Monday, March 5, 2018

Made. Of. Steel?

There was a time in my life when I felt that I was immune to being emotionally hurt.
(Please hold on queuing the violins)

In my incorrect thinking, it seemed that I had been around the tree a few times, had learned a bit, possibly become wiser. Hence, feeling immune to having my heart broken.
Oh! I was so wrong, at least, about that!
I reserve my right to own up when I'm wrong.

Though a bit more wisdom had graced my countenance, I'm still a girl with a soft heart.
It's still possible to be made to feel sad when someone is abruptly cruel, no warning, no hint. Just ~


Personally, I give warnings before I strike. Letting someone know when they are approaching my last nerve. 

Also, from dealing with the males out there in the dating world, I learned to fight back, give as good as I get.
If a guy hurts me? Knowing what he's doing while selfishly disregarding my feelings?

I will hurt him commensurately, right back.

Nothing illegal. I'm a law abiding citizen.

In long gone days, if a guy were to lead a woman on or play with her feelings? If he was so cruel as to toy with her heart, her male relatives would seek him out, teach him to think twice before playing with a woman's heart, ever again. 

Tonight, I received a dose of that male cruelty, rudeness.


Came at me, out of nowhere. So difficult to understand. Being thusly cruel to another person whether male or female would ride heavy on my conscience.

People who are physically beautiful or fabulously wealthy or even a tough Special Ops soldier are looked upon as invincible.

These people are still human, can still be hurt by the words or the actions of others.

Beauty, age, wealth, tactical knowledge are inconsequential in matters of the heart. They still bleed when their flesh is rent, they still feel the emotional pain from heartache.

When encountering tender feelings of another, if you are unable to help them, at least, please, I beseech you, don't hurt them.

Choose to be kind.

Everyone can be hurt.Everyone can feel. 

We are, all of us, only human.

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