Friday, June 1, 2018

Have you been there?

As the tune goes ~ 

Like you've never been hurt
Like you've never been sad, baby!
Like this beautiful moment
Is all that you have!
Don't be afraid!
All your waiting is over 
Just look in my eyes
And not over your shoulder
Don't let your memories get in the way
Baby, dance!
Like there's no yesterday 
If you've been lost
If you've been wronged
If you've been broken...and left all alone
If you seen nights
That you thought wouldn't end
If you felt like
You don't have any friends
This is your time
This is your chance!
Like you've never been hurt
Like you've never been sad, baby!
Like this beautiful moment
Is all that you have
Don't be afraid
All your waiting is over
Just look in my eyes
And not over your shoulder
Don't let one memory get in the way
Like there's no yesterday! 
(Watch the video for the rest, I challenge you to watch it and not be happy for this newly wed couple, hope you feel the chills. I did!!)

~Mark Wills ~ Like There's No yesterday ~

The wedding video that inspired this blog entry is a refrain in the hearts of girls AND guys, too. 

(This video gave me chills up & down and a huge smile!!!!!)

So many people out there in the world, so, lonely, so much longing to find someone who will love them unconditionally. Sometimes, they find it, more often they think they have found it only to be let down again
then, again
and again.

Some people truly do find it, then, through carelessness, selfishness or just life, getting in the way, it slips away from them.

The wise ones are the ones who find this very precious, rare, connection. They recognize it, cherish it, nurture it, hold onto it through whatever life throws at them.

It's tricky.

It's hard to find, sometimes hard to shake or easily lost when one person takes it for granted. Mistakenly believing that the other person will keep putting up with the BS they are dishing out to someone they vowed to love.

Some people actually DO put up with the emotional, psychological, spiritual as well as sometimes physical torment at the hands of the other person. 
It ages a person, prematurely when they have a beloved who dishes a steady stream or even an intermittent stream of selfish actions which hurt, scar, torment the other.

I digress.

Then........there are some, such as *moi* who really believed I had met a decent person, several times, actually, only to find that the knight in shining armor was, well, a POS in tin foil.

Before I turned into the dreaded man hater, the jaded one who envies happy heterosexual married couples, hated romance, believed all guys are BAD....................I stopped.

Stopped while I still love romance. Still love to look at the happiness that other people find in wedded bliss. 
I stopped dating, stopped wishing, hoping, yearning, believing that *just one* decent, caring guy would come into my life to show me that not all guys just want to fuck. Yeah, you read that right!

It didn't happen for me, so, I find my happiness in being happy for other people. Finding happiness in traveling, doing kind things for other people, indulging in my own passions, reaping the happiness of what I have in this life instead of missing what I don't have!

This is to say that someone may enter my life in the future or not. Being happy, is key to a good life!

Giving gratitude to all those guys who hurt me so badly, including the abusive ex huzz, for the life lessons.give me 1/2 of the money 

The ex huzz cheated me financially, so badly. He promised to give me 1/2 of the money when his parents home sold if I gave him half of MY inheritance. 
Of course he got half of my inheritance, because I honor my promises. 
He never knew my father, he still got half of the money left to me. 

Ex huzz was living high, jetting off to Hawai'i........while I had to live on one egg a day.
He didn't care that the mother of his 4 children was starving.
These lessons taught me to be okay on my own. 
The absence of desperation to have a man in my life is a gift.

I see, feel, witness this sad, tormenting desperation in so many single girls out there, who want just one good, decent guy to love them & treat them well. 
Trying to tell them that it can be different is like talking to a brick wall!

If I could bottle this absence of desperation, this absence of yearning, & give it to those single folks out there, I would. Single girls as well as single guys.


It hurts to see the suffering. 

Yet, we all have our own lessons to learn, we can only do it for ourselves in trial, error, pain, healing...repeat.

The gratitude I feel toward the guys who hurt me & taught me & brought me to this point of peace, solitary happiness is immeasurable.

So, I WILL dance, laugh, be happy.....even a bit playful & silly!

I will dance!

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