Saturday, March 10, 2018

High Energy Zone

Hey peeps!


This is my mindset/bodyset most of the time.

Some people complain about feeling tired, no energy, out of motivation. Of course, I experience this occasionally, okay, rarely.
I'm only human, with all the frailties that being human entails.
One aspect of being "me" I know for sure.

I have a higher energy level than most people I have ever known.

When my youngest daughter married her handsome Prince last June, I had experienced an "episode" of extreme pain.
The pain hit me overnight, in mid May 2017.
One day, I was fine, working out like the energizer bunny, doing what I do.
The next day ~
It hurt to breathe, it hurt to move, all up & down the right side of my body. Without the help from my friend, Anita, I would not have made it through. She was REALLY there for me. She knew what to do to help. She had been dealing with bodily pain for a long time.

The thoughts I had were of fear that I wouldn't make it to my daughters wedding. That fear was almost as bad as physical pain.

I love this sweet daughter of mine, so much, with a fierceness that a lioness loves her cubs.........or a mama cougar! Ha ha! Shh!

It was already looking like her fathers petty immaturity was going to keep him from going to her wedding.
(Turns out, to great sadness, I was right. He didn't show, he missed out big-time!)

Grudge holding is nearly non-existent for me. It does great harm to hold a grudge. I have witnessed the harm which it does.

There is a difference between turning away from those relationships which are toxic to me or holding a grudge,

Having decided I would drive to my darling daughters wedding, this was a determination which I had, honor bound myself to.
There was a fixative of purpose in my desire to be there.

Although the pain was still very much present, I was going to go!

There were many obstacles to conquer.

~Fear of getting lost
~Fear of not being able to make it due to pain
~The older daughter who was to drive with me pulled a "no show"
~Time constraints
~Not knowing if my car was mechanically sound enough

The distance to conquer? ~ 1,083 miles one way. According to Google, 17 hours of driving, alone. D-D-D-Dang! Just typing it feels a bit overwhelming.
Having a charged taser with me assuaged fears, just a little.

As one who avoids taking meds, I had to take non-drowsy pain meds, if I was going to make it to my darling's wedding on time!

I was popping Aleeve like M&Ms all the way from Texas to Utah!

Relying on sheer determination as well as my fantastic natural energy level, I made it! The only stops were to refuel along the way as well as buy more pain relief meds (non-drowsy variety, 'course!)
It was so worth it to be there with family, with friends I have known for most of my life.

Having never been a coffee drinker as well as strictly limiting caffeinated drinks, there was none of that either! 
I do like an occasional soda-pop! However ...........
(yeah, there's a however!) the swelling of my tissues & puffy eyes within 10 hours is so uncomfortable, it makes sodas unappealing.

I see this high energy level has mostly been passed on to my children, my legacy to them, if you will!

There is a girl, in the town I live in, who has 3 sons that I just adore! She has found herself unexpectedly as a single mom.
I remember those days of being alone with my 4 darlings, needing a break, so much. There was rarely any relief. I loved my babies with all of my heart & soul. Still, needing a break is par for the course of mothering.
Going back in time is impossible.
Helping someone else in a similar situation?
Her sons are really great children, a reflection of her mothering.

For these reasons, I offered to watch her kiddos, giving her a break, on the condition that I didn't want to be paid.
When she told me that the children's grandmother (younger than me!) didn't have enough energy to keep up with the 3 boys, ages 2, 7 & 12...........I was a bit shocked.
I have energy to spare!
When I was a part of the dating world, I did something, which  I learned was a mistake.
I began a relationship with a guy 3 years older than me.
He finally told me that my energy level was too much for him.

He told me that he felt like he was around 70 while I seemed to be around 30.

That could be taken a variety of ways, I'll take it as a compliment!


High energy, at this juncture should not be construed as a high sex drive, so, don't go there.
Just, keeping it clean!

On this fitness journey, there is a big bennie to having high energy. The PT I have been working with on Mondays & Fridays, wants to boost my fitness with *3* days per week!
Monday, Wednesday & Friday ~ FTW!
She paid me a huge compliment, saying that, with my energy level, I can take it!



This may be the key to getting my 6 pk back, getting to my fitness goals, leaping tall buildings with a single...........

WHOA there, filly! I've lived in TX awhile! Can ya' see it?

Stay tuned!

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