Friday, September 14, 2018


Many people may be familiar with the brand, LG. 
Do they know what the letters, "LG" represent?

They stand for, as far as researching it goes,  ~ Life's Good!

You're welcome. :)

In present day, I can honestly say my life is good!

The love of friends & family, time to go where I wish, when I wish, for as long as I wish without concern over how it will affect the affections, toward me, of other people. 


Life is good.

The freedom I have is cherished. Having been denied this freedom for long periods of time in my life, it has hit home to really appreciate it when I have it. 

Recently, tonight, in fact, I connected with someone I had not had contact with for a long time. He was isolated, lonely, happened across my FB page, wanted to connect with someone!
It was nice.

Connecting with him took me back in time to a situation when I was in a very different place, spiritually, emotionally. A positive place, while the feeling In my life, now, is more positive.
It made me so very grateful for where I am, now.
It was magical, left me with residual happiness.

Every night, as I'm laying inn bed.....whoops.... sometimes it's early morning.....I begin my gratitude recall.
What is this?
Beginning by recalling every positive event beginning with waking the prior morning.
Recall, express gratitude, saying a heartfelt thank you for each.

It's a beautiful practice!

Life's Good!

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