Saturday, April 2, 2016

When was the last time?

Part 2

Did you guess what I was speaking of?

Probably not.

Or maybe.

I was speaking of ~ Genuine people.

Those very real people are few, far between.

Male & female, alike, too many fakes. 

Genuine people are rare. Have rarely met them. Very few people say who they are, in honesty & truthfulness. Very few do as they say they will do, say they will be there, then, show up or, if they can't make it, have a very good reason as to why not & let others know. 

It's been awhile since I have met someone real

As I am only one person, I can be real. Can only hope to meet others who are similarly as sincere as myself, turn away from those who lack the confidence to be authentic.



Be real

Be good to each other.

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