Sunday, November 22, 2020

I'm a Girl

This wrongful practice set in along with the annoying way people would end a statement with "up talk" as if they were asking a question instead of making a statement.

There IS a difference.

On the left, above, there is a female person, on the right is a male person.

If a server or any other person referred to a group of men as "Ladies" or as "Girls." It would be offensive to the men.

Why, then, is it deemed okay to refer to a group of both genders as well as a group of ladies, as "GUYS"?

This simple gaff seems terribly sexist.

Any dictionary definition clearly defines the classification of "GUYS"  as a reference to male personages. So, why is it okay to refer to a group of people who are clearly female as "GUYS"?

Being a proactive person, when this gaff is foisted at me, I will very clearly look down my shirt at my 34 DDs, then, announce something like, "I'm not a guy" or "I just checked, I'm a girl."
I know I am just one person, that it takes time for both correct or annoying practices to be replaced by the next thing.

Just as: 
Ridiculously wide bell bottom pants
Low rise jeans that showed off thongs/underwear
Up talk statements
Eating Tide Pods

These trends died down, much to the relief of many people who saw through to how wrongly ridiculous, the trends were. I am hoping that, in time, people will abandon the sexist trend of referring to ladies as "GUYS", once they regain their senses.
By the same token, it would be equally wrong to begin a practice of referring to a group of mixed company or of men, as "LADIES."

Because I am definitely all female, I hope that, I will eventually be exclusively referred to a girl or a lady or a woman.

Never to be referred to as "a Guy" again.


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