Friday, December 6, 2019

Please Stay

Sometimes when the teachings of someone are so profound, so much truth amid the chaos of the world, they make it easy to discern the truth. This truth is in all of us.
Sometimes guidance is necessary to recognize it, bring it to the surface of consciousness.

We live in a world where people think it's cool to lick each others butt holes, yet can't stand the smell of poop. A world where some girls want to be boys, boys want to be girls, then there are some who can't decide, so they switch back & forth.

It's bloody confusing!

Dr. Jordan B Peterson, a tenured Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, Canada is someone who I have been watching & listening to a lot lately.

You see, I have been diagnosed with PTSD brought on by MST, the multiple assaults on myself when I served in the United States Air Force. This is what caused me to search for someone who could help me make more sense of the world.

Dr Peterson, thank you!

His book "12 Rules" appealed to me in large part because of his Rule#11 Never bother children when they are skate boarding.

Because my son, who I love with all of my soul, loved to skate board. He still does, yet, he has other responsibilities, now.
The skate boarding rule caught my attention, drew me in further.

Baby, I'm in deep, now! Ha Ha! 

With his sense, logic, wondrously unfold his stories, drawing analogies in the form of fairy tales. It's a work of art! He speaks of Pinnochio, Beauty And The Beast, even The Lion King!

After watching several of his lectures, video clips, interviews, I had an "AHA". I have to say this. As a polyglot, his voice, OMH, his voice is so attractive. He is also a very handsome guy. Very easy to look at, to watch. Just sayin.
Being physically attractive, for him, is more than his appearance. The man is CONFIDENT!

He must get killer backaches from his massive balls!

Dr Peterson has been confronted in very ugly ways. In negatively aggressive haters who would do him bodily harm if allowed.
Am quite sure he could take them on & win!

Recently, he took his own advice. When going through a very frightening health scare with the love of his life, Tammy. Keep in mind that they met in the 5th grade where he says very proudly that he fell in love with her, the minute he met her.
He checked himself into a rehab facility to get help in conquering a dependency on a pharmaceutical substance.
The strong man is the one who knows when to ask for help.

His wife is doing well as far as I've heard. 

It may sound silly, to care so much. Having only listened as well as observed him, this is not fascination with a celebrity. This is gratitude for the difference someone is making in the world.

There are multitudes of angry, lost, destructive males out there. They lie constantly, hurt women, children as well as other males. They cheat on their wives, cheat others out of money.
In truth?
The one they are hurting the most is themselves along with society.

The world needs Dr. Peterson, the world NEEDS more intelligent, confident men of his caliber.

After leaving rehab, being with his wife as she recovers, he looks very tired. He is less animated than he used to be. 
It worries me.
I want his light in the world to go on shining. I want to see him fully bounced back from the trials he has had to endure in the past 2 years or so. What would I say to Dr.Peterson if I could have a brief visit with him?
I would say:
"Thank you for your wisdom. Please, please stay much longer on the earth. I need you. The world needs you. I love you, kind sir. Along with millions of other people who needed to hear your philosophy. You give hope that the world is going to hell in a handbasket a bit more slowly than it would have without you."

That is what I would say.

To his wife, Tammy:
"I'm so happy for you that you are in recovery. You're a woman to be admired for coming through this terrible struggle. Thank you for being the rock that anchors your wise husband. He would probably be a different man without you. The world needs you as the half of a couple that support each other to change so many lives."

Dr.Jordan B Peterson & Tammy Peterson, please stay with us.

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