Monday, November 11, 2019

My Bumper Stickers, My Service

Sweet Liberty

Coming of age as an American Servicewoman

That is the title of the manuscript that I wrote. It was enough for me to write it. To express my thoughts, my feelings. It took me 10 years to write. It was very cathartic to solve many dilemmas.
I tried to publish it. Only limited in printing & publishing.
I think it's better that it was not more widely published.

The book records many of my experiences when I entered military service, went through the growing pains of trying so hard, as a girl, to learn, grow and fit in, in a mans world.

It was tough.

First of all, I was a shy, skinny girl from a dysfunctional family. There was so much I had zero clues about. I had to learn.

When people say the cliche' "Thank you for your service." I smile, say "You're welcome" or something similar. 
Most people don't truly understand the scope of exactly what it means to serve on active duty.

Things such as :

Holidays far from home in a dorm or a tent
All the missed weddings, deaths, births in extended family
Deep loneliness being so far from home
Personal, painful transformation, turning into an adult over night
Dealing with a superior who is on a powertrip, is only 4 years older than you.
Extreme sexual harrassment that leaves years of scars
Long hours with low pay with very little time off
Intense training that pushes all of your buttons
Being pushed to super human limits then some more

I have bumper stickers on my car that say United States Air Force.
It really makes me sick when people ask me, "Oh, was your husband in the Air Force."
I answer them, with, "No. I was."
The shocked looks on their faces get me every time.
I'm seething that in the year 2019, people of all ages, walks of life, still, STILL have difficulty grasping that I could have served my country. That I could have gone through boot camp, military training schools, lived in Hawai'i & California as a single woman serving in the United States Air Force.

Though it was a different life, then, my military service still benefits me in so many ways. I still have a valid military ID, which gets TSA Pre Check when taking a trip by air,  more than half the time. Going to the various military bases when I travel, feels very safe. It feels like going home, again. 

Today is Veterans Day.

Many restaurants & places of business honor military veterans with free meals, deeply discounted services & meals. 

It's nice.

When one Military Veteran says to another Veteran:
"Thank you for serving"
It has deeper meaning because both people have a deeper understanding of what it truly means, of the many sacrifices.

To my fellow Military Veterans.

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