Monday, November 16, 2020


When you meet or "find" someone who is genuine, down to earth, the real deal. Whatever you wish to call it. You have found a treasure. It's important to me to give my best effort to be the same in person as I am online. Many people, having met so many fake people, seriously doubt my sincerity.
People who are very real are becoming increasingly rare.

People who will tell you truths.
People who will be themselves even when it's difficult or unacceptable.
People who have no agenda, hidden or otherwise.

Some celebrity examples of a genuine person? Glad you asked!

Olivia Newton John
Keanu Reeves
Chris Martin (Coldplay)
Sarah Palin

Authentic people are becoming fewer as well as far between, with fakes appearing everywhere.

Having people in my life who I know to be genuine whether I have met them in person or we found each other online, it was a very fortuitous happenstance. 

After my long marriage ended, I found myself living alone for the very first time in my life. A guy I had known only as a friend, came charging toward me when he learned that I was single. 
When he and I met, he knew that I was married, that I was unavailable. I lived near the US Air Force Academy, loved going there to ride the horses at the stables or to walk around the visitors center. It seemed that nearly every time I was walking around the visitors center, he would appear. I knew he was extremely busy with school, he would walk with me for a short time, usually 5 minutes or so.

In actuality, I thought he might be missing his mother!!!

It was quite a surprise when he told me, 2 months after the divorce,  that he had fallen in love with me at first sight.
Wait, what????

He was 20 years younger than me, I only thought of him as a friend.

Our relationship began in earnest. He was so sincere. He made it clear to me that he wanted me to marry him. He bought a beautiful ring for me. White gold with a sparkling pink, heart shaped sapphire. He wanted me to wear it to show that I was taken.


He was such a gentleman. His soft Georgia drawl was so charming.
He was only in Colorado on military leave halfway through a deployment. When he had to go back to the Middle East, we messaged each other online, talked for hours via web cam. We talked of future plans. A custom built home in Peach Tree, Georgia, 2 children, a dog, a couple horses. Raise our little family near his family. So happy.

When he was shot down, killed, my world began to unravel. I wanted to die, too. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, it was so severe. I turned to social media sites to fill the lonely hours. I researched ways to commit suicide. 
That's when Peter and I found each other.
I felt a connection to him immediately. He and I messaged each other, traded photos, talked on the phone, on Skype. He wasn't Michael, Peter was his own person. A very genuine, smart, funny, intuitive person. 

The anxiety & depression was still with me until one night, I decided on my suicide method. It seemed that Peter sensed this, the phone rang, it was him. He had seen my last message as a sort of goodbye. The phone stopped ringing, then, it started again. This went on for 20 minutes when, finally I picked the phone up. Peter and I talked for almost 5 hours that night. He talked me out of killing myself.

Peter saved my life.

He and I have never met in person, in real life. He is still a constant presence. We text, sometimes we talk. He wrote a screenplay, even acted in the movie he directed from the script he wrote. I love watching the movie, online! 
Check it out!

Junction - Directed by Peter Garrett
(you might have to copy & paste)

Maybe, someday, we will meet in person, talk for hours. Solve the worlds problems. Bring about world peace, cure cancer.
Just kidding, yet, I'm sure he and I would always have something interesting to discuss!

In a world of fakes, people will use the "fake a future" method to accomplish their agenda with other people. This insidious practice is so painful for the victims. So much is so artificial, in the world that nearly everyone as well as everything has to be regarded as suspect until it's proven to be otherwise.

It restores a bit of my faith in humanity to meet someone genuine.

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