Monday, February 22, 2016

Le Feet!

Yes, I confess, right here, right now.

I love my feet!

Almost as much as I love my girls. :P

My feet serve me well, they take me where I need to go, plus a few places I probably should not go. Mm hm.

Maybe it's because I'm a detail oriented person. I like to treat my feet with loving care. Whereas an indulgence used to be going out for ice cream, now, it's a professional pedicure. I love my hands as much as I love my feet, so, a manicure, too. It's the ultimate indulgence for me. From the warm soak in lavender water, to the "final reveal" after the massage, smoothing, trimming, filing, it makes walking on my feet almost....almost a sensual pleasure. :)
Add a manicure to that ~ it's heavenly!
I don't usually have colored polish on my fingers & toes unless it's for a special occasion. I do, prefer to be mostly natural. Besides, if there is only a clear polish on my toes, I can extend the beautiful effects of the mani-pedi for up to a month by re-applying the clear polish.

The ultimate enjoyment of indulging my sweet lil piggies is when I either lead a yoga or pilates or sans barre or attend one. FYI ~ These classes are done in bare feet. 
Many people who don't pay much attention to their feet can be very reluctant to remove shoes, even more reluctant to remove socks.
Glancing very subtly, I can see people try not to look around the room when others reveal their bare feet. 
Most seem even more self conscious as to whether others are looking as they slowly take off their own shoes & socks.

I don't have this hindrance ~ I just whip em off!!!  :D

Standing there, in just a sport bra, yoga pants ~ and a smile, I love taking my shoes & socks off, then seeing how pretty my toes are. Especially during the tendu, pointing my toe, extending my leg in a graceful, sweeping movement. Ahhh, yeah!

There are many things anyone can do to keep their feet well groomed.
Yes! Guys, you can do this, too!
It doesn't cost much, yet the reward of how your feet feel, can make a difference in how a person feels about themselves. 

Even if you're walking around in ~ 
combat boots
western boots
gym shoes
leather dress shoes

It's amazing how different it feels to have well cared for feet.

Quite often, at the end of the day, when it's time to relax, wind down, I'll shower off, wash, etc. Then, at the end I'll run the water as hot as I can stand it, close the drain, let the tub fill up. I keep essential oils for just such a wonderful escape. Sinking down to soak in the warmth of the water all around me is so delicious!
Warm, sweet paradise in my bath.
A favorite is lavender oil, sometimes a few drops of lavender with 1 or 2 drops of jasmine.
Am less a fan of bubble bath, more of a fan of scented oils.
After soaking for a few minutes, poking my toes up out of the water, I'll reach for the pedi stone to smooth the skin on my feet until I can tell, the new skin has emerged in a soft pink. After this, immediately after stepping out of my personal paradise, I have virgin, organic coconut oil & fresh, clean socks ready. Coconut oil has been one of my favorites long before it became so popular.
I get a small spoonful of coconut oil, it melts very quickly. I rub it he into my toes, the arches, working around to the tops then rubbing the excess onto my lower legs, knees. Putting clean, cotton socks on, then house shoes, my feet feel fantastic! 
Again, in the mornings, before leaving for the gym, massaging coconut oil onto my feet keeps them soft, healthy, beautiful.

For many years, I was too busy to take care of my feet. It was embarrassing. I took care of every ones needs while only doing the bare minimum for myself. Scaly, dry feet. Cracked heels. Ingrown toe nails.


There was an occasional mani pedi, maybe 2 - 3 times yearly.

As the love I felt, for ex huzz, slowly died, I began to direct all of the loving, caring little things I had been doing for him, toward doing those loving, sweet things for my kiddos, for myself. He complained, I didn't care. This was time for me. It was overdue.

This recipe is MAGIC! It's my go to, to keep my feet pretty.

4 cups Listerine Mouthwash (or generic equivalent)
4 cups white vinegar
8 cups hot water

(Put a foot scrubber, pumice stone or whatever will work for you, within reach. Have 2 large bath towels, coconut oil, socks & house shoes or slippers within reach.)

Mix together in a dishpan big enough to fit both of your feet in comfortably. Put a movie on, let your feet soak for 20 -30 minutes. Use the scrubber to help the dead skin come off. A lot of it will just fall right off of your feet. After soaking & scrubbing, lightly pat your feet with the towel, one at a time. Massage the coconut oil or lotion in between your toes, onto the bottoms, sides, onto your legs.
Put the socks & house shoes or slippers on. You can dump the foot soak mixture out if you wish. As long as you are the only one using it, it is just as effective when used 2 more times. Don't say ew!  :)

This sounds time consuming, I'm aware of that. It is, however, something that will make your feet more healthy. I gave this treatment to a few of my Alpha male guy friends. They loved it!

Take care of your tootsies, they will be a pleasure to walk on.

You're worth it.


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