Sometimes ya just need a lil help, ya know?
A lil somethin' ~ somethin' to get ya going, get ya "by"?
Hey y'all! I'm Brenda & sometimes, I do need this!
It's normal, it's part of the human condition. It's a Universal key that there are hills & valleys, even occasional plateaueum (that's plural for plateau, I made it up, feel free to use it, no charge!).
The hills can feel like they are killing you, the valleys are so "meh".
The plateau is, in many respects, the worst of all! It's difficult to say why you feel so blah. It isn't exactly depression, the cause is absent, yet, the absence of your happy joy-joy is so real!
Enter: (ta daa) the supplement!
By supplement, it can be anything that makes your motor rev a bit!
For me? It's legal chemical!
As long as your physical/ mental/emotional health allows this, even your profession, in some peeps, go get ya some!
Face it, peeps, the fast pace of the life we live in the beloved U-S-0f-A is unnatural for humans. It can be so heavy at times.
Therefore, there's a lot of difficulty to deal with, unnatural stuff.
Big Pharma is profiting from this. There's a diagnosis, a pill, a med for everything! It all profits big pharma,
So, some might ask, big pharma or supps, same thing right?
Umm, yes.......and, no.
Any substance can develop into a dependency, anything. Coffee, chocolate, hell, some people get addicted to sniffing new dolls!
The difference is in the hands of every individual. It can be a very tricky, hard to handle solution or it can be simple while being subject to delayed gratification.
6 of one & well, half dozen pencils of the other.
(Don't say doughnuts! I'll want one!)
So, yeah, I use supplements, I use them wisely, prudently, with informed usage & restraint. Whereas I used to take them routinely before each workout, now, I only take them if I really need to.
Having gone on 2 - 4 month stretches without, it prevents dependency.
I remember when my love affair with Redline began & exactly who introduced it to me, my pusher! ha ha!
It was legal, completely legal.
I was a busy wife & mother to teenagers. I was going at full-speed, I was taking care of it all, I was tired! All the time.
So, I started working at a gym. (Good choice, there, skippy!)
One day, I went in to work. There were bags under my eyes, my shirt was on inside out, I had barely thrown my hair into a half done pony. Tired! Tail dragging tired!
Enter: Jeff, the fitness buff. Yeah, baby, he was so buff!
He took a look at me, told me what I needed, even bought it for me!
(Classic signs of a pusher.)
He cautioned me to only drink 1/3 of the Redline triple berry drink ~WOW!
When some one tells me that? Yeah, I swim against the tide, BABY!
I drank half. Then, feeling nothing, 5 minutes later, the rest!
I had energy. Energy to the 100th power!
Energy for the whole day & then, some!
So, it began.
Stay tuned, there's a surprise.
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