Saturday, February 6, 2016


What exactly IS a prompting?

Do you know?

Do you feel them?

Do you follow them?

I feel them, now. Though I didn't for a few years.
It's a still small voice whispering to me as to what I should do, could do. Although I'm not very religious, it feels like a holy presence walking with me, guiding me, telling me what I should do or should not do.
Very similar to a muscle, when it is exercised, it becomes stronger. When it's ignored, it begins to weaken. For a long time I basically thumbed my nose at this voice. I ignored it. Didn't do what it told me, didn't listen when it warned me. OMGoodness, it led to a great deal of misery, very nearly destroyed me. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Becoming so good at ignoring it, I brought a great deal of unnecessary misery, suffering, pain, sleepless nights upon myself that could have been averted had I listened & acted.

Having had the gift of 4 near death experiences, I knew to listen to the holy promptings. With the death of my beloved, Michael, the hardship that followed, I was angry with a God I had ceased to believe in. I still struggle with that.

Having experienced the horrible treatment of males who claimed to be Christians. Seeing the hypocrisy of girls and guys who also wore crosses around their necks or not, still claiming to be christian. They lied, cheated, abused others, fornicated, committed adultery just as anyone would, christian or not. They did this freely without remorse. I turned from anything that had anything to do with identifying itself or themselves as "christian." Music, churches, celebrations, classes, people. I struggle with that, too.

Although, the OSB Singles are some of the best people I have met in a long time. They are imperfect, as we all are. Still, I sense that these people have their broken-ness, yet, are working hard to live as Christians, to strive to do better. I sense this from all of them. It really is so beautiful. It's helping me to regain my faith.

The promptings are growing stronger, again, within my heart, within my soul, my spirit feels it, it responds to the messages.
As I follow these promptings, do as they direct me to do, they are coming to me more frequently, stronger. Almost as strong as before.

Case in point:

A friend who I became very close to in Colorado Springs just needs a bit of encouragement from time to time. Flowers grow, bud, then bloom with tending. A little rain, a little sunshine. a prompting came to me to send positive print outs to her whenever I found them. I wrote small phrases of encouragement on them. I followed the prompting. She told me it made a sweet difference for her.

There have been many more, since then, which I followed.

Sweet differences. Creating love & kindness in the world.


These promptings have turned my heart back to something I love. As a child, I had a wealthy relative who convinced my mother that I had natural grace. That, if honed, with time, practice, training, I could develop into a dancer. She paid for classes. Classes that I grew to loathe! Ballet. UGH! Plies, ton-dus, releve'......UGH! I hated it! Finally, I was allowed to quit. It was a mistake.
As a child in single digits, it was a relief. I should have been made to continue. Maybe, maybe not. Coulda', shoulda', woulda'. Ha ha.

I started looking around the classes at my gym. There was a 
Sans Barre class.
I tried it, it was difficult. I love a challenge!
It's a 45 minute class. It brought back the feelings of being trapped into dance classes, at first.
Then, as I continued, the movements felt like something swan-like, grace, balance, still a challenge. 
A challenge to be accepted, to be conquered. to use muscles I don't normally use. To strengthen abs, glutes, hammies, quads.
On Friday, Feb 5, I went through the grueling 45 minute class 2 times. One, right after the other. it was tough, yet, rewarding.

For a couple years, I was a part of a Halau. A Hawai'ian dance group. I really enjoyed it. My 2 older daughters are far better than I could ever be. They have hula in their hearts.
WTh do I know, with Ha'ole hips.
Lately, I've been prompted to start practicing Hula, again. To burn a CD of songs that I know the hula movements, to, then, practice my hula at the gym. I have been prompted to do this late at night when few people are there.
Many people misunderstand hula. They see it as something sexual. It may be sexual at times. However, it's more about culture than sex. It's interpretive dance where the dancer is a story teller with hip movement, hand movement, placement of the feet.

Hula is the heartbeat of Hawai'i.

It's a language unto itself. A gift that belongs as much to the giver as it does to the viewers & recipients when given as a gift.

With my new laptop, I'll burn the CD, take it to the gym late at night when no one will disturb me. 

I will re-acquaint with hula.

Maybe ballet, too.

I give my love to you, the reader of this BLOG.

Love, love, always, love.

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