Friday, November 29, 2019

The Doctor is in

Eye candy is good for business!
In my experience, the male counselors I have known were 

This includes guys I have known who wanted to become a counselor, were in the process of becoming a counselor or were a counselor, already.
That might be somewhat more challenging for a really hot guy! Even as a counselor, a good looking guy is made even more attractive because he actually listens......…and, he talks! He will appeal to his female patients on a few levels. It's dangerous.

This is something that is missing in marriages, BF-GF interaction. The conversation, talking about anything, everything. Conversation.
Communication is so absolutely essential.
Without it?
Stick a fork in it, it's done.

The man-type counselor-types that I have known have that one thing in common. They talk. What they have to say is profound.
Even more important?
These god-like people actually listen to anyone & everyone.

Having also known some guys who talk and talk and talk. They refrain from pausing. They seem to be talking to listen to the sound of their own voice. When the other person can actually get a word in, the talker-guy only responds to what he had previously been saying, oblivious to what the other person just said.
This is also known as a boor. Poorly mannered, selfish, self centered. Self absorbed. Only interested in their own opinion.
If you dare to point this out? 
Make sure you are armed. 
Preferably with a loaded Ruger or a stun gun (taser) or a freezing cold bucket of water or a proverbial version at the least.
Mr. Super Talker- Guy is going to be most unhappy with you.

This only makes a male counselor even MORE attractive, if that's possible! He not only talks politely, he listens politely. 
He makes his one person audience wanting to hear what he has to say, then, he respects her enough to listen when she speaks.

These desirable guys are sometimes functioning as a counselor without being in a paid position.

At the moment, I feel compelled to refer to Dr. Jordan B Peterson.

He is a Canadian Clinical Psychologist who is also a tenured professor at University of Toronto.

The guy is super hot right now.

What makes him so hot?
The same thing that makes so many other counselor guys so hot.
He is confident, not cocky. He is very genuine with no malicious agenda. He is also a bit sarcastic (most hot guys are) while he is very very clever in a playful, witty way.

There are most likely thousands of girls & women who have the warmies toward Dr. Peterson. Maybe millions? idk
I might be one of them.
I'm a sapiosexual.

Look Dr. Jordan B Peterson up on YouTube. Listen & learn.

You're welcome.

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