Sunday, November 8, 2020

I Fear For My Country

I have never felt as abandoned & alone as I do, right now

In light of recent events, I truly fear for what the next four years brings. The USA is bound to change in many detrimental ways. For many people, life has become hard. Many people have lost their income, their loved ones, their homes were foreclosed on.

The fabric of their very existence has been unraveled or is becoming unraveled. People have lost many of the pleasures of life that they once had in abundance. Travel is restricted, life celebrations such as weddings, births,  graduations, even funerals.
Many people who provide a service such as hair care, manicure/pedicure, home cleaning, cosmetic procedures. Life saving medical procedures have been delayed. People who have become ill must stay at home until a hospital bed becomes available.

As a minor, I never watched a TV series, "The Twilight Zone" until hearing that the way life has changed, worldwide resembles some episodes of the The Twilight Zone.


Then there is the mask shaming. People who will wear one shame those who won't. Of course this happens mostly on social media.


For these reasons plus so much more, I fear for my country, especially the next four years. The only way it could become worse is if the elected president dies. His vice president would, then, live up to the very title endowed by the office she will hold. A vice.

Vice (noun) Immoral or wicked behavior. 
eg - "an open sewer of vice and crime"

For all these reasons plus many more, I fear for my country.

When I have given voice to these concerns, people who are a bit fanatical about their religion will tell me that God has this, there's no need to fear.
If that were true, those same people would not be wearing masks because God will protect them, right?
If this were true, the same people would be more reliant on the powers of heaven to cure them of their illnesses instead of taking multiple medicines.
They live fear motivated lives, then double back to tell others that there is nothing to fear.

When I say, I fear for my country, it's genuine dread of the changes to come. 
It's fear for my many friends & family on active duty military. It's fear for the children, both born as well as unborn who will have to live in "the new normal". 
They, most likely, will not experience the abundance of life, the freedoms their parents did.

With this, said, I will live, finding the silver lining in my day. Listening to beautiful & uplifting music, indulging in my passion for needlework. Continue working long hours to earn the money to eventually live my dream of what I have always wanted for my life.

I have felt a new level of feeling all alone in the world.

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