What if you never knew
Your age
Your weight
Your IQ
Your race
Your ethnicity
Who would you be?
What if you were always told
You are worthy of love
You are intelligent
You are kind
(Channel a popular movie, while you're at it!)
My ever so eloquent father had an answer to the "What if"
"What if pigs flew outta my rear end?"
Umm, we would have pork for dinner.....often??
There's so much commotion, lately, about looks, size, race, religion, etc. I could go on and on!
When seen through the developed mind with a kinder perspective, the aspects of a fellow human which are supposed to matter, will matter.
A sense of humor
What if the people of the world today
Began to realize that the words they say
Have power to create peace in another soul
Power to create a dream of world peace goal
It begins with intentions for future plans
Actions wrought with our own hands
For words thought or spoken in the heart
Are unlimited in an eternal power to start
They evolve into the actions which come to be
Yes they will echo through all eternity
Actions which are put into motion
Can affect our world from ocean to ocean
When you intend next to do something kind
Remember how the world will be touched by your kindness.
Friday, December 29, 2017
She's so much delight to be with
We have history going back quite far
We two know what a Cheshire Cat Moon is
Also what "provisions" are!
I knew her name for many moons
Before anyone on this earth
Felt her warrior spirit
Long before her birth
She has kindness in her heart
With equal parts of mischief too
Her charm shines in brown eyes
Never know what she'll do
Now, she is a wife and a mother
With a sweet family just begun
Now, with children of her own
Now, with her, my work is done
We have history going back quite far
We two know what a Cheshire Cat Moon is
Also what "provisions" are!
I knew her name for many moons
Before anyone on this earth
Felt her warrior spirit
Long before her birth
She has kindness in her heart
With equal parts of mischief too
Her charm shines in brown eyes
Never know what she'll do
Now, she is a wife and a mother
With a sweet family just begun
Now, with children of her own
Now, with her, my work is done
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Do you see red?
Keep reading, you might! :)
People watching has been a casual activity for me for awhile.
Seeing people interact as well as how people react to a bunch of different situations can be hella entertaining! Then, there's the other type of people watching.
A bit less entertaining.
It's fun to go to a shopping mall or any very public location & seeing how people move, speak, react, shop, etc. Seeing people from a distance is more like ~
"People Watching Lite".
Seeing people in a more personal setting is ~
"People Watching Regular."
When 2 people meet, date, grow fond of each other, it's all about discovery, feeling giddy.
After the relationship deepens into commitment & marriage, the real work begins to merge 2 lives as one.
In present day, there are many things I realize about my own past marriage. (Am divorced, now, thankfully!)
Having lived it & able to recognize it, NOW, there are aspects I realize.
Have you ever seen a relationship where the spending of one person was out of control much to the anger of the other person?
There's more than a little materialism going on.
There's an imbalance.
One to three things could be going on.
1. One person is exercising too much control over the other.
(Even trying to exercise control is abusive. aka the dreaded person with control issues)
2. One person is wrongfully with-holding from the other.
(Could be sex or money, or affection or emotional support or some other form of with-holding .)
3. One person is flat out abusive toward the other.
When one person is mistreating the other in any of these ways, it creates an imbalance in the relationship. The other person tries to make up for the void or soothe the pain by acting out.
In the single digits person, this is easily recognized. In people over the age of 12 years, it becomes more tricky to ID.
In an autonomous adult (a person 18 years of age & ^ who is completely self supporting with no help from ma-ma & da-da), it is even more tricky.
The autonomous person has learned how to disguise being abused & abusing or simply, how to escape consequences.
A person who is being abused or abusing only THINKS they have fooled Jon or Jen Q. Public. It's obvious to everyone.
Have you ever aired up a long skinny balloon, then squeezed one end only to see the air enlarge the other end? This is how obvious an imbalanced relationship is.
The air is present.
When acted upon, it's forced by the principle of physics to go SOMEWHERE!
In abusive relationships, the abuse announces itself in ~
Over spending
Over eating
Reckless behavior
Frequent illness
An untidy home
An untidy car
Sleeping a lot
Illicit or excessive use of drugs and/or alcohol
One or a multitude of these can announce itself in an ongoing way or episodically.
Cause & effect.
In my case?
Ex huzz would heavily criticize me after I had worked to prep a family meal or had finished hand sewing clothing for our children. He would find SOMETHING inadequate with everything I did. Dam! That hurt.
Time to hit the gallon bucket of chocolate ice cream!
Hyper control, hyper-criticism, emotional abuse.
More ice cream!
Fighting back only created more criticism, bigger fights.
I hit the check book.
Oh, yeah.
There are many very valid reasons why he's an ex huzz.
In present day? I have gym time!
(no need for ice cream binges, anymore!)
When things get tough, this tough girl hits the gym!
Having lived through it, I can now, ID, when there is an imbalanced or abusive situation in a relationship.
Most often, I can observe, yet, it's out of my hands to act on it.
If there is something illegal going on I can go for that baddy!!! Unfortunately, it's more often what is going on is unhealthy, causing discomfort and/or pain.
Not illegal, yet, it should be, with the damage it causes.
As for me & my house, we will be like Switzerland.
Keep reading, you might! :)
People watching has been a casual activity for me for awhile.
Seeing people interact as well as how people react to a bunch of different situations can be hella entertaining! Then, there's the other type of people watching.
A bit less entertaining.
It's fun to go to a shopping mall or any very public location & seeing how people move, speak, react, shop, etc. Seeing people from a distance is more like ~
"People Watching Lite".
Seeing people in a more personal setting is ~
"People Watching Regular."
When 2 people meet, date, grow fond of each other, it's all about discovery, feeling giddy.
After the relationship deepens into commitment & marriage, the real work begins to merge 2 lives as one.
In present day, there are many things I realize about my own past marriage. (Am divorced, now, thankfully!)
Having lived it & able to recognize it, NOW, there are aspects I realize.
Have you ever seen a relationship where the spending of one person was out of control much to the anger of the other person?
There's more than a little materialism going on.
There's an imbalance.
One to three things could be going on.
1. One person is exercising too much control over the other.
(Even trying to exercise control is abusive. aka the dreaded person with control issues)
2. One person is wrongfully with-holding from the other.
(Could be sex or money, or affection or emotional support or some other form of with-holding .)
3. One person is flat out abusive toward the other.
When one person is mistreating the other in any of these ways, it creates an imbalance in the relationship. The other person tries to make up for the void or soothe the pain by acting out.
In the single digits person, this is easily recognized. In people over the age of 12 years, it becomes more tricky to ID.
In an autonomous adult (a person 18 years of age & ^ who is completely self supporting with no help from ma-ma & da-da), it is even more tricky.
The autonomous person has learned how to disguise being abused & abusing or simply, how to escape consequences.
A person who is being abused or abusing only THINKS they have fooled Jon or Jen Q. Public. It's obvious to everyone.
Have you ever aired up a long skinny balloon, then squeezed one end only to see the air enlarge the other end? This is how obvious an imbalanced relationship is.
The air is present.
When acted upon, it's forced by the principle of physics to go SOMEWHERE!
In abusive relationships, the abuse announces itself in ~
Over spending
Over eating
Reckless behavior
Frequent illness
An untidy home
An untidy car
Sleeping a lot
Illicit or excessive use of drugs and/or alcohol
One or a multitude of these can announce itself in an ongoing way or episodically.
Cause & effect.
In my case?
Ex huzz would heavily criticize me after I had worked to prep a family meal or had finished hand sewing clothing for our children. He would find SOMETHING inadequate with everything I did. Dam! That hurt.
Time to hit the gallon bucket of chocolate ice cream!
Hyper control, hyper-criticism, emotional abuse.
More ice cream!
Fighting back only created more criticism, bigger fights.
I hit the check book.
Oh, yeah.
There are many very valid reasons why he's an ex huzz.
In present day? I have gym time!
(no need for ice cream binges, anymore!)
When things get tough, this tough girl hits the gym!
Having lived through it, I can now, ID, when there is an imbalanced or abusive situation in a relationship.
Most often, I can observe, yet, it's out of my hands to act on it.
If there is something illegal going on I can go for that baddy!!! Unfortunately, it's more often what is going on is unhealthy, causing discomfort and/or pain.
Not illegal, yet, it should be, with the damage it causes.
As for me & my house, we will be like Switzerland.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Renewed Friendship
The first time he whistled at me, it felt like he should be a part of my life. A grey tuxedo, a great singing voice, yeah, he was quite appealing.
He went home with me within 10 minutes of meeting him, the rest, is history! Or at least, 14 years of history.
He laughs, sings, sometimes even bites, yet, still as charming as ever! He lives quite a solitary life while seeming to be content. I feel a twinge of sympathy for him, yet, he has plenty of company.
Eight years ago, he moved to Texas, then Florida, then North Carolina, now, he's back in Texas until next June, when he will move to California. Visiting with him in San Antonio is wonderful!
He has not aged at all! I had no clue I would grow to love him or that he would live so long.
He is just as charming, sweet & sometimes bitey-feisty, as he was the first time I met him & took him home with me.
I took the 5 hour drive from Graham, TX to San Antonio, when I got here, there he was! Looking as good as he did the first time I met him!
He cocked his head slightly to the right & wolf whistled at me, then began to sing! He remembered me very well, I think.
Petey is a male Cockatiel. At a church meeting, many years ago, I listened to a woman drone on about how annoying he is, how he is NEVER quiet.
I thought, hmm, I kinda like this bird, already!
I told the woman, "If you ever want to find a new home for this annoying bird, let me know!"
She replied with:
"You can have him today, if you want him!"
I went to her home, he was in a cage that was too small for him, yet, he was happily whistling & singing!
It was love at first sight! I took him home with me.
Prior to that, I had only had dogs.
Now, I had a bird!
One persons' annoying bird is another persons' delightful pet!
I had "acquired" 3 more cockatiels, 2 females & 1 male after Petey.
They have, all 3, passed on ~ such delicate angels! Petey is as entertaining as he was from the first time I met him. He still greets me with a wolf whistle then a song.
It was so nice to see him, again. I put him on my shoulder, he nibbled my ear, rubbed his beak on the side of my face, squawked, whistled & sang.
I call him "pizza" often. Ha ha. Yup. Petey = Pizza. Not because I want to eat him! I love pizza, I love Petey, too!
I knew I had missed this lively character, yet, only realize now, how much! It was so nice to get re-acquainted with him.
He went home with me within 10 minutes of meeting him, the rest, is history! Or at least, 14 years of history.
He laughs, sings, sometimes even bites, yet, still as charming as ever! He lives quite a solitary life while seeming to be content. I feel a twinge of sympathy for him, yet, he has plenty of company.
Eight years ago, he moved to Texas, then Florida, then North Carolina, now, he's back in Texas until next June, when he will move to California. Visiting with him in San Antonio is wonderful!
He has not aged at all! I had no clue I would grow to love him or that he would live so long.
He is just as charming, sweet & sometimes bitey-feisty, as he was the first time I met him & took him home with me.
I took the 5 hour drive from Graham, TX to San Antonio, when I got here, there he was! Looking as good as he did the first time I met him!
He cocked his head slightly to the right & wolf whistled at me, then began to sing! He remembered me very well, I think.
Petey is a male Cockatiel. At a church meeting, many years ago, I listened to a woman drone on about how annoying he is, how he is NEVER quiet.
I thought, hmm, I kinda like this bird, already!
I told the woman, "If you ever want to find a new home for this annoying bird, let me know!"
She replied with:
"You can have him today, if you want him!"
I went to her home, he was in a cage that was too small for him, yet, he was happily whistling & singing!
It was love at first sight! I took him home with me.
Prior to that, I had only had dogs.
Now, I had a bird!
One persons' annoying bird is another persons' delightful pet!
I had "acquired" 3 more cockatiels, 2 females & 1 male after Petey.
They have, all 3, passed on ~ such delicate angels! Petey is as entertaining as he was from the first time I met him. He still greets me with a wolf whistle then a song.
It was so nice to see him, again. I put him on my shoulder, he nibbled my ear, rubbed his beak on the side of my face, squawked, whistled & sang.
I call him "pizza" often. Ha ha. Yup. Petey = Pizza. Not because I want to eat him! I love pizza, I love Petey, too!
I knew I had missed this lively character, yet, only realize now, how much! It was so nice to get re-acquainted with him.
Petronicus oh Petronicus!
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Letter to Chris, Jonny, Guy & Will aka COLDPLAY!
Yes, this is a letter to the best band ever! Hope you see this & fancy it at least a little yet, hopefully you think it's absolutely lovely.
You may find my blog & read it or you might pass it by.
O my gawd, another groupie. *smile*
It's escaping my pea brain (not a pee brain) why this band caught my interest now. They have been around & gaining in popularity for 20 years!
Possibly, they are just who & what I needed at this particular time in my short life. :)
Great things are happening for me in many ways. My fitness level is improving, I'm living in a home I love! My HAIR is even growing faster. WOOT!
So, life just keeps getting better & better!
Having changed everything about my life a couple dozen times in 5 years, the change can make ya dizzy. Vertigo!
Sure made me dizzy, time to darken my blonde mane!!!
The words in their songs are rather sad, not too sad, though. The words are very mercurial. Going from sad to hopeful, to playful to happy to truthful all in one song!
The music, the bare bones of the music is unlike any other band.
The music is so spiritual
Touching the spirit
While remaining lyrical
Lifts me so high
Then captivated by Guy
Outgoing Chris
A double take
WTH is this!
It's a drug a sweet little pill
With the beats
Of drumming Will
Finally though far from least
Jonnys guitar riffs
He's a guitar god a guitar beast!
Can you tell which band I'm so into right now? Their music plays in my head in a loop throughout the day.
I have so much Coldplay music in my workout playlist, the guys in the band should be tired! They make for awesome workout buds! Thank you!
The motivation is trimming me, lowering my BMI!
Watching their videos, whether in concert, being goofy, interviewing........just......OMFG! FASCINATING!
(THIS IS SO GOOD! ^ copy & paste!)
I definitely have to hit up one of their concerts in 2018!
Do you want to go with me?
If you, do, you should know that I will get front row. If not, well, bad on ya! (JP!)
Seriously, I'm going.
I want backstage passes ~ badly! Hoping that will happen, too!
You may find my blog & read it or you might pass it by.
O my gawd, another groupie. *smile*
It's escaping my pea brain (not a pee brain) why this band caught my interest now. They have been around & gaining in popularity for 20 years!
Possibly, they are just who & what I needed at this particular time in my short life. :)
Great things are happening for me in many ways. My fitness level is improving, I'm living in a home I love! My HAIR is even growing faster. WOOT!
So, life just keeps getting better & better!
Having changed everything about my life a couple dozen times in 5 years, the change can make ya dizzy. Vertigo!
Sure made me dizzy, time to darken my blonde mane!!!
The words in their songs are rather sad, not too sad, though. The words are very mercurial. Going from sad to hopeful, to playful to happy to truthful all in one song!
The music, the bare bones of the music is unlike any other band.
The music is so spiritual
Touching the spirit
While remaining lyrical
Lifts me so high
Then captivated by Guy
Outgoing Chris
A double take
WTH is this!
It's a drug a sweet little pill
With the beats
Of drumming Will
Finally though far from least
Jonnys guitar riffs
He's a guitar god a guitar beast!
Can you tell which band I'm so into right now? Their music plays in my head in a loop throughout the day.
I have so much Coldplay music in my workout playlist, the guys in the band should be tired! They make for awesome workout buds! Thank you!
The motivation is trimming me, lowering my BMI!
Watching their videos, whether in concert, being goofy, interviewing........just......OMFG! FASCINATING!
(THIS IS SO GOOD! ^ copy & paste!)
I definitely have to hit up one of their concerts in 2018!
Do you want to go with me?
If you, do, you should know that I will get front row. If not, well, bad on ya! (JP!)
Seriously, I'm going.
I want backstage passes ~ badly! Hoping that will happen, too!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Important lessons I learned from Coldplay songs!
Well, almost everything!
The guys in this band seem to be such genuinely nice guys.
Very down to earth, in touch with real life. They seem like it.
FYI ~ Nice guys are the best! I gravitate toward them.
Yes, I know a tiny bit about the guys of Coldplay.
Chris Martin ~ English, a bit of a goof, self deprecating, funny as H E double hockey stix! Very Very talented vocalist, songwriter, musician. He refers to himself as a "loudmouth". Hey, SOMEONE in the group of four has to talk. ;)
(Keep talking, Chris, we can diagnose you easier that way. :D)
He attended uni with studies in ancient cultures.
Guy Berryman ~ Scotsman! YEZZZZ. Married *sigh*. Used to own a clothing store, loves classic vehicle restoration. Extremely skilled bassist! (He's so hot the way he's so concentrated on his guitar. You would never know there are over 1,000 people watching him!)
"Jonny" Buckland ~ English. Fantastic guitar player! So humble while being so great! He's quiet, has a wicked sense of humor, very focused onstage. Seems like he's Chris Martins best mate!
Will Champion ~ English. Drummer GOD! He's a bit more outspoken than Guy or Jonny, not as outspoken as Chris! Very few are as outgoing a Chris (Chris is outspoken in a beautiful
good way!)
I credit Coldplay for my renewed interest in my old Spirograph!
With these pov's, they are only my observations.
Google the 411.
I have a condition known as earworm (google that!) in a Coldplay way.
Maybe it's because I have been listening to, watching & intel gathering on the band for a minute. 😁 Could be!
A few life lessons from Coldplay ~
Be kind (They have stopped a concert when one of the band members sees that someone in that vast crowd is injured.)
Be humble (All 4 are so humble, so down to earth!)
Have a fekking blast in life! (Oh, yes, they certainly do!)
Having emotions, feelings makes a person human. (nuff said)
When going through my day, the guitar intro to Adventure of a Lifetime plays in my head!
The Scientist ~ OMGoodness, so touching, a tad melancholy, speaks of personal pain.
Something Just Like This ~ Gives hope that there are really, actually guys out there that care more about connection than they care about racking up their ~ I Got Laid ~ numbers.
Up & Up ~ Pure hope & inspiration!
Hymn For The Weekend ~ So inspiring, joyful!
Oh, yeah, BABY! Summer of 2018 ~ Going to a Coldplay Concert. If I have to live on popcorn & oatmeal again or 1 egg a day, I'm going to see Coldplay in concert!
With my skillz? Might even wrangle a backstage pass!!!!
No one said it was easy, with a bit o luck it mayn't be so hard!
This is an older photo, still seems to capture their personalities!
P.S. ~ Love this, too ~
The guys in this band seem to be such genuinely nice guys.
Very down to earth, in touch with real life. They seem like it.
FYI ~ Nice guys are the best! I gravitate toward them.
Yes, I know a tiny bit about the guys of Coldplay.
Chris Martin ~ English, a bit of a goof, self deprecating, funny as H E double hockey stix! Very Very talented vocalist, songwriter, musician. He refers to himself as a "loudmouth". Hey, SOMEONE in the group of four has to talk. ;)
(Keep talking, Chris, we can diagnose you easier that way. :D)
He attended uni with studies in ancient cultures.
Guy Berryman ~ Scotsman! YEZZZZ. Married *sigh*. Used to own a clothing store, loves classic vehicle restoration. Extremely skilled bassist! (He's so hot the way he's so concentrated on his guitar. You would never know there are over 1,000 people watching him!)
"Jonny" Buckland ~ English. Fantastic guitar player! So humble while being so great! He's quiet, has a wicked sense of humor, very focused onstage. Seems like he's Chris Martins best mate!
Will Champion ~ English. Drummer GOD! He's a bit more outspoken than Guy or Jonny, not as outspoken as Chris! Very few are as outgoing a Chris (Chris is outspoken in a beautiful
good way!)
I credit Coldplay for my renewed interest in my old Spirograph!
With these pov's, they are only my observations.
Google the 411.
I have a condition known as earworm (google that!) in a Coldplay way.
Maybe it's because I have been listening to, watching & intel gathering on the band for a minute. 😁 Could be!
A few life lessons from Coldplay ~
Be kind (They have stopped a concert when one of the band members sees that someone in that vast crowd is injured.)
Be humble (All 4 are so humble, so down to earth!)
Have a fekking blast in life! (Oh, yes, they certainly do!)
Having emotions, feelings makes a person human. (nuff said)
When going through my day, the guitar intro to Adventure of a Lifetime plays in my head!
The Scientist ~ OMGoodness, so touching, a tad melancholy, speaks of personal pain.
Something Just Like This ~ Gives hope that there are really, actually guys out there that care more about connection than they care about racking up their ~ I Got Laid ~ numbers.
Up & Up ~ Pure hope & inspiration!
Hymn For The Weekend ~ So inspiring, joyful!
Oh, yeah, BABY! Summer of 2018 ~ Going to a Coldplay Concert. If I have to live on popcorn & oatmeal again or 1 egg a day, I'm going to see Coldplay in concert!
With my skillz? Might even wrangle a backstage pass!!!!
No one said it was easy, with a bit o luck it mayn't be so hard!
This is an older photo, still seems to capture their personalities!
P.S. ~ Love this, too ~
Poetry Time!
Life can be so sweet
It can also be difficult
We find ourselves in quandary
Through an uncertain fault
Know that YOU are enough
Just as you are
With your quirks of silly
You're still a rock star! ★
I know you
With the wonder in your eyes
You have deeper worth
Than you realize
Chin up, now!
Look up from your looking down
Be just like a (gender neutral) pineapple
Stand up straight, wear a crown!
It can also be difficult
We find ourselves in quandary
Through an uncertain fault
Know that YOU are enough
Just as you are
With your quirks of silly
You're still a rock star! ★
I know you
With the wonder in your eyes
You have deeper worth
Than you realize
Chin up, now!
Look up from your looking down
Be just like a (gender neutral) pineapple
Stand up straight, wear a crown!
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
The Magic!
Have you ever heard this quote?
It is magic!
Do you believe me?
It's all copesthetic if you do or if you choose the other.
The sensations of feeling infatuation for another person.
The bond between people with dog, cats, horses, even fish!
The deep connection between parents & their newborn babies!
Happy little jumps in a heart rate when seeing or thinking of someone who makes you purr!
These are only the beginnings of love, yet, it makes a person live in ways they normally have very seldom experienced.
Some effects?
Losing weight.
Sleeplessness (in a good way!)
Happy, just blissfully happy!
Experiencing more energy than usual.
Feeling more positive about life in general.
Changing the way you do a multitude of things.
Taking on some of the mannerisms & attitudes of someone else.
Once the infatuation wears off, if the interaction makes it past a certain adjustment time period which can vary, that's when really loving someone begins.
Realizing that the other person is only human with all that being only human encompasses. Seeing them at their best, then seeing them at their worst, yet, still wanting to see them.
The newborn grows, keeps you away from sleep with crying, teething, then begins to crawl, walk & make gawd awful messes, break things you value.
The sweet dog who was warm & cuddly, as a puppy, chews up things you value, barks whines, howls, sometimes takes off leaving you to worry about where they are.
Fish won't do that!
Cats will.
Just F.Y.I.!
Some people are incapable of love or they mistake physical/sexual interaction for love.
That's lust.
No love involved.
Just a selfish immaturity to gratify a craving.
Real love is developed over time. Through time, trials, experiences, sicknesses, betrayal, rebuilding of trust. Trust can be broken, yet, when there is love, it can be rebuilt.
Then......(key in donald-downer) wah-wa-wahh!
There are those people who we love so much yet through their actions of hurting us so much, we realize they are toxic or too unhealthy to exist in our world.
The person takes the fact that they are loved for granted, tramples the other persons feelings, essentially killing the love that the other person feels for them with selfish, unkind actions.
The other person may be acting selfishly, yet, there are always 2 sides to every iceberg.
All that we see, then, what is hidden underneath!
It's a 24 oz ribeye to digest. :)
(OMG she's going to get personal!)
I have loved, then loved, then loved some more. Because I am willing to take chances, I have lost count of how many times I have experienced a 💔. (broken heart)
It's quite painful, devastating, really. I picked myself up, it was wrong to seek a bit of reprisal, I stopped that shizz. Yet, I was striking out, out of excruciating pain.
Wishing I could say, "I'm sorry", knowing it's less likely to happen, I changed that behavior.
Yupp, it's possible to learn!
When I'm finishing a large needlework project, I feel that rush. When I do something nice for someone, it warms me.
Smiling at a stranger, it might make a difference for them.
Then, there's the rush from a hard sweaty workout!
It is magic!
Do you believe me?
It's all copesthetic if you do or if you choose the other.
The sensations of feeling infatuation for another person.
The bond between people with dog, cats, horses, even fish!
The deep connection between parents & their newborn babies!
Happy little jumps in a heart rate when seeing or thinking of someone who makes you purr!
These are only the beginnings of love, yet, it makes a person live in ways they normally have very seldom experienced.
Some effects?
Losing weight.
Sleeplessness (in a good way!)
Happy, just blissfully happy!
Experiencing more energy than usual.
Feeling more positive about life in general.
Changing the way you do a multitude of things.
Taking on some of the mannerisms & attitudes of someone else.
Once the infatuation wears off, if the interaction makes it past a certain adjustment time period which can vary, that's when really loving someone begins.
Realizing that the other person is only human with all that being only human encompasses. Seeing them at their best, then seeing them at their worst, yet, still wanting to see them.
The newborn grows, keeps you away from sleep with crying, teething, then begins to crawl, walk & make gawd awful messes, break things you value.
The sweet dog who was warm & cuddly, as a puppy, chews up things you value, barks whines, howls, sometimes takes off leaving you to worry about where they are.
Fish won't do that!
Cats will.
Just F.Y.I.!
Some people are incapable of love or they mistake physical/sexual interaction for love.
That's lust.
No love involved.
Just a selfish immaturity to gratify a craving.
Real love is developed over time. Through time, trials, experiences, sicknesses, betrayal, rebuilding of trust. Trust can be broken, yet, when there is love, it can be rebuilt.
Then......(key in donald-downer) wah-wa-wahh!
There are those people who we love so much yet through their actions of hurting us so much, we realize they are toxic or too unhealthy to exist in our world.
The person takes the fact that they are loved for granted, tramples the other persons feelings, essentially killing the love that the other person feels for them with selfish, unkind actions.
The other person may be acting selfishly, yet, there are always 2 sides to every iceberg.
All that we see, then, what is hidden underneath!
It's a 24 oz ribeye to digest. :)
(OMG she's going to get personal!)
I have loved, then loved, then loved some more. Because I am willing to take chances, I have lost count of how many times I have experienced a 💔. (broken heart)
It's quite painful, devastating, really. I picked myself up, it was wrong to seek a bit of reprisal, I stopped that shizz. Yet, I was striking out, out of excruciating pain.
Wishing I could say, "I'm sorry", knowing it's less likely to happen, I changed that behavior.
Yupp, it's possible to learn!
When I'm finishing a large needlework project, I feel that rush. When I do something nice for someone, it warms me.
Smiling at a stranger, it might make a difference for them.
Then, there's the rush from a hard sweaty workout!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Panama' & Jamaica!
Shout out to my readers in Panama' & Jamaica!
Being just a humble blogger, writing because, well, I enjoy writing.
My blog is being read in 35 countries, well, now, 37!
I'm truly honored that people would take time out of their busy lives to spend a moment or deux with me.
Thank you, I appreciate it so much. :D
Although I do get a bit of remuneration for writing, truly, I do it because I love doing it. Isn't that the delightful ideal?
Why yes, yes it is. TYVM.
When I began blogging, I was, to be truthful, simply finding a vent, a creative outlet. It's just me, a truly simple girl, trying hard to make it in a very complex world.
Although my blog is published to a worldwide public audience, I had no foggy clue that there would be so many people reading it.
My life is calm, stable, little flashes of scary, little flashes of excitement hither & thither.
Now, my head, well, that's a different animal. Maybe a monkey or a tiger? Maybe a tikey? :)
I have a very very creative mind, creative thought processes. I think inside the octagon, sometimes outside the triangle.
See what I just did there?
Can be a bit slickery at times.
Having never gone to Jamaica, I can say that it seems to be a lovely place that I would like to visit. Maybe I will.
Having lived in the Republic of Panama', I enjoyed my time living there. I lived in El Dorado, then moved to Howard AFB when military housing became available. Loved going to the Fruiteria, having custom iron furniture made.
Also loved going to Playa Dos Rios, Playa Coronado, Playa Gorgona, bought my beloved Doberman ~ Sammy, in Panama'.
Also had the unique experience of being pulled over by the Policia Panama'! The Panamanian cop was friendly, flirted with me, let me go!
I had a maid ~ Jelles Carabal, a gardner ~ Jorge' and a sewing lady ~ Be'len. They were more like friends who helped me than they were like servants. Being able to speak near perfect Spanish helped a lot! It was also fun to speak Spanish so that no Americans understood completely what we were talking about. Ex huzz used to speak about me in his dialect of Tagalog, with other Filipinos right in front of me, which I thought was extremely rude.
It was kinda cool to get some revenge! He was having some dosage of his own rudeness & really hated it! I was lovin it, Chino! :)
I loved buying bananas on the roadside for 10c per pound. Loved giving lots of help $$$$$ to one beggar, Alex, will never forget him. Myself & my kids picked out one person to give the most financial help to.
He lost one of his legs in the invasion of Panama' to oust Manuel Noriega. At first, he was smiling & grateful for the $1. we gave him. We gave him $1. every time he was there as we crossed to the Corozal side of the bridge. Then, when we gave him $20. he was ecstatic!
The next time we saw him, he had a haircut & better clothing. We continued giving him $1. - $20. when we saw him.
The next time, he had a walkman to listen to music while begging.
We didn't see him for 2 weeks.
Finally, he was in his usual spot as we drove across el Punto de Diablo! aka Bridge of The Americas across the Panama' Canal.
Alex had a prosthetic leg, clothes that were clean & pressed!!!!!!!
He told us that he had been hired, had found a place to call home & would not be a beggar anymore.
Ya know? This touched me so deeply. The money given to this man was not much by USA standards.
It changed his life!
Of all the good memories of living in the Republic of Panama', that stands out as the best of all.
So, to readers in Jamaica ~ Thenk yuh!
To readers in the Republic of Panama' ~ Gracias!
Being just a humble blogger, writing because, well, I enjoy writing.
My blog is being read in 35 countries, well, now, 37!
I'm truly honored that people would take time out of their busy lives to spend a moment or deux with me.
Thank you, I appreciate it so much. :D
Although I do get a bit of remuneration for writing, truly, I do it because I love doing it. Isn't that the delightful ideal?
Why yes, yes it is. TYVM.
When I began blogging, I was, to be truthful, simply finding a vent, a creative outlet. It's just me, a truly simple girl, trying hard to make it in a very complex world.
Although my blog is published to a worldwide public audience, I had no foggy clue that there would be so many people reading it.
My life is calm, stable, little flashes of scary, little flashes of excitement hither & thither.
Now, my head, well, that's a different animal. Maybe a monkey or a tiger? Maybe a tikey? :)
I have a very very creative mind, creative thought processes. I think inside the octagon, sometimes outside the triangle.
See what I just did there?
Can be a bit slickery at times.
Having never gone to Jamaica, I can say that it seems to be a lovely place that I would like to visit. Maybe I will.
Having lived in the Republic of Panama', I enjoyed my time living there. I lived in El Dorado, then moved to Howard AFB when military housing became available. Loved going to the Fruiteria, having custom iron furniture made.
Also loved going to Playa Dos Rios, Playa Coronado, Playa Gorgona, bought my beloved Doberman ~ Sammy, in Panama'.
Also had the unique experience of being pulled over by the Policia Panama'! The Panamanian cop was friendly, flirted with me, let me go!
I had a maid ~ Jelles Carabal, a gardner ~ Jorge' and a sewing lady ~ Be'len. They were more like friends who helped me than they were like servants. Being able to speak near perfect Spanish helped a lot! It was also fun to speak Spanish so that no Americans understood completely what we were talking about. Ex huzz used to speak about me in his dialect of Tagalog, with other Filipinos right in front of me, which I thought was extremely rude.
It was kinda cool to get some revenge! He was having some dosage of his own rudeness & really hated it! I was lovin it, Chino! :)
I loved buying bananas on the roadside for 10c per pound. Loved giving lots of help $$$$$ to one beggar, Alex, will never forget him. Myself & my kids picked out one person to give the most financial help to.
He lost one of his legs in the invasion of Panama' to oust Manuel Noriega. At first, he was smiling & grateful for the $1. we gave him. We gave him $1. every time he was there as we crossed to the Corozal side of the bridge. Then, when we gave him $20. he was ecstatic!
The next time we saw him, he had a haircut & better clothing. We continued giving him $1. - $20. when we saw him.
The next time, he had a walkman to listen to music while begging.
We didn't see him for 2 weeks.
Finally, he was in his usual spot as we drove across el Punto de Diablo! aka Bridge of The Americas across the Panama' Canal.
Alex had a prosthetic leg, clothes that were clean & pressed!!!!!!!
He told us that he had been hired, had found a place to call home & would not be a beggar anymore.
Ya know? This touched me so deeply. The money given to this man was not much by USA standards.
It changed his life!
Of all the good memories of living in the Republic of Panama', that stands out as the best of all.
So, to readers in Jamaica ~ Thenk yuh!
To readers in the Republic of Panama' ~ Gracias!
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Wanting It, Getting It
Do you want to be loved? Respected? Desired? Accepted? Revered?
It would be naive to believe that all people want any or all of these.
If you're a lucky SOB, you have all of these.
If you boast about it, it's risking appearing as an arrogant SOB.
As long as I keep progressing, keep improving in life, I'm content. I still crave more. More improvement. More progress.
So, maybe I lied!
Maybe, I'm less content.
If you're not growing, you're.....
When I began a weight loss/get fit journey, mirrors were frightening things. Cameras were even more frightening!
The discouragement factor was/is that, as I work so hard, feel like I've made so much progress, I see myself in a mirror or even worse, in a photo & I just want to disappear into a puddle of tears. Better, yet, just disappear!
Maybe it's because of all the body shaming, personal shaming I have received from people who are supposed to love me. A man who proclaimed his love for me then body shamed me, a daughter who knew how far I had progressed yet still shamed me personally, a fellow gym go-er who was hating on my progress.
It hurts, still.
As Julia Roberts said in the 1990 movie, Pretty Woman ~
The bad stuff is easier to believe.
When I have busted my azz at the gym over & over, day after day, hour after hour, then, I catch an unflattering glimpse, the shaming words start to resonate in my head.
As hard as I try to tune them out ~
I ~
hear them
see them
feel them
Until it makes me cry.
I'm human!
I'm only human, like you, like all people. Just want to be loved, accepted, respected by those I accept, respect, admire.
Marilyn Monroe felt this.
Inside me is the little girl
Living in her unsure world
Where the monsters live and hide
In her head as well as outside
She wonders when she will finally grow
Into someone who will always know
That she can be safe in loving again
Without fear of retribution or pain
With confidence with courage with hope
That someone won't drive her to the end of her rope
It's a journey of a thousand tears
A million days a hundred years
It's a total leap of faith
It would be naive to believe that all people want any or all of these.
If you're a lucky SOB, you have all of these.
If you boast about it, it's risking appearing as an arrogant SOB.
As long as I keep progressing, keep improving in life, I'm content. I still crave more. More improvement. More progress.
So, maybe I lied!
Maybe, I'm less content.
If you're not growing, you're.....
When I began a weight loss/get fit journey, mirrors were frightening things. Cameras were even more frightening!
The discouragement factor was/is that, as I work so hard, feel like I've made so much progress, I see myself in a mirror or even worse, in a photo & I just want to disappear into a puddle of tears. Better, yet, just disappear!
Maybe it's because of all the body shaming, personal shaming I have received from people who are supposed to love me. A man who proclaimed his love for me then body shamed me, a daughter who knew how far I had progressed yet still shamed me personally, a fellow gym go-er who was hating on my progress.
It hurts, still.
As Julia Roberts said in the 1990 movie, Pretty Woman ~
The bad stuff is easier to believe.
When I have busted my azz at the gym over & over, day after day, hour after hour, then, I catch an unflattering glimpse, the shaming words start to resonate in my head.
As hard as I try to tune them out ~
I ~
hear them
see them
feel them
Until it makes me cry.
I'm human!
I'm only human, like you, like all people. Just want to be loved, accepted, respected by those I accept, respect, admire.
Marilyn Monroe felt this.
Inside me is the little girl
Living in her unsure world
Where the monsters live and hide
In her head as well as outside
She wonders when she will finally grow
Into someone who will always know
That she can be safe in loving again
Without fear of retribution or pain
With confidence with courage with hope
That someone won't drive her to the end of her rope
It's a journey of a thousand tears
A million days a hundred years
It's a total leap of faith
Monday, December 11, 2017
When you are emotionally hurt or when someone hurts you, *what do you do?
How you handle it presents many interesting aspects about what it is that makes you who you are. Also, people can as well as do, change in many aspects.
Caveat ~ The individual has to want to change. This change can be externally motivated or internally motivated.
Externally ~ A break up, divorce, death of a loved one, serious personal illness, serious bodily injury, birth of a child. Yeah, you got it!
Internal motivation is a bit tricky. Another aspect is that internal change is less obvious to the outer world.
As in, it's kinda like pissing your pants.
Gives ya a warm feeling, yet, less appreciated by others. :D
Okay, so, I can be a bit sarcastic, bit of a smart-A!
It's part of my charm. :P
Some people love deeply, feel deeply, will roll with the hurts & annoyances doled out to them by loved ones, yet, when they have had enough, they are DONE.
That would be ~ moi!
In days gone by, being a sweeter, more loving, giving, caring, trusting person was the way to roll, for moi.
Present day?
Much less, so.
Dealing with PTSD, trust is a tough one for me. It was tough before, it's more so, now.
Some things that stay the same are to be a caring, loving person, yet, being more selective as to whom I give anything to. My time, care, resources, trust. Way more selective.
Since becoming single I have learned, as a single heterosexual girl, married males are rampant cheaters with no remorse about who they hurt.
Other women will use the ruse of being a good friend while soaking up another persons resources if the person allows it.
Predators, predators, everywhere. When a girl is single, living alone, with no family close by, there is the absence of the proverbial Lion at the Gate. She is more vulnerable.
Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson as well as Mr. Taser can help. :o)
While bodily protection is great, it only protects the body while the heart can be left vulnerable unless steps are taken to protect this tender part as well.
From personal experience aka living life, there have been so many lessons learned, so many stages of growth.
I used to be a more vengeful person. When I was heavily wronged, deeply hurt by someone, I struck out.
My striking out was commensurate with the pain they dealt me.
The deeper the person hurt me, the more intensely I struck out at them. Wanting them to feel as much searing pain as they gave to me. Wanting them to feel the intensity of my grief.
It was wrong.
This, I have learned.
Do you want evidence?
Recently, an individual had attempted to gain my trust, gain my respect, appear to be as a friend. Little telling signs were there, activating my "gut instinct".
Did I heed the warning?
So, yet another pain, another hurt along the way.
My first instinct?
As weird as this may seem, I simply sat down, in my home, I envisioned the person sitting there with me, had a conversation, wished them blessing & prosperity then let them go.
In past experiences, it would deliver happy chills, satisfaction, a bit of delight as I exacted my ounce of flesh.
Present day, December 2017?
Wishing good things for the other is better.
Oh, it's a far cry from past practices where a girl who "man poached" was run out of town. A time when a girls brothers or other male family/associates would deliver a can o whoop ass to a guy who hurt, cheated on or led a girl on.
That probably DOES still happen.
If it happened as often, now, as it used to, something tells me that there would be a drop in people cheating on & abusing each other (male & female, peeps!).
Something I have learned is that even when, even if someone does something so harmful to another as to deserve retribution, is it really worth it? I have learned, that, for me personally, there's a better, more healthy, as in more healing route to take.
How you handle it presents many interesting aspects about what it is that makes you who you are. Also, people can as well as do, change in many aspects.
Caveat ~ The individual has to want to change. This change can be externally motivated or internally motivated.
Externally ~ A break up, divorce, death of a loved one, serious personal illness, serious bodily injury, birth of a child. Yeah, you got it!
Internal motivation is a bit tricky. Another aspect is that internal change is less obvious to the outer world.
As in, it's kinda like pissing your pants.
Gives ya a warm feeling, yet, less appreciated by others. :D
Okay, so, I can be a bit sarcastic, bit of a smart-A!
It's part of my charm. :P
Some people love deeply, feel deeply, will roll with the hurts & annoyances doled out to them by loved ones, yet, when they have had enough, they are DONE.
That would be ~ moi!
In days gone by, being a sweeter, more loving, giving, caring, trusting person was the way to roll, for moi.
Present day?
Much less, so.
Dealing with PTSD, trust is a tough one for me. It was tough before, it's more so, now.
Some things that stay the same are to be a caring, loving person, yet, being more selective as to whom I give anything to. My time, care, resources, trust. Way more selective.
Since becoming single I have learned, as a single heterosexual girl, married males are rampant cheaters with no remorse about who they hurt.
Other women will use the ruse of being a good friend while soaking up another persons resources if the person allows it.
Predators, predators, everywhere. When a girl is single, living alone, with no family close by, there is the absence of the proverbial Lion at the Gate. She is more vulnerable.
Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson as well as Mr. Taser can help. :o)
While bodily protection is great, it only protects the body while the heart can be left vulnerable unless steps are taken to protect this tender part as well.
From personal experience aka living life, there have been so many lessons learned, so many stages of growth.
I used to be a more vengeful person. When I was heavily wronged, deeply hurt by someone, I struck out.
My striking out was commensurate with the pain they dealt me.
The deeper the person hurt me, the more intensely I struck out at them. Wanting them to feel as much searing pain as they gave to me. Wanting them to feel the intensity of my grief.
It was wrong.
This, I have learned.
Do you want evidence?
Recently, an individual had attempted to gain my trust, gain my respect, appear to be as a friend. Little telling signs were there, activating my "gut instinct".
Did I heed the warning?
So, yet another pain, another hurt along the way.
My first instinct?
As weird as this may seem, I simply sat down, in my home, I envisioned the person sitting there with me, had a conversation, wished them blessing & prosperity then let them go.
In past experiences, it would deliver happy chills, satisfaction, a bit of delight as I exacted my ounce of flesh.
Present day, December 2017?
Wishing good things for the other is better.
Oh, it's a far cry from past practices where a girl who "man poached" was run out of town. A time when a girls brothers or other male family/associates would deliver a can o whoop ass to a guy who hurt, cheated on or led a girl on.
That probably DOES still happen.
If it happened as often, now, as it used to, something tells me that there would be a drop in people cheating on & abusing each other (male & female, peeps!).
Something I have learned is that even when, even if someone does something so harmful to another as to deserve retribution, is it really worth it? I have learned, that, for me personally, there's a better, more healthy, as in more healing route to take.
Fill in the cloud.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Playing Favorites
It's all yellow.
I love the color yellow. It's happy, it's fresh, it's energized!
It's yellow!
(high fives to Coldplay!)
There are many colors I consider favorites.
Although none of the rooms in my current domicile have a yellow color scheme, someday soon, I think one might!
My bedroom is black & red. Red & black. Yupp. Black bedsheets, pillow cases. Black & red comforter. Almost everything else follows the black & red color scheme.
My kitchen is mostly this shade of blue. I'm renting & this happens to be the color scheme the owners chose. It's mellow, it's pleasing though it's not yellow.
The living room is large, a hodge podge of colors, like this! My fitness equipment corner is mostly black. Well, durr!
The one bathroom follows a slightly muted aqua. Not as bright as this, softer, softer, softer!
I love color. Color affects me as much as music, scents, hormones.
It's doubtful that there will be any holiday decor this season. Feeling kinda ~meh~.
Maybe, next year?
Maybe next year when life is easier
There may be more peace in this life I'm living
There might be more abundance
So that I feel more like giving
Living in the moment
Letting go of the past
Embracing the future
Life goes by so fast
Having to hang onto
The proverbial knot in my rope
Always believing
In goodness, in hope
I love the color yellow. It's happy, it's fresh, it's energized!
It's yellow!
(high fives to Coldplay!)
There are many colors I consider favorites.
Although none of the rooms in my current domicile have a yellow color scheme, someday soon, I think one might!
My bedroom is black & red. Red & black. Yupp. Black bedsheets, pillow cases. Black & red comforter. Almost everything else follows the black & red color scheme.
My kitchen is mostly this shade of blue. I'm renting & this happens to be the color scheme the owners chose. It's mellow, it's pleasing though it's not yellow.
The living room is large, a hodge podge of colors, like this! My fitness equipment corner is mostly black. Well, durr!
The one bathroom follows a slightly muted aqua. Not as bright as this, softer, softer, softer!
I love color. Color affects me as much as music, scents, hormones.
It's doubtful that there will be any holiday decor this season. Feeling kinda ~meh~.
Maybe, next year?
Maybe next year when life is easier
There may be more peace in this life I'm living
There might be more abundance
So that I feel more like giving
Living in the moment
Letting go of the past
Embracing the future
Life goes by so fast
Having to hang onto
The proverbial knot in my rope
Always believing
In goodness, in hope
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Getting Paid
For anyone who wishes to know, is curious or maybe has a bent toward a prying nature.
I started out writing my blog for fun, to vent, to be creative.
Word porn!
When a certain corp perchance happened on my blog one sunny day in May, lol, the rest is a part of my current status.
I was offered a chance to get paid, doing what I love. Writing!
So, for the curious peeps, yes, I get paid to write my blog.
There is a non-disclosure I had to sign. Also, it's important to be prudent in my subject choices.
In my blog I can be humorous, a bit naughty, melancholy at times, yet, I have to be more mindful of what I write as well as having my sponsor ask me to take a post down.
That has only happened twice, yet, it's non gratis.
It's still possible to express ideas, my political views, life experiences while still getting paid!
Oh, it's supplemental lucre for sure. Still, it's better than a menial job that I wouldn't enjoy.
I enjoy this, I get paid.
I started out writing my blog for fun, to vent, to be creative.
Word porn!
When a certain corp perchance happened on my blog one sunny day in May, lol, the rest is a part of my current status.
I was offered a chance to get paid, doing what I love. Writing!
So, for the curious peeps, yes, I get paid to write my blog.
There is a non-disclosure I had to sign. Also, it's important to be prudent in my subject choices.
In my blog I can be humorous, a bit naughty, melancholy at times, yet, I have to be more mindful of what I write as well as having my sponsor ask me to take a post down.
That has only happened twice, yet, it's non gratis.
It's still possible to express ideas, my political views, life experiences while still getting paid!
Oh, it's supplemental lucre for sure. Still, it's better than a menial job that I wouldn't enjoy.
I enjoy this, I get paid.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Sometimes it feels as if
Something good will happen soon
Other times I say goodnight
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon
It may seem a bit early
For a person to go to sleep
It's better to enter dreamland
Than it ever is to weep
Something good will happen soon
Other times I say goodnight
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon
It may seem a bit early
For a person to go to sleep
It's better to enter dreamland
Than it ever is to weep
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