Monday, November 9, 2020

Accusations & Small Minds in a Small Town

 It's a curious world we live in. Even more curious whilst living in a fish bowl aka a small town. Mmm Hmm.

People have told me many times that I'm far from the usual, that I'm multi faceted, that I'm different from most people. I hope that's good!

The true statement is that I'm curious about everything. My post humous apologies to my parents & school teachers! It must have driven them nuts! I was a shy child so I didn't ask the somewhat annoying "Why?" over & over. Often, I would set upon finding out why, instead of asking others.

Being the sort of child who put my little tongue on a battery to see what would happen. The sort of child who would flit from dandelion to dandelion, placing my thumb along with my forefinger on the sides of a bee to feel it buzz, pulling my hand back quick when the bee seemed like it was about to sting me!

Catching a "buzz", yup, ha ha! A buzz gone bad.

As I grew into an adolescent, then, an adult or at least of adult age, that burning sense of curiosity has stayed with me.

In present day, I am still curious about everything, adventurous, loving exploring. Taking calculated risks can be risky business! 

In a small town, if you are not from there or married to someone who is, if you don't have family here, if you are not married with or without children or fabulously wealthy?
You're toast!
Unless you're nearly the same as most people, you're going to stand out as a proverbial pariah. People will exclude you, ignore you, slap labels on you, make up stories about you so that you are safely figured out. In the minds of the small minded, they have you pegged for their own comfort. Many might also fear you.

Sadly, my own experience has been tinged by all of the above.

1. I am single & celibate by choice. I don't date, definitely don't sleep around, nor do I have any children living with me.
Small town explanation: She's a lesbian.

2. I have limited knowledge of illegal substances such as marijuana, meth amphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy. I had a roomie, a few years back, when I lived in Colorado. The roomie, unbeknownst to me, prior to him moving in, got his income from selling weed. When he moved out, he left behind, a beautiful bright green glass weed pipe. I didn't know what it was, it was clean, pretty, sparkled in the sun. It was packed away when I moved to Texas. When I unpacked, I found it. It was still so pretty. I placed it in the front window which was south facing, it sparkled in the sun. People who saw it, knew what it was, they began to talk about me. Hmm. I wonder how it is that I didn't know what it was, yet, the gossip mongers did. A few people even had the cojones to tell me that, that pronouncement, below, is what I'm pegged as, in this town.
Small town explanation: She's a weed smoking lesbian.

3. Having a burning curiosity about everything, even as an adult can be fun! It can also get a sub label slapped across your forehead. Being less of a religious one, more of a spiritually sensitive person, I don't go to any of the churches in this town. I have my own reasons, one of them being that I believe that organized religion is a more of a construct created to control the masses. It works!
As a spiritual person, I enjoy gathering information about spiritual practices. Practices such as speaking in tongues, LOA, natural ways of being. In this, I use essential oils, exploring whilst not being a practitioner of a metaphysical lifestyle. It's interesting to me.
I know I'm living in the bible belt where you're perceived as somewhat of a bad person if you don't have a home church that you attend. You might also be perceived as Pagan, a Witch, a slut. 

Four people in this town have brought this to my attention.
Explanation: She's a witch as well as a weed smoking lesbian.

Yupp. Ha Ha! I'm toast!

If this were Salem Massachusetts in 1692, I would actually BE toast, as in being burned alive at the stake simply because someone THOUGHT I was a witch. 

Small minds, lol, bless their hearts. 

So, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go make out with my girlfriend while we smoke our weed with my beautiful weed pipe. Then, we might dance in the moonlight, nekkid, casting spells all 
night. (JOKING!)

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