Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Do you need it?

Yes, I need it. Am humble enough to say, yes, encouragement in attaining my goals is very motivating. It makes me keep the UMPH to keep going when the every day struggles I face weigh me down.

Pre-workout supplements are cool, they are very useful. Useful for helping me to dig deep when needed. Also, awesome on road trips, all nighters, etc. Down, boy!  :)
Mostly, I go as natural as possible, yet, once in awhile, I hit a low pocket, that's when I reach for the pre-workout supplements. The fave ATM is EMERGE from I wrote an entry about that earlier.
I would guesstimate, I use a pre- workout supp once or twice per month. 
Read prior warning of fitness talk, it's my fave subject to talk or write about. There is still so much information, so much I don't know. There's also new information, supps & techniques always!

I let my body clock wake me up, straight into yoga pants & T Shirt, morning routine (SHH! it's a secret!), out the door to the gym. That's the ideal, anyway. It works like that usually. The morning energy after a good night of sleep is awesome sauce! Makes for a driving, pushing, sweat drenching workout.
Lately, it's been the 45 minute Sans Barre, then the 30 minute Yoga Burn & Firm with resistance bands for strength training. Sometimes 30 minutes to an hour of cardio first, sometimes after. 
Am very in tune with my body. The body is the boss, I listen to it.
Love it! 
Love it.....a lot!  :)
I wonder if it's a good thing that people say, "You're always here, at the gym, every day for a few hours."
Almost makes it sound like I don't have a life.
I have a life ~ FYI.  :)
A life where I have made being happy, drama free, healthy, fit, strong with constant improvement as the ultimate goal. Still, like many people, encouragement is useful when given.
I'll accept it, embrace it, pass the warm fuzzies to others in return.

Although being driven, focused in the gym - a beastie! - am always aware of the sights, sounds, music, words of others.

Today, doing my 100 chest presses (the girls like it), there were 2 people training together. A girl and a PT. My Mp3 player had died half way through the 100, I kept going. I heard the girl say something like, "Wow! She's still here." the PT said, "Oh, yeah, that's Brenda (me). She trains hard." The girl replied, "I see her in here, she always has a smile on her face,like she enjoys it." PT - "That's because she really does enjoy working out."


As subtle as it was, it gave me some encouragement. Working out is a very personal practice. Just for me. I'm the only one who sees me naked. I work out to feel strong, healthy, happy. The looks when I walk by as well as the encouraging remarks overheard, today, really help more than people realize.
I like encouragement, too. Just a little can go a long way. In fact, living very simple as I do, I only need a little bit of everything. When a person is secure, happy, grounded, material things cease to matter. This is why I constantly give away or sell. When I have arrived at the comfortable minimum of possessions, the reward will be that I get to move further south, closer to the ocean.

For peace

For ocean lust

For the rest of my life

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