Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hair Changes Things !

Believe me?

There's a few male versions of hair love.

What do you call people without beards?

What is a beard?
A gift to your face! 

Ultimate face warmer?
Beards! keeping faces warm since...well...forever!

It's a preference for many guys, to have a sexy fur face. Some prefer to have smooth skin.
Some guys actually enjoy their shaving time.

Now that equal billing has been given to guys, the equivalent, IMO is when girls enjoy growing the hair on their head to great lengths. It takes a lot to take care of long hair.
Yeah, there are guys who may enjoy their long hair coiffure.
This is girl time.  🙂

There is something really wonderful about being able, as a girl, to find a way to get hair on your head to GROW!!!!
Though I have always had baby fine hair, there's a lot of it! Along with my hair being very fine, it grew slower & slower with time, much to my frustration. As a result, it's been necessary to be very care-filled when choosing someone to trim my hair. 
Move to a new location. Find a trusted hair care person. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Okay, you got it! LOL! I have moved from country to country, state to state A LOT!

Most important is having confidence that this person of trust will really listen.
Some stylists listen, some half listen.
Some simply do their own thing with their clients hair ~ EEEEEK!

F.Y.I. ~ I found someone in this town who is so fantastic with hair, I totally trust her. She's very attentive, very skilled.
Brooke is just fantastic! I said her name. Shhh!
Seriously, she really IS that good!
When she leaves there will be weeping & gnashing of teeth. 😢

I digress.

Although my hair had nearly stopped growing at all, by age 18,  I felt that it was important to keep researching ways to get it to grow! 
Having found what works, I'm thrilled. My hair is down below my shoulders for the first time in a long time! 

Having longer hair feels good to me. It feels more feminine, girlie, womanly. Call it what you will. It feels more natural.
With shorter hair it affects self confidence for me. 

With longer hair, I have to condition my ends more often to keep the length of my hair soft & shiny. Also, because of baby fine texture, it's important to pull my hair back into 1 braid in back before going to sleep at night to avoid waking up with a mouth full of my own hair!
Also, when working out at the gym, pulling my hair into a braid over my left shoulder is necessary. With just a ponytail, it STILL goes all over with static.

Pssst! It feels good to pull the short braid to the side over my shoulder. 😍 Yup. Haha! It actually feels good to do this!

Having short hair can be attractive as in Princess Diana, Demi Moore, Marie Osmond, Halle Berry. 

Having longer hair is worth all of the studying, then changing life habits to see my hair become not only longer, it's also become thicker with time.
It does take time.
It does take trying different methods to find what will work for you. Guys AND girls can do different things to keep the hair on their heads.
Female baldness is part of my genetics along with alcoholism, obesity, diabetes, depression.


With the other aspects conquered, I will grow my locks of self love, do what it takes. Having longer, beautiful hair changes me.

Hair ~ it changes things!

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