Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wanting It, Getting It

Do you want to be loved? Respected? Desired? Accepted? Revered? 
It would be naive to believe that all people want any or all of these.
If you're a lucky SOB, you have all of these.
If you boast about it, it's risking appearing as an arrogant SOB.

 As long as I keep progressing, keep improving in life, I'm content. I still crave more. More improvement. More progress.
So, maybe I lied!
Maybe, I'm less content.

If you're not growing, you're.....

 When I began a weight loss/get fit journey, mirrors were frightening things. Cameras were even more frightening!

The discouragement factor was/is that, as I work so hard, feel like I've made so much progress, I see myself in a mirror or even worse, in a photo & I just want to disappear into a puddle of tears. Better, yet, just disappear!

Maybe it's because of all the body shaming, personal shaming I have received from people who are supposed to love me. A man who proclaimed his love for me then body shamed me, a daughter who knew how far I had progressed yet still shamed me personally, a fellow gym go-er who was hating on my progress.
It hurts, still.
As Julia Roberts said in the 1990 movie, Pretty Woman ~ 
The bad stuff is easier to believe.

When I have busted my azz at the gym over & over, day after day, hour after hour, then, I catch an unflattering glimpse, the shaming words start to resonate in my head. 
As hard as I try to tune them out ~
I ~
hear them
see them
feel them

Until it makes me cry.

I'm human!
I'm only human, like you, like all people. Just want to be loved, accepted, respected by those I accept, respect, admire.
Marilyn Monroe felt this.

Inside me is the little girl
Living in her unsure world
Where the monsters live and hide
In her head as well as outside
She wonders when she will finally grow
Into someone who will always know
That she can be safe in loving again
Without fear of retribution or pain
With confidence with courage with hope
That someone won't drive her to the end of her rope
It's a journey of a thousand tears
A million days a hundred years
It's a total leap of faith



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...