Then, I poured a 1 lb bag of dry rice into him.
Now, the test.
I checked the T-Bear out, making sure there was no metal on him.
I nuked him in the microwave for 1 minute. He was a little warm. So, I nuked him for 2 more minutes.
It worked!
To think, I spent $40 - 60 on a T-Bear filled with rice!
Total cost for home made = $2.50!
Winter is on it's way, I have a hot guy to sleep with again.
A hot new guy to keep me warm all night!
Learning to sleep alone, do without the warmth of another body in the bed was tough, at first.
Doing without his snoring, thrashing around & awake BS was easy.
But the warmth.......that was tough to do without.
Then, perchance, I found a microwaveable teddy bear! Once again, I had a hot guy in my bed. He was quiet, stayed still and didn't dish out any of the crap of his predecessor.
The drawbacks of the microwaveable teddy bear?
* The cost! $40 - $60 each!
* Nuke the guy for too long, he smelled like burned toast!
* Family & friends thought my hot guy was unusual. :(
After adjusting to always sleeping alone as well as nuking my teddy's a bit too long, I had to give up my hot little bed
buddy. :(
Although I live in North Texas, the weather is still a bit chilly toward Oct - March. In July, I had bought a new teddy bear from a thrift store. I had a little experiment in mind. When I had cut my last microwaveable teddy bear open to see what he was filled with that made him warm up so well, I was amazed!
It was dry rice!
With the temps dropping, I started to miss my hot lil guy!
I picked up the 99 cent T-bear, this morning, cut him opened in the back, removed all of his stuffing.
Then, I poured a 1 lb bag of dry rice into him.
Now, the test.
I checked the T-Bear out, making sure there was no metal on him.
I nuked him in the microwave for 1 minute. He was a little warm. So, I nuked him for 2 more minutes.
It worked!
To think, I spent $40 - 60 on a T-Bear filled with rice!
Total cost for home made = $2.50!
Winter is on it's way, I have a hot guy to sleep with again.
A hot new guy to keep me warm all night!
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
The Scary Question. ;)
Here it is, peeps. All in basic black & white.
The question I hear so much, the one that gives my tummy a bit of a gurgle. The question people ask me constantly.
Less so, since I have been in this tiny town for 5 years, yet, leave town, have a few conversations.....there it is.
It may be a form of flattery?
Maybe curiosity or just humans doing what humans sometimes do ~ being nosy.
Working out 360 days per year, being a tidy home keeper, loving to cook, having a wicked cool sense of humor. It's obvious as to why people ask this question.
Afterall, if a girl is reasonably attractive, physically fit, has a good head on her shoulders, smart, clean & has a good personality, she is only complete if she has a boyfriend or husband, right? :)
Caveat: It's less about me than it is about the guys available out there in the single world.
Oh, I have some bearing on it, for sure.
In a certain controversial flik, the main female character was asked a similar query.
"You don't have a boyfriend? I'm sure there are so many guys out there who want you or someone like you."
Her answer?
"No one that I really wanted."
And so the dilemma goes.
When people ask me:
"How could YOU be single?"
Coming up with witty answers can be entertaining for one or both people involved in the exchange!
Observe. :0)
Why are you single?
~ It's tough to have a relationship when you're a super-hero! The cape gets in the way.
~ I'm not single. I'm independently owned and operated.
~ I'm single? Really? So that's why there's no guy & rugrats running around my house! Thank you!
The truth is?
The guys who want me are the ones I don't want. There is a certain type of guy who attracts me, can hold my attention. I won't waste his time or mine. When I realize that I can't feel enough of a spark for him, I let him know.
The question I hear so much, the one that gives my tummy a bit of a gurgle. The question people ask me constantly.
Less so, since I have been in this tiny town for 5 years, yet, leave town, have a few conversations.....there it is.
It may be a form of flattery?
Maybe curiosity or just humans doing what humans sometimes do ~ being nosy.
Working out 360 days per year, being a tidy home keeper, loving to cook, having a wicked cool sense of humor. It's obvious as to why people ask this question.
Afterall, if a girl is reasonably attractive, physically fit, has a good head on her shoulders, smart, clean & has a good personality, she is only complete if she has a boyfriend or husband, right? :)
Caveat: It's less about me than it is about the guys available out there in the single world.
Oh, I have some bearing on it, for sure.
In a certain controversial flik, the main female character was asked a similar query.
"You don't have a boyfriend? I'm sure there are so many guys out there who want you or someone like you."
Her answer?
"No one that I really wanted."
And so the dilemma goes.
When people ask me:
"How could YOU be single?"
Coming up with witty answers can be entertaining for one or both people involved in the exchange!
Observe. :0)
Why are you single?
~ It's tough to have a relationship when you're a super-hero! The cape gets in the way.
~ I'm not single. I'm independently owned and operated.
~ I'm single? Really? So that's why there's no guy & rugrats running around my house! Thank you!
The truth is?
The guys who want me are the ones I don't want. There is a certain type of guy who attracts me, can hold my attention. I won't waste his time or mine. When I realize that I can't feel enough of a spark for him, I let him know.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Talk Nerdy to Me
First, I want to clear something up.
Something in the air. Ha ha!
When did being higher in intelligence get a bad rep?
To moi? Intelligence is so very attractive. Awhile back, I remember this really hot guy who I was crushing on, the guy had nothing intelligent to say.
Other girls told me,
"Hey, ya don't talk with him, the party's in the basement!" ;) ;)
Pretty much, I lost interest. Intelligence is sexy!
This leads up to something I noticed yesterday. Autumn is coming to North Texas. Yee haww!
This means that the air pressure is changing. To be more specific?
The barometric pressure is changing, shifting. Rising & falling.
Rising & falling throughout the days, every day.
The differences in air pressure because of weather changes can have noticeable effects on the human body. Some people will be more sensitive to it than others.
Expanding & contracting air pressure can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus) ear pain as well as ear popping, slight headaches are common.
Blood pressure can be affected as well as blood sugar.
My maternal grandfather was a very wise man. He demonstrated Einstein-ish practices as well as curiosity all throughout his life.
He kept a barometer at the front and back door of his home. He checked it regularly to know what to expect throughout the day.
Yesterday as well as today, I have heard from many people that they felt "a bit off" yesterday as well as today.
Then, when checking the barometric readings throughout the day, right up to an hour ago, I saw that it was fluctuating then dropping, over and over!
Today, TRX was cancelled due to barometric pressure. JK!
Not sure why, the teach was not feeling well. I think that barometric pressure might have something to do with it!
Just, maybe!
Something in the air. Ha ha!
When did being higher in intelligence get a bad rep?
To moi? Intelligence is so very attractive. Awhile back, I remember this really hot guy who I was crushing on, the guy had nothing intelligent to say.
Other girls told me,
"Hey, ya don't talk with him, the party's in the basement!" ;) ;)
Pretty much, I lost interest. Intelligence is sexy!
This leads up to something I noticed yesterday. Autumn is coming to North Texas. Yee haww!
This means that the air pressure is changing. To be more specific?
The barometric pressure is changing, shifting. Rising & falling.
Rising & falling throughout the days, every day.
The differences in air pressure because of weather changes can have noticeable effects on the human body. Some people will be more sensitive to it than others.
Expanding & contracting air pressure can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus) ear pain as well as ear popping, slight headaches are common.
Blood pressure can be affected as well as blood sugar.
My maternal grandfather was a very wise man. He demonstrated Einstein-ish practices as well as curiosity all throughout his life.
He kept a barometer at the front and back door of his home. He checked it regularly to know what to expect throughout the day.
Yesterday as well as today, I have heard from many people that they felt "a bit off" yesterday as well as today.
Then, when checking the barometric readings throughout the day, right up to an hour ago, I saw that it was fluctuating then dropping, over and over!
Today, TRX was cancelled due to barometric pressure. JK!
Not sure why, the teach was not feeling well. I think that barometric pressure might have something to do with it!
Just, maybe!
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Shaker of the Money Maker
Maybe it's because I had a light day yesterday. Took off early from life, from usual routine, from the small minds of the small town life with mah bestie!
With 2 free tickets to the Texas State Fair, I was gonna use 'em!
Spending a whole day goofing is a rare one for me, so, it was time to recharge my battery. Shake up my routine. The last time I went to a state fair, it was less than enjoyable.
2 snotty teenagers who fought each other & demanded everything. Everything they didn't have to pay for, that is.
So, yeah.
Less than enjoyable for me.
Yesterday was all about fun, discovery, time with a friend.
We fed the Ostrich, petted the baby goats watched the steers hump each other and were amazed by the kangaroo with a little baby joey in her pouch. Up close & personal.
We sat in our dream cars, talked to hawt salesguys and just
At the fair in my dream car!
So, today, it was back to business.
I was ready!
Just to refrain from being too showy, I took the tread furthest from view.
Starting up, dance tunes coming through earbuds, I was groovin.
Yeah, baby!
On the tread, 2.5 speed, no incline, I started with walking lunges to Prince ~ Little Red Corvette.
Switch gears.
Machine Gun Kelly and the girl, lol ~ Bad Things
Side walking for 1 minute.
Switch sides, hands behind head, side walking 1 minute.
Free style, strut! 5 minutes.
Ready for TRX.
Amy, the TRX teacher killed us today & the class loved it!
Happy Wednesday, Y'all!
With 2 free tickets to the Texas State Fair, I was gonna use 'em!
Spending a whole day goofing is a rare one for me, so, it was time to recharge my battery. Shake up my routine. The last time I went to a state fair, it was less than enjoyable.
2 snotty teenagers who fought each other & demanded everything. Everything they didn't have to pay for, that is.
So, yeah.
Less than enjoyable for me.
Yesterday was all about fun, discovery, time with a friend.
We fed the Ostrich, petted the baby goats watched the steers hump each other and were amazed by the kangaroo with a little baby joey in her pouch. Up close & personal.
We sat in our dream cars, talked to hawt salesguys and just
At the fair in my dream car!
So, today, it was back to business.
I was ready!
Just to refrain from being too showy, I took the tread furthest from view.
Starting up, dance tunes coming through earbuds, I was groovin.
Yeah, baby!
On the tread, 2.5 speed, no incline, I started with walking lunges to Prince ~ Little Red Corvette.
Switch gears.
Machine Gun Kelly and the girl, lol ~ Bad Things
Side walking for 1 minute.
Switch sides, hands behind head, side walking 1 minute.
Free style, strut! 5 minutes.
Ready for TRX.
Amy, the TRX teacher killed us today & the class loved it!
Happy Wednesday, Y'all!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Ch ch changes!
Can you fill in the blank?
If you're not growing, you're __________.
More dialogue about that to follow.
Yesterday, during a phone conversation, the loved one I was conversing with, pointed out how much I have changed since leaving the abusive marriage I ended 10 years ago.
The loved one told me that it was rather disconcerting that I had changed so much that it was unsettling for her as well as the rest of the people in my life.
This person, herself, has changed in so many ways. Instead of feeling unsettled about it, I'm expected to roll with it, embrace it, accept it while these "others" seem to be of the opinion that myself, while accepting the changes in others, am not given the same privilege, if you will.
Change is something I have learned to accept as well as embrace!
As I witness people around me growing, changing evolving, right there with the rest of the world, I accept it.
The person I was conversing with still has a relationship of sorts with the ex huzz. Therefore, pointing out to her that the person she knew was who he forced me to be, is a no go.
Giving any of my energy to ex huzz by trash talking him is a waste of my energy. He talks crap about me constantly, even 10 years post split up.
It gets back to me. I pity him.
He even avoided & told a pack of lies to avoid going to his own daughters wedding this past June. Poor baby.
I digress.
Having shed the misery weight gained in a bad marriage ~
I'm now a gym bunny!
Forming a more healthy relationship with food. Being single & living alone has its perks. Raiding cupboards, fridge, freezer & pantry ~ if it was processed, overly salty, sugary, I threw it away, gave it away or donated it.
My decor changed from fru-fru Victorian to simple elegant stream lined organization-ish.
Very zen or some would say good feng shui.
I used to cling to the past, fear for the future, walking on thin ice, trying to stay afloat. Being gas-lighted will do that.
My question is that, doesn't everyone, no matter what their status is, doesn't everyone have the unalienable right to grow, to change, to be who they choose to become?
Whether the person is a parent or childless.
Older or younger.
Of any and all races, creeds, religions.
People, if they are not, should adopt a more thelemic approach to life as well as their fellow beings.
If one person has a problem with another persons desire to learn, to grow, to evolve, it's on the nay-sayer.
Lead, follow, or gth outta the way!
If you're not growing, you're dying.
If you're not growing, you're __________.
More dialogue about that to follow.
Yesterday, during a phone conversation, the loved one I was conversing with, pointed out how much I have changed since leaving the abusive marriage I ended 10 years ago.
The loved one told me that it was rather disconcerting that I had changed so much that it was unsettling for her as well as the rest of the people in my life.
This person, herself, has changed in so many ways. Instead of feeling unsettled about it, I'm expected to roll with it, embrace it, accept it while these "others" seem to be of the opinion that myself, while accepting the changes in others, am not given the same privilege, if you will.
Change is something I have learned to accept as well as embrace!
As I witness people around me growing, changing evolving, right there with the rest of the world, I accept it.
The person I was conversing with still has a relationship of sorts with the ex huzz. Therefore, pointing out to her that the person she knew was who he forced me to be, is a no go.
Giving any of my energy to ex huzz by trash talking him is a waste of my energy. He talks crap about me constantly, even 10 years post split up.
It gets back to me. I pity him.
He even avoided & told a pack of lies to avoid going to his own daughters wedding this past June. Poor baby.
I digress.
Having shed the misery weight gained in a bad marriage ~
I'm now a gym bunny!
Forming a more healthy relationship with food. Being single & living alone has its perks. Raiding cupboards, fridge, freezer & pantry ~ if it was processed, overly salty, sugary, I threw it away, gave it away or donated it.
My decor changed from fru-fru Victorian to simple elegant stream lined organization-ish.
Very zen or some would say good feng shui.
I used to cling to the past, fear for the future, walking on thin ice, trying to stay afloat. Being gas-lighted will do that.
My question is that, doesn't everyone, no matter what their status is, doesn't everyone have the unalienable right to grow, to change, to be who they choose to become?
Whether the person is a parent or childless.
Older or younger.
Of any and all races, creeds, religions.
People, if they are not, should adopt a more thelemic approach to life as well as their fellow beings.
If one person has a problem with another persons desire to learn, to grow, to evolve, it's on the nay-sayer.
Lead, follow, or gth outta the way!
If you're not growing, you're dying.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Daydreams & Nightdreams
Do you, even if only sometimes, perhaps, enjoy a long sleepathon during the day?
This is not a nap, this is full on REM sleep, here, peeps!
When there has been some emotional pain, such as there was, for me, last Friday, October 6th, I find that a bit of extra mattress time (the G-Rated one) helps.
There's just something wonderful about giving myself permission to soak in a tub of hot water around noon, then, curling up in my bed to drift into slumber.
That's what I did starting last Saturday, after some very pain filled news on Friday.
As a single girl, alone in the world, I know how to tend to my own soul.
When dealt a painful emotional blow, extra rest is needed.
Something I have found is that when I sleep during the day, my dreams are significantly different from the dream content of those dreamed during night sleep.
The dreams during the day seem more real, focus on real content. Dreams from day sleep also alter my moods as well as my life perspective somewhat more. Daysleep gives me a feeling of newness that makes it a smooth ride from injured & hurting to softening the blows to moving on. Shaking it off!
After passing through the extra sleep mode, I go into working it like a gym goddess. Going a bit harder, pushing myself more. Visiting the Church of The Elliptical for 2-3 times per day!
This is my personal coping mechanism to deal with anything emotionally, mentally or spiritually painful.
In place of the extra blubber hitting the ice cream would have packed on, I snap out of it feeling better!
After all, it's really a choice, idn't it?
Healthy Choice, the life, not the frozen meal.
Better choices, better health, better feelz!
This is not a nap, this is full on REM sleep, here, peeps!
When there has been some emotional pain, such as there was, for me, last Friday, October 6th, I find that a bit of extra mattress time (the G-Rated one) helps.
There's just something wonderful about giving myself permission to soak in a tub of hot water around noon, then, curling up in my bed to drift into slumber.
That's what I did starting last Saturday, after some very pain filled news on Friday.
As a single girl, alone in the world, I know how to tend to my own soul.
When dealt a painful emotional blow, extra rest is needed.
Something I have found is that when I sleep during the day, my dreams are significantly different from the dream content of those dreamed during night sleep.
The dreams during the day seem more real, focus on real content. Dreams from day sleep also alter my moods as well as my life perspective somewhat more. Daysleep gives me a feeling of newness that makes it a smooth ride from injured & hurting to softening the blows to moving on. Shaking it off!
After passing through the extra sleep mode, I go into working it like a gym goddess. Going a bit harder, pushing myself more. Visiting the Church of The Elliptical for 2-3 times per day!
This is my personal coping mechanism to deal with anything emotionally, mentally or spiritually painful.
In place of the extra blubber hitting the ice cream would have packed on, I snap out of it feeling better!
After all, it's really a choice, idn't it?
Healthy Choice, the life, not the frozen meal.
Better choices, better health, better feelz!
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Sweet Things
It all started when Eve supposedly offered an apple to Adam, he took it, bit into it and it was sweet & delicious.
So, it began!
The relationship between people & sugar!
Having read Sugar Nation by Jeff O'Connell, it was informative as well as very supportive. What I have been discovering about sugar, diabetes, obesity and how it can all be overcome is astounding!
Convincing me was a little hop & skip. Getting me on a roll after that was a slick slide, gathering speed as I progressed onward!
HEY! I enjoy sugar & the sweet sensation just as much as everyone, yet, in the research I have done on my own, I know the danger of it.
The guilt from consuming as well as serving peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, mac & cheese, etc is heavy on my heart.
Peanut butter & jelly sandwich = Sugar sandwich, no bueno!
Mac & cheese = Death sentence for diabetics
Giving full sugar sodas & juices to children = Set up for obesity
I did all three of these in total ignorance. Dang, do I feel bad, now!
There is hope!
With all the studying & research I have done, now, I have changed my own habits. Aside from slipping up a few times, going for the sugar offered to me, I have resolved to be stronger starting October 1, 2017.
It's a new day!
New month!
New start!
I know that the 2 sources that contribute to belly fat are sugar & dairy. The sad facts are that these 2 are together quite often to create a double threat to health.
Even pets such as dogs & cats are commonly under threat of obesity!
Being just one person, it's my responsibility to clean up my diet, turn away from sugar addiction ~
aka legal heroin.
Working out to become more fit, more lean, more healthy will be for naught if the sugar addiction is still with me.
The legal heroin is everywhere, in nearly everything, so it's important to exercise due diligence, label reading!
Some small tweaks I'm making.
Trading roasted, unsalted cashews for walnuts of the same ilk.
Oatmeal with cinnamon or nutmeg in place of honey.
Only green apples instead of any variety of red.
Eating a medium size meal before going to social events.
(It creates a stau to temptation)
Going to bed early, rising early, Ben Franklin had a good point!
I may think of more, later, this is it for now!
Jeff O'Connell is a great writer, his work at is an eye opener, thank you, Jeff!
So, it began!
The relationship between people & sugar!
Having read Sugar Nation by Jeff O'Connell, it was informative as well as very supportive. What I have been discovering about sugar, diabetes, obesity and how it can all be overcome is astounding!
Convincing me was a little hop & skip. Getting me on a roll after that was a slick slide, gathering speed as I progressed onward!
HEY! I enjoy sugar & the sweet sensation just as much as everyone, yet, in the research I have done on my own, I know the danger of it.
The guilt from consuming as well as serving peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, mac & cheese, etc is heavy on my heart.
Peanut butter & jelly sandwich = Sugar sandwich, no bueno!
Mac & cheese = Death sentence for diabetics
Giving full sugar sodas & juices to children = Set up for obesity
I did all three of these in total ignorance. Dang, do I feel bad, now!
There is hope!
With all the studying & research I have done, now, I have changed my own habits. Aside from slipping up a few times, going for the sugar offered to me, I have resolved to be stronger starting October 1, 2017.
It's a new day!
New month!
New start!
I know that the 2 sources that contribute to belly fat are sugar & dairy. The sad facts are that these 2 are together quite often to create a double threat to health.
Even pets such as dogs & cats are commonly under threat of obesity!
Being just one person, it's my responsibility to clean up my diet, turn away from sugar addiction ~
aka legal heroin.
Working out to become more fit, more lean, more healthy will be for naught if the sugar addiction is still with me.
The legal heroin is everywhere, in nearly everything, so it's important to exercise due diligence, label reading!
Some small tweaks I'm making.
Trading roasted, unsalted cashews for walnuts of the same ilk.
Oatmeal with cinnamon or nutmeg in place of honey.
Only green apples instead of any variety of red.
Eating a medium size meal before going to social events.
(It creates a stau to temptation)
Going to bed early, rising early, Ben Franklin had a good point!
I may think of more, later, this is it for now!
Jeff O'Connell is a great writer, his work at is an eye opener, thank you, Jeff!
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The Plague
If you have ever studied world history you may know about the "Black Death" or Bubonic Plague which swept through Asia then reached Europe in the 1340s, killing around 25 million people.
The plague affected everyone.
There is a plague in the world, today, which is wrecking havoc.
Like the Black Plague (race card pulling is invalid here) this plague is preventable, though, many ignore the symptoms, attempt to explain away its ill effects.
This plague is ruining the basic family structure, eroding relationships between adult children and their parents. Causing divorces, causing deep depression in its unwilling victims.
Big pharma loves it!
Bring on the Anti-D's!
This plague is just as destructive, while, even MORE preventable than any plague.
There is a name for it, a very common name.
Seeing people who are supposed to love each other, care for each other, often are blood related family, turn away, refuse to see or hear the needs of someone they are supposed to care about.
Like the Black Plague, it's creating a lot of problems in the world. Adult offspring who are so selfish as to take, take, take from their parents without even caring enough to help a parent clean their home or do their dishes.
Many will rarely even dust a table for a parent who needs their help.
When many of these grown offspring NEED something from their parent, they will ask, nag, beg, use guilt, to get whatever they want or need.
Pure selfishness!
However, I do realize that a parent has to allow their offspring to treat them badly, for the offspring to treat them with disrespect. A parent has to be a doormat.
The parent lays down, the offspring walk on them!
The solution?
Stand up!
Refuse to lay down!
It's very sad, to me.
Hypocrisy is no burden to me, in this matter.
When my parents were among the living (they died young) I did as much as was needed for them. I cleaned the house & washed dishes for my mother, even sent money home to her when I was AD USAF, to help her.
She was very unappreciative, so, the roles were reversed in my personal instance, I still honored the relationship, though, my parents didn't honor nor cherish me, as their daughter.
When I see people who are teen age all the way to their 20s, 30s, 40s, showing such a display of selfishness, it saddens me. It also makes me a little angry to see how uncaring some of these people are.
Having the experience of having to put the respect in place with my own family members, I know how tricky it can be.
*Children will only respect their parents when the respect is put into place by the parent.
*Parents will only respect boundaries of their children when the relationship is healthy.
*Family members & friends, acquaintances, will only show courtesy, caring & respect when the relationship is balanced as well as healthy.
It's important to stand up for yourself even with people who should know to be courteous & caring toward you.
Why am I writing this?
I have seen too much selfishness as well as had to work overtime to put the respect in place with so many people who didn't want to give it.
Caveat ~ People dislike it when you stand up for yourself especially when they are accustomed to having you lay down to be walked on.
There will be a struggle, anger, resentment from them.
There may also be attempts from them to lay a guilt trip on you when you won't give in because you have developed new self respect, a backbone!
Some relationships may even dwindle when the cash cow stops giving milk. :)
Stay strong, stand up for yourself.
Been there, did that, sorry, there's no T Shirt!
The plague affected everyone.
There is a plague in the world, today, which is wrecking havoc.
Like the Black Plague (race card pulling is invalid here) this plague is preventable, though, many ignore the symptoms, attempt to explain away its ill effects.
This plague is ruining the basic family structure, eroding relationships between adult children and their parents. Causing divorces, causing deep depression in its unwilling victims.
Big pharma loves it!
Bring on the Anti-D's!
This plague is just as destructive, while, even MORE preventable than any plague.
There is a name for it, a very common name.
Seeing people who are supposed to love each other, care for each other, often are blood related family, turn away, refuse to see or hear the needs of someone they are supposed to care about.
Like the Black Plague, it's creating a lot of problems in the world. Adult offspring who are so selfish as to take, take, take from their parents without even caring enough to help a parent clean their home or do their dishes.
Many will rarely even dust a table for a parent who needs their help.
When many of these grown offspring NEED something from their parent, they will ask, nag, beg, use guilt, to get whatever they want or need.
Pure selfishness!
However, I do realize that a parent has to allow their offspring to treat them badly, for the offspring to treat them with disrespect. A parent has to be a doormat.
The parent lays down, the offspring walk on them!
The solution?
Stand up!
Refuse to lay down!
It's very sad, to me.
Hypocrisy is no burden to me, in this matter.
When my parents were among the living (they died young) I did as much as was needed for them. I cleaned the house & washed dishes for my mother, even sent money home to her when I was AD USAF, to help her.
She was very unappreciative, so, the roles were reversed in my personal instance, I still honored the relationship, though, my parents didn't honor nor cherish me, as their daughter.
When I see people who are teen age all the way to their 20s, 30s, 40s, showing such a display of selfishness, it saddens me. It also makes me a little angry to see how uncaring some of these people are.
Having the experience of having to put the respect in place with my own family members, I know how tricky it can be.
*Children will only respect their parents when the respect is put into place by the parent.
*Parents will only respect boundaries of their children when the relationship is healthy.
*Family members & friends, acquaintances, will only show courtesy, caring & respect when the relationship is balanced as well as healthy.
It's important to stand up for yourself even with people who should know to be courteous & caring toward you.
Why am I writing this?
I have seen too much selfishness as well as had to work overtime to put the respect in place with so many people who didn't want to give it.
Caveat ~ People dislike it when you stand up for yourself especially when they are accustomed to having you lay down to be walked on.
There will be a struggle, anger, resentment from them.
There may also be attempts from them to lay a guilt trip on you when you won't give in because you have developed new self respect, a backbone!
Some relationships may even dwindle when the cash cow stops giving milk. :)
Stay strong, stand up for yourself.
Been there, did that, sorry, there's no T Shirt!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Missing Elements
Do you feel like something is missing in your existence? Your life? Something has seemed off kilter for your whole life or just a couple years? Months? Weeks?
Okay, I'll go there, a few days? Ha Ha!
Everyone's physiology is different. Even in identical twins there are ever so slight variations. From studying my own, it has taught me so much.
The body is a very intelligent machine! Human machine!
Your body has a way to communicate with you, your challenge is to listen to what it's telling you.
Every time I step inside the gym, I pause. I wait. I listen.
Knowing my body as well as I do, it's voice, it's modus operandi is familiar to me. As an imperfect person, there are times that life gets in the way of listening.
Those are times that I suffer.
Body speaks, I listen.
Body language, ror.
Many people are fortunate in what they are dealt in the gene pool, some, less so. My draw from the gene pool is mostly satisfactory, however, I have baby fine hair, fingernails that peel, split, crack, break, very easily.
The trick in improving these is something I have looked for a solution for, for a long time.
My whole life!
I know, I know! I'm such a girl.
Deal with it.
The most recent discovery which after a 90 day trial, which I have done, is to strengthen my nails, improve hair texture, improve the appearance of my skin.
A close GF who I have known for most of my life, has seen these improvements.
She has dubbed me "An angel with beautiful skin."
I'll take it!
The discovery I have made is, are you ready?
Yupp, ha ha. Biosil! I started taking this on July 1, 2017. Today is October 2, 2017. The differences are astounding. I know this because it astounded me!
The differences ~
More even skin tone, a slight "glow"
New head/scalp hair growth is thicker, looks more healthy
Fingernails are growing faster, are stronger
The dose is 1 capsule each morning, 1 each night. Easy peezy!
The second product which was started at the same time is simply delish!
Natures Bounty - Hair Skin & Nails Gummies.
Peeps ~ It's legal fitness candy!
Having tested these, I can tell you, they live up to their claims, for me.
My conclusion is that these products must have something in them that has been missing from my chemical composition. I'm a label reader & I read the labels on these to be sure of what I was putting into my body.
I had to CUT my fingernails off because they were too long for the first time in my life! That says something, to me!
Am I endorsing these products because they worked for me?
Okay, I'll go there, a few days? Ha Ha!
Everyone's physiology is different. Even in identical twins there are ever so slight variations. From studying my own, it has taught me so much.
The body is a very intelligent machine! Human machine!
Your body has a way to communicate with you, your challenge is to listen to what it's telling you.
Every time I step inside the gym, I pause. I wait. I listen.
Knowing my body as well as I do, it's voice, it's modus operandi is familiar to me. As an imperfect person, there are times that life gets in the way of listening.
Those are times that I suffer.
Body speaks, I listen.
Body language, ror.
Many people are fortunate in what they are dealt in the gene pool, some, less so. My draw from the gene pool is mostly satisfactory, however, I have baby fine hair, fingernails that peel, split, crack, break, very easily.
The trick in improving these is something I have looked for a solution for, for a long time.
My whole life!
I know, I know! I'm such a girl.
Deal with it.
The most recent discovery which after a 90 day trial, which I have done, is to strengthen my nails, improve hair texture, improve the appearance of my skin.
A close GF who I have known for most of my life, has seen these improvements.
She has dubbed me "An angel with beautiful skin."
I'll take it!
The discovery I have made is, are you ready?
Yupp, ha ha. Biosil! I started taking this on July 1, 2017. Today is October 2, 2017. The differences are astounding. I know this because it astounded me!
The differences ~
More even skin tone, a slight "glow"
New head/scalp hair growth is thicker, looks more healthy
Fingernails are growing faster, are stronger
The dose is 1 capsule each morning, 1 each night. Easy peezy!
The second product which was started at the same time is simply delish!
Natures Bounty - Hair Skin & Nails Gummies.
Peeps ~ It's legal fitness candy!
Having tested these, I can tell you, they live up to their claims, for me.
My conclusion is that these products must have something in them that has been missing from my chemical composition. I'm a label reader & I read the labels on these to be sure of what I was putting into my body.
I had to CUT my fingernails off because they were too long for the first time in my life! That says something, to me!
Am I endorsing these products because they worked for me?
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