Friday, February 26, 2016

La Music for La Mood

That's not French language. In French language it would loosely be something like ~

La Musique pour La Mood

Are you sensitive to music? Whether it's angry, energetic, melancholy, emotional, uplifting, boner bliss, nostalgic.

Okay, so, I will admit, am very sensitive. Very affected by music. I listen to a lot of upbeat, energetic, positively sweet music. When getting going in the morning, I start the music playing to keep me moving, to get out the door to wherever. Usually, the gym. Sometimes appointments or work. Never developed a coffee habit. Morning tonic of choice is water. 8 oz of cold water, then, 1 whole lemon, juiced, then warm lemon water. Mmmm, tasty!

Quite often, accessing You Tube on the smart TV, finding a long play list of the the top newest recent songs. The play list is usually a 4 - 6 hour list of music, then, automatically going to the next and the next. Anything that's new, within 5 months. I used to be stuck in the past, too nostalgic, that is no more. :)

I see a lot of people who aren't as happy in their current life as they would like to be. There are elements missing for them that they never thought would ever go missing. They seem to dwell on the past, a happier time that they re-live over & over in their minds. They listen to the music of that era, watch movies from back then, dwell on it. I know, I used to be like that.
Finding the path to get onto that would ground me in the present, keep pulling me gently forward into the future - MUSIC!

Music is the way. 
It may be frightening for some people, to move forward, into an unknown future. It was a bit anxiety producing for me at first, then, I knew I needed to embrace it, to move ever forward.

Other sources are; new tech, new movies, new ways of doing things. Taking a trip to somewhere I have never been. It's fun!

But.........the music!

Music of today is definitely different, yet, with elements of other eras in music.

Having lived in many different parts of the world as well as the USA, my taste in music is very diverse. As long as it's positive, uplifting, I will probably like it. Fair to say that the "Bitches & hoes" crap won't fit into that category. Some rap is cool, most is just vulgar, degrading to everyone. No bueno! I tend to mix some of the old with the new.

Religious music is not a favorite, either. It drags me down.

What I DO like is, for example:


King George!
Taylor Swift
Brad Paisley
Keith Urban

From Hawai'i:

Na Leo Pilimehana
Keali'i Reichel
Nohelani Cypriano
Brother Noland
Jack Johnson

Pop & Rock:

Robin Thicke
Alicia Keys
Ariana Grande
Selena Gomez
Ellie Goulding
One Direction

Soul, Rhythm & Blues:

Luther Vandross
John Legend
Frank Ocean

Each of these types of music can make me feel a different type of mood.

Ellie Gouldings music can put me in a nostalgic mood, soft, sweet, positive energy!

John Legend! Awww Johnny! Your music can put me into a sweet sexy mood quicker than anything. He has so much talent, so much ability! Luther Vandross, Marvin Gaye & Nat King Cole all present in his music style. He's a frkn genius!

Sometimes, I'll be at the 30 minute mark, on the elliptical. I'll be ready to quit. Motivating, talking myself into keeping it going in my head while the body is hurting, getting tired, stinking of sweat!
As soon as Mariah Careys - Make it Happen comes at me through ear buds from my mp3 player, oh yeah! The music gives me a burst of powerful energetic motivation! I may replay the song over a few times to keep the motivation flowing strong!

At the end of my one hour on the elliptical, when 
Steven Wrabel - Ten Feet Tall starts to play ~ oh yeah! I know I'm home free, all the way to the 7 mile mark at the hours end!

I love classical, too! ~ 

Sergei Rachmaninoff concerto 1 & 2 as well as All Night Vigil, Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
Handel ~ Messiah is so inspiring!
Mozart ~ The all time synonym for classical music

When I'm leaving my home for a long day, knowing I'll be out of the home for 6 - 12 hours. I set my smart TV to continuously play classical, it greets me along with an ocean scent L.E.D. candle turned on right before leaving. The candle & sweet music greet me when the day has come to a close. The house may be empty, yet, is still filled with music, fragrance, love!!! It's a wonderful welcome home!

Music, sweet music feeds the soul
Can take a broken hearted one
Help them to again become whole
The world is a more friendly place
Softens the roughest of days
When music puts a smile on a face
Every creature can sing its' own song
Before it's realized something changed
It's happy feeling has us humming along
Sing your song if you only sing in your heart
It will brighten the world for everyone
With so much loving joy that you impart

Play your music, peeps, let it lift your mood, keep you feeling how much happiness you have in your life. 
Right here.
Live in the NOW!

L8ers ~ baby! 

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