Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Perfect Man

The perfect man is imperfect in his own brand of perfection
He can have crooked teeth or be less than six foot one
To win the admiration of the one of his hopeful affection
Wanting her for much more than just a night or three of fun

The myth of the perfect man also has an element of danger
It sets up the beauty curse which females have had to bear
With that standard of today so strange while becoming stranger
The future of this phenomenon keeps going I know not where

A desirable man is humble and kind while still of a strong mind
He knows his worth although he may be from humble birth
Confidence shines so that he sees that to which others are blind
When he meets that good woman he intrinsically knows her worth

A good man will be truthful being honest to all he will greet
His word is his bond his contract it binds him of his own will
His confidence with his kindness is visible to all he may meet
His basic character of origin is enhanced is with him still

In plain, non-poetic lingo, the myth of the perfect man is a curse along with that of the perfect woman. The one who you love may not be perfect while being perfect for the one you will commit to then spend your life with.
Having met people who have the silly standard that a man who is under the height of six feet tall is undesirable are selling themselves short.
By the same token, the males who believe that a size zero woman or a woman who has enormous breasts is more desirable will find themselves without the love they seek.

A good woman or a good man will still be a desireable person long after youth passes, money is gone, time has done its work.

When a man cares more about what size a woman is, her hair, her bra size, if she obviously does her squats, what her teeth look like, he is still in the Neanderthal level of maturity.
Avoid him like a T-Rex. 

Guys, if a woman cares more about how much money you have, always practically demanding that you take her to expensive places all the time?
She is too shallow to care about you as a person
If a woman cares more about what kind of car you drive, the home you live in, your economic status?
She doesn't care about YOU as a person the way she should.
She still has some learning, maturing, growing up to do.
Let her go.
She's still a little girl, not a woman.

This is the truth.
You're welcome.

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