Saturday, November 7, 2020

Bloggerette Problems


People, the struggle is, well, a bit of a struggle. In the uncertain times people are facing in todays world, my problems are simply smaller, more of an annoyance.

It's probably known by most people, as I have been transparent about it. I'm a paid blogger. A very grateful paid blogger!
(Smiling & waving to my sponsors!)

Many people have asked me if I ever have any difficulty thinking of a subject to write about. Often, people will try to be "helpful" in suggesting topics for me to write about whether I ask them or, as often is the case, if it's simply brought up in conversation.

"You should write about this."
"Hey, I have a good idea for your blog.'
"If you can't think of anything to write about, how about this _____."
"If I were a writer, this is what I would write about."

I believe that I was born to be a writer. I still have notebooks that I kept, starting when I was only 9 years old. My little hand with, as of then, undeveloped handwriting of short statements, poetry, even a few little drawings. 
The point is, I can always think of something to say, in person, in writing, in text, in phone conversations. Even in hand written notes.
Yep, some people still do that.

In an effort to get my blog readership up, I post links to it all over the internet. It IS a bit of a side gig after all!
I post links on You Tube videos when my blog entry is relative to the video or when the video has inspired me.

Although I have asked people to make their comments below the blog entry, you know, like, in the comments section? That area below each blog entry that says, "Comments". Yep, that one. 
They still write  their comments on my Facebook page or on You Tube as well as other sites where the link is posted. It used to REALLY ANNOY me.

Hey! There are bigger problems in the world, in life. Ri i i i g h t?

Now? It's just a slight irritation, I stopped reminding people. Being thelemic is how I roll. It's better for the mind, the spirit..............the blood pressure. Some people don't understand directions or choose to ignore the directions completely. 
Whatever is nether.

Recently, I have been getting a wee bit of pressure to record podcasts either in addition to or in place of my blogs.
In truth?
People have told me that my voice is sexy or sweet, or soothing, or just very pleasant to listen to. I just talk, the sound is there. 
My voice.

Whilst many people take lots of photos of themselves, their family, their food, their newest whatever. Then, said people will sit back to soak up the attention of the likes, loves etc.
Having had 4 stalkers, I neither want nor need that much attention.

It felt like an act of bravery for me to start writing this blog as it was.

Will I begin podcasting? I'm still on the fence about it.

Stay tuned.

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