Friday, September 21, 2018

Everything, Everything? No.

It's everywhere.

It's in everything.

It's unavoidable.

What is it?


Cell phone addiction?




Meth amphetamine?


een - een - een

Maybe, however, this is something more pervasive, more addictive than porn, caffeine, more widely accepted.

Songs about it, completely legal.

Babies get started on it as young as 1 hour old. Human breast milk is 6.8% lactose (that's sugar) if the mother is in the habit of eating like 80% of the world population. Cows milk is 3.4% lactose. That's a huge difference.



Many magazine articles are written, documentaries, scientific studies, medications to counteract, body shaming all about the obesity epidemic. It's worldwide.

There's a simple solution. Simple in theory, a tad tricky to implement.

Quit eating too much sugar.

Easy to type, easy to say.

I've done it.

I know people who have done it.

My dear friend, Anita is fighting the good fight as I type this!

Wean yourself from the sugar titty.  😇

Recently, while on a road trip, the dear friend I was with has stayed away from excessive sugar for 12 years. She has done it! In my personal quest for greater health, Nancy is my hero!
She is the best possible person to have taken a road trip with for, guess who?
This chick!!!!!!!!
She had her arsenal of fresh chopped veggies, fresh fruit for our road trip. It was so wonderful to be 99% relieved of temptation to answer the call of the sugar demon!

We covered over 1,000 miles, merrily driving along while munching on strawberries, raspberries, celery, carrots, nuts & seeds.

By the time we arrived at our destination, I felt better. What Nancy didn't know was that I had smuggled some contraband along, you know, just in case. Harmless little mini snickers bites & junior mints!
The good news? 
I never even touched them. Yea, was far away from them as they melted into a goopy mess in the trunk of my car. It rendered the poison even less attractive as I tossed them into the trash when I arrived back home after our trip.   

Whereas sugar used to be such a bad habit, it is now, just a memory of my days as an addict.

When I get a craving for *something*, I used to go for ice cream, a candy bar, a sugary soda (16 grams of sugar in 1 coke!).

Present day?

Keeping a decent supply of boiled eggs in the fridge, I turn there.
Frozen walnuts, pecans, etc.
Cooked chicken breast
Sweet potatoes (sweet, still legal!)

When I get a craving, I know my body really wants protein. Feed the body, quash the craving, win the good fight!
Take that! sugar!

I did it, people around me are doing it, you can do it.

Some more tips ~

The less excess sugar you eat, the less you will want it.   
The uber soft beef in restaurants is softened by a sugar solution.
Guess what sugar is doing to your insides? Mm Hmm.

Here's one more source for inspiration, you're welcome. 😙


(click the blue link, below) 

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