Saturday, March 31, 2018

Steal something!

Some people believe it's real.

Some people are convinced it's complete delusion, attention seeking, fabrication.

Some people claim to have experienced it first hand.

You may ask, wth is she referencing?

You MAY ask.


It's been spoken of, printed about, used as the plot line in films even many entire books devoted to it.
Do you promise to keep reading?

You may smile.
You may guffaw.
You may even gasp from your own personal thoughts & reasoning.

The topic is alien encounters & abductions, baby!

It's a fact of life that peeps fabricate. Peeps hallucinate. Some peeps just need more attention.
It's all good.

I'm speaking of alien abduction. Not the kind where a person from another country abducts you, your child or your dog for dinner.
The type from somewhere out in the Universe, maybe beyond the universe.

It can be claimed while rarely confirmed.

Here is my suggestion on the next time you're abducted by aliens.


An alien pen, an alien piece of whatever.


Bring it back with you.

Voila, proof.

You're welcome.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Combat Skills!

Life is a journey
Life is tough
So many peeps telling you
You're less than enough

Combat the negatives
Combat the sad
Focus on that
Of the goodness you have had

Combat the demons
Nipping at your heels
Get clear on you
Get a case of the feels

Combat those cah-reeps
Who would drag anyone down
They believe lowering others
Gives them their glory crown

Rise up rise up!
To conquer those ills
You're enough you are worthy
With your combat skills!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Getting to know YOU!

There's someone you really need to get to know.
This person may be someone you already know.
This person may be someone you know only a little.
This person may be someone you think you know.
This person may be someone you actually know very well.

It's YOU!

Do you know yourself? Really know yourself?

Do you know what you like as well as what you dislike?
Do you know your strengths as well as your weaknesses?
Are you willing to express to others when something feels wrong?

All three of these are very important.

Your age, your race, religion, occupation, gender, economics, have little effect on whether you know yourself or getting to know yourself.

Many people get to know themselves through meditation.

Meditation is simply, sitting quietly or laying comfortably, then clearing your mind. Letting yourself feel the sensations of your body as it relaxes, thereby relaxing the mind.

Some people may say they don't meditate or can't or won't.

Do you ever take a nap during the day?
You just meditated.

Do you go to sleep when your day is over?
You went to a meditative state.

Whether you approach sleep with quiet peace or fighting it or with violent dreams, it will have an effect on your waking life.
How you sleep is something many people have control over as well as many people with troubled sleep who need some TLC to improve their sleep experience.

Help can be there in the form of a sleep therapist, otc as well as prescription meds, emotional/mindful therapy, spiritual counsel.

Opting for otc meds combined with spiritual therapy works for me.

How do I get to know myself? ~ Many ask this question while many already know themselves or they know how to "get there."

The answer to getting to know yourself is a simple process.
Ask yourself questions as you are laying in your bed in preparation for sleep.
Ask yourself questions as you are driving alone in your vehicle going from place to place throughout your day or night or whenever.
Listen to your mind, listen to your body, listen to your spirit.
Tune in.
Open yourself up to new ~ anything ~ within reason.
Obey the legal laws of the area where you physically are!

Try a new food, listen to new music, observe a belief that's foreign to your way of thinking. Explore the great indoors. The options in todays world are so vast, most are at your command.

In the process of explorations, ask yourself.
What is this experience like for me?
Is this something that appeals to me?
Is this something I crave to incorporate into my being? 
Is this something I have tried, can live without?
You tried it! 
Go, YOU!

If there is something you like, good. If you don't, when appropriate, feel free to discard or if someone is trying to coerce or force it on you, feel free to speak up! Accepting or unaccepting. Communicate! 
Preferably, verbally.
It may take personal self confidence, courage, time. Speak up!

The wheel which squawks, gets the grease.

People were designed for verbal communication.
Mind reading? 
(Where we goin? Ha ha!)

Ask yourself questions.
Listen for the answers.

✨ Rejoice in what you find! ✨

Hair Changes Things !

Believe me?

There's a few male versions of hair love.

What do you call people without beards?

What is a beard?
A gift to your face! 

Ultimate face warmer?
Beards! keeping faces warm since...well...forever!

It's a preference for many guys, to have a sexy fur face. Some prefer to have smooth skin.
Some guys actually enjoy their shaving time.

Now that equal billing has been given to guys, the equivalent, IMO is when girls enjoy growing the hair on their head to great lengths. It takes a lot to take care of long hair.
Yeah, there are guys who may enjoy their long hair coiffure.
This is girl time.  🙂

There is something really wonderful about being able, as a girl, to find a way to get hair on your head to GROW!!!!
Though I have always had baby fine hair, there's a lot of it! Along with my hair being very fine, it grew slower & slower with time, much to my frustration. As a result, it's been necessary to be very care-filled when choosing someone to trim my hair. 
Move to a new location. Find a trusted hair care person. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Okay, you got it! LOL! I have moved from country to country, state to state A LOT!

Most important is having confidence that this person of trust will really listen.
Some stylists listen, some half listen.
Some simply do their own thing with their clients hair ~ EEEEEK!

F.Y.I. ~ I found someone in this town who is so fantastic with hair, I totally trust her. She's very attentive, very skilled.
Brooke is just fantastic! I said her name. Shhh!
Seriously, she really IS that good!
When she leaves there will be weeping & gnashing of teeth. 😢

I digress.

Although my hair had nearly stopped growing at all, by age 18,  I felt that it was important to keep researching ways to get it to grow! 
Having found what works, I'm thrilled. My hair is down below my shoulders for the first time in a long time! 

Having longer hair feels good to me. It feels more feminine, girlie, womanly. Call it what you will. It feels more natural.
With shorter hair it affects self confidence for me. 

With longer hair, I have to condition my ends more often to keep the length of my hair soft & shiny. Also, because of baby fine texture, it's important to pull my hair back into 1 braid in back before going to sleep at night to avoid waking up with a mouth full of my own hair!
Also, when working out at the gym, pulling my hair into a braid over my left shoulder is necessary. With just a ponytail, it STILL goes all over with static.

Pssst! It feels good to pull the short braid to the side over my shoulder. 😍 Yup. Haha! It actually feels good to do this!

Having short hair can be attractive as in Princess Diana, Demi Moore, Marie Osmond, Halle Berry. 

Having longer hair is worth all of the studying, then changing life habits to see my hair become not only longer, it's also become thicker with time.
It does take time.
It does take trying different methods to find what will work for you. Guys AND girls can do different things to keep the hair on their heads.
Female baldness is part of my genetics along with alcoholism, obesity, diabetes, depression.


With the other aspects conquered, I will grow my locks of self love, do what it takes. Having longer, beautiful hair changes me.

Hair ~ it changes things!

Monday, March 19, 2018


Life is a funny, funny animal. Most of life is quite random.

If life was so predictable, where would the fun be in that? Most likely quite bland & stifling. 

50% is usually what life tosses to you.
50% is usually what you do with the "tossings."

Disclaimer: These percentages vary up as well as down in uneven proportions at differing times.


50% is about reality, 50% is about perception.

Conversely, it's all relative.

Observing some aspects of my life, it's easy to perceive when someone views me incorrectly or in a less than flattering light.
I feel it.
Having learned to trust my intuition, listening to it is important in the strengthening of it. Like a muscle, it becomes stronger with more discernable definition, when it's exercised.

When intuition is observed, listened to, adhered to, it can save lives, change lives. It can assist in some miraculous events.

I digress.

There have been times when it was plainly obvious to me that another person saw me in such a true light.
They "got" me.
That is to say, they understood my mind, my heart, with no hidden or unhidden agenda on their part. 
Possibly it was chemistry between us that was responsible for the communion of us two, heart to heart, spirit to spirit. It's a human connection, not a sexual connection though it can be, yet rarely for myself. It's only a very few guys who can trip my trigger.

There's a flip side!

Though people have often tried to "talk me out of it" when my intuition told me that another person either didn't like me, had malicious intent or was simply prejudiced against me solely based upon:
My age
My race
My gender
My ethnicity
My political views

Not only can I correctly perceive it when a person dislikes me, I can discern why they dislike me.

People often try to put me in the stereotypical "box" based upon their perception of the worlds view of what I should be.

Umm. Nope.

Have always defied stereotypes. Even now, peeps, even now. :)

Many people find this disconcerting.

Caveat ~ Those who STILL believe the stereotypes that existed 10 - 20 years ago or any stereotypes, are living in ignorance.
Stereotypes are still clung to by many, the world has changed so much so fast even in the past 5 years. Those who try to cling to stereotyping will be left behind.
At the minimum, their backward attitudes will serve to rob them of enriching experiences.

Who would sign up for that?




The sign up sheet is blank.

Truly, I believe I can learn something from everyone. Their age, race, religion, politics, ethnicity is only one aspect of them.
As long as the person doesn't try to squash my political views or convert me to their thinking, we're good!

So, when you meet another person, keep an opened mind. Disregard their race.
Disregard their socio-economic circumstance.

The very last commonly accepted discriminatory practice is to age shame a person. Age shaming is rampant in todays world.

Older or younger, yet, mostly age shaming an older person. 

Don't believe it?

Open your ears, open your eyes, you will hear it, you will see it!

When I passed the age of 30 I saw it more and more to the point that I rarely tell people my age anymore. Most won't believe me, anyway. It becomes somewhat tedious though flattering.
As soon as I tell them my age, I can see the wheels in their brain, turning. They are mentally calculating which stereotypical box to stick me in.
My response?
(just a few witty replies I use)
~ What age do you want me to be, babe?
~ I'm between 18 - 200, closer to 18.
~ Put it this way, I have WAYYY cheaper insurance than you.
~ Unless you're gonna sell me alcohol, it's NYFB.
~ Hmm, let me check with my agent, I'll get back to you!
~ My 25 year old was born when I was 5, okay? Are we good?

Human beings should only be put in a box when they are dead.

Guess who's still very much vivaciously alive, still kicking hard!

This girl!!!

Stay sassy!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The difference

The difference between honesty & truthfulness.


Truthfulness is about legit , verifiable facts,  ~ As in todays date, your real complete name,  Your true birth date, as well as how you truthfully feel about a person, place or locale.

Honesty is more about emotions. How you feel today. Do you love someone or do you not? How are you? Are you feeling happy?

Often, people speak volumes, saying their facts and/or referencing  
what they believe to be true. Referring to their version as well as over usage of the word "literally."

The more accurate phrasing would be "actually."

Changing your speech articulations is someone elses job. I can only deal with myself, my life, let others to do the same!

Did you know this?

Alternative words for the over-use of the word "literally"?

The list is long!


Setting out to give you four, I gave five to you!
you're welcome.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

When your heart is in it

It's all sweetness & light when your heart is in it. Whatever "it" is.

"It" can be a career, a job, (there is a difference betwixt the two), a friendship, a romantic relationship, a hobby, even having a pet.

When the desire, when the connection is there, it will remain, come what may, whatever it is that life throws at you.
It will stay there, nearly effortlessly. You will yearn for it.

If you have ever been close to another person then lost contact or had what's referred to as a falling out, a heated disagreement.
Some time may pass with no contact.
When the two re-unite, it's as if it was only yesterday you saw them.

Have you experienced that?

Are you saying yes?


Yes or no?

If you have not had this experience, you might. Or you might not.

If you have had this experience, did you just smile?


I smiled.
A smile of recognition.

When one accepts the other, the other will be forgiven a multitude of misdeeds, a multitude of forgiveness is applied.
When the acceptance is absent, there will be a running tally of sins.

Acceptance or the lack of it can be in any interpersonal interactions.

When the chemistry, when the connection is there, you will know.

The other or the absence of it is just as palpable.

Listen to your heart while also listening to your head.

If it's worth putting your heart into it's worth putting yourself into.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Alcohol, porn, cell phone, gambling, computer game / program addiction.

All four are equally familial destruction.

Believe these words or turn away, the facts stand on their own.

Research, read, investigate. You will find truth in these words.

The "football widows" as well as the wives of today of those who are addicted to porn, video/computer apps & games, gambling, drugs, alcohol, they suffer equally from their spousal addiction to video games.

Addiction is addiction.


Addiction is an insidious behavior which leaves the addicted missing out while neglecting their spouses as well as their children.
Deny. Deny. Deny again.

If you are reading this, I would tell you to cure yourself of this robbing addiction.
Give any excuse you wish.
There are so many excuses.

~ It helps me to de-stress
~ I'm not hurting anyone.
(au contraire, you are hurting yourself as well as neglecting spouses & your children who will only be children for an all too short time)
~ I need it

Mon Cherie, if you are self pleasuring with online/video games for more than 1 hour daily?
You are as addicted as a tobacco user, heroin addict, an alcoholic, a lover of porn a gambler, even an anorexic.

It's so very sad.

There is hope. 
The path is a rather uncomfortable one, yet possible.


Step away from the game or virtual reality program/web site of your choosing after one hour every day. Pay attention to your spouse ( or someone else will). Pay attention to your children lest they enter into their double digits with the effects of a neglectful parent.
This effect is far from healthy for everyone.

How do I know this, feel this, feel the need to write about it?

Witnessing it first-hand, in families suffering with a computer/video game/ VR addict in their home in 7, yes, 7 different families.
The addict refuses to acknowledge their actions, so, all is right in their world, in their mind as their family members suffer.

A hobby is fine as long as the need to participate more than 1 hour daily is in harmony with family life.

Can you do it?
Can you spend time with family, forsaking your addiction?
If you can, well, good on ya'!
If it's nearly impossible or causes problems for you, you're an addict.

Right here.
Right now.
I challenge you to do a scaled up, 60 day challenge, to yourself to limit yourself to 1 hour of your addiction and the rest of the time to your spouse (if you have one) as well as your children ( if you have them) . Actually living a fuller life free of your addiction, until it becomes merely an amusement is better.
All things in moderation.
Start moderating.

You can do this!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Meant to be Loved

Do you often feel like your purpose is unfulfilled?

Do you often feel that something or someone is missing?

Come on in. It's a rather bland existence when the yearning for one to cherish as well as be cherished by is MIA.
It's a lament heard all over the world.

The only life situation that's worse is to be with someone who you thought was right for you then, the one who really is comes along.
Mmm Hmm.
Did. You. Just. Agree?
Did you turn away in disgust?

Either way. I say this, from my heart: When you have someone who you love who loves you as much as you love them, hold on tight. Never let go. Nurture, cherish, sustain that loved one.

There are thousands of people worldwide who yearn for what you have. There are thousands more who live without it, die without it.

Yes, I have loved, yes, I have lost. Lost him to his fears, lost him to death, lost him to someone or something he loved more.
It's all good, mon Cherie.
A long time ago I decided to be happy.
Decided to be happy come what may, in sickness and in health. :)

If you are searching, keep searching, keep the hope, keep the faith.

If your search is over, be grateful.

Succumbing to s
ettling is a non-option.
Hold on, hold out for that which is a win-win.
(for you, for your beloved.)

Something New! ~ Update!

Liquid Life

Several days ago, I took a water consumption challenge. 

Knowing that drinking enough water is an important keystone for good health, it seemed important to see how much of it I drink, daily.
Whatever gets measured, also gets managed.
When I saw an online article about a girl who challenged herself to drink 102 oz of water per day for 1 week I thought, hmm.

I already had 2 different colored reusable water bottles.

Trip to Walmart!

I'm now the proud owner of 

1~ 24 oz water bottle in blue
1 ~ 24 oz water bottle in red
1 ~ 24 oz water bottle in slate grey
1 ~ 32 oz water bottle in teal green

Wanting to give myself every bit of "oomph" to succeed at this lil' endeavor of mine, I filled each bottle the night before after finishing the last one of the day.

Some surprising findings?

There were no perceptible, noteworthy changes. 

Here's why.

It was a slight though only slight discovery that I have been drinking slightly more than 102 oz of water daily for several years! That's only straight water consumption, water from food sources also gave me some H2o bennnies!

Yup. Haha! 

Guess who is super hydrated?

This girl!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

High Energy Zone

Hey peeps!


This is my mindset/bodyset most of the time.

Some people complain about feeling tired, no energy, out of motivation. Of course, I experience this occasionally, okay, rarely.
I'm only human, with all the frailties that being human entails.
One aspect of being "me" I know for sure.

I have a higher energy level than most people I have ever known.

When my youngest daughter married her handsome Prince last June, I had experienced an "episode" of extreme pain.
The pain hit me overnight, in mid May 2017.
One day, I was fine, working out like the energizer bunny, doing what I do.
The next day ~
It hurt to breathe, it hurt to move, all up & down the right side of my body. Without the help from my friend, Anita, I would not have made it through. She was REALLY there for me. She knew what to do to help. She had been dealing with bodily pain for a long time.

The thoughts I had were of fear that I wouldn't make it to my daughters wedding. That fear was almost as bad as physical pain.

I love this sweet daughter of mine, so much, with a fierceness that a lioness loves her cubs.........or a mama cougar! Ha ha! Shh!

It was already looking like her fathers petty immaturity was going to keep him from going to her wedding.
(Turns out, to great sadness, I was right. He didn't show, he missed out big-time!)

Grudge holding is nearly non-existent for me. It does great harm to hold a grudge. I have witnessed the harm which it does.

There is a difference between turning away from those relationships which are toxic to me or holding a grudge,

Having decided I would drive to my darling daughters wedding, this was a determination which I had, honor bound myself to.
There was a fixative of purpose in my desire to be there.

Although the pain was still very much present, I was going to go!

There were many obstacles to conquer.

~Fear of getting lost
~Fear of not being able to make it due to pain
~The older daughter who was to drive with me pulled a "no show"
~Time constraints
~Not knowing if my car was mechanically sound enough

The distance to conquer? ~ 1,083 miles one way. According to Google, 17 hours of driving, alone. D-D-D-Dang! Just typing it feels a bit overwhelming.
Having a charged taser with me assuaged fears, just a little.

As one who avoids taking meds, I had to take non-drowsy pain meds, if I was going to make it to my darling's wedding on time!

I was popping Aleeve like M&Ms all the way from Texas to Utah!

Relying on sheer determination as well as my fantastic natural energy level, I made it! The only stops were to refuel along the way as well as buy more pain relief meds (non-drowsy variety, 'course!)
It was so worth it to be there with family, with friends I have known for most of my life.

Having never been a coffee drinker as well as strictly limiting caffeinated drinks, there was none of that either! 
I do like an occasional soda-pop! However ...........
(yeah, there's a however!) the swelling of my tissues & puffy eyes within 10 hours is so uncomfortable, it makes sodas unappealing.

I see this high energy level has mostly been passed on to my children, my legacy to them, if you will!

There is a girl, in the town I live in, who has 3 sons that I just adore! She has found herself unexpectedly as a single mom.
I remember those days of being alone with my 4 darlings, needing a break, so much. There was rarely any relief. I loved my babies with all of my heart & soul. Still, needing a break is par for the course of mothering.
Going back in time is impossible.
Helping someone else in a similar situation?
Her sons are really great children, a reflection of her mothering.

For these reasons, I offered to watch her kiddos, giving her a break, on the condition that I didn't want to be paid.
When she told me that the children's grandmother (younger than me!) didn't have enough energy to keep up with the 3 boys, ages 2, 7 & 12...........I was a bit shocked.
I have energy to spare!
When I was a part of the dating world, I did something, which  I learned was a mistake.
I began a relationship with a guy 3 years older than me.
He finally told me that my energy level was too much for him.

He told me that he felt like he was around 70 while I seemed to be around 30.

That could be taken a variety of ways, I'll take it as a compliment!


High energy, at this juncture should not be construed as a high sex drive, so, don't go there.
Just, keeping it clean!

On this fitness journey, there is a big bennie to having high energy. The PT I have been working with on Mondays & Fridays, wants to boost my fitness with *3* days per week!
Monday, Wednesday & Friday ~ FTW!
She paid me a huge compliment, saying that, with my energy level, I can take it!



This may be the key to getting my 6 pk back, getting to my fitness goals, leaping tall buildings with a single...........

WHOA there, filly! I've lived in TX awhile! Can ya' see it?

Stay tuned!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Being "Nice"

I want to be nice.

My heart is a tender heart, a sweet one which desires to be kind, to be good to do the right thing, make a very kind choice.

The world chews nice people into a fine mush then spits them out.

I have been the nice person, then the fine mush.

As much as I desire to be kind, to be sweet, to be so congenial that I can eat rainbows and poop out glittery butterflies.
In a perfect world, this may be possible. Um, maybe. Yup.
Alas, this is an imperfect world.

A world where cell phones put us in touch with people far away.

Unfortunately, the users of cell phones ignore those with them, in person, while the "others" feel the frustration of being so obviously ignored for the sake of invisibles at the moment.

Do you think I'm referring to you? Really, I'm not. Check yourself!
(just in case)

If I could be who I am, naturally. I would be kind, caring, helping those who are suffering.

Although I'm not active in the LDS church, a hymn that I still know the words by heart repeats in a loop in my thoughts ~

Because I have been given much
I, too must give
Because of thy great bounty Lord
Each day I live
I shall divide my gifts from thee
With every brother that  I see
Who has the need of help from me

Enough of that, am sure the vision is clear. It does, however, go through personal thoughts when suffering is in front of me. Fem acquaintances say I resemble guys in that aspect. Oh, I listen, I also wish to help to ease the suffering. To fix it.

The lesson learned from this is that it's important to be "nice" to myself, first. As it is stated in numerous psychological articles as well as the airlines. Place your oxygen on yourself first so that it's possible to remain  conscious to help others.

Still, wishing to be kind requires effort, thought planning. 
It entails holding back ......... a lot.
There are many who have spidey sense as to who is an easy mark to be taken advantage of as well as those that are too much work to get whatever their agenda is to extract their means to an end.

Having been the patsy of many before FINALLY learning a mostly painful lesson.

Would love to buy the world a coke to keep it company.

So depleting.

Continuing to help others, mostly anonymously, continuing to volunteer (as long as I wake up early enough) is a part of basic character.

Part of my own learning progress was caused by reading a book that changed my life.

The Nice Girl Syndrome by Beverly Engel

This book set about changing my personal mindset.

When you have an opportunity to be cruel or to be kind.
Please, be kind.
A door mat is the anti-thesis to being kind.
Be kind to yourself, inside your private thoughts, first. Then, be kind to others.
They may be going through something less than visible to the world.
Be kind.
More love, less regrets.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Love of His Life

I was not his lover
I was not his wife
His mother said I was
The true love of his life

We knew each other only 4 years
Only as platonic friends
Longer than that I had only tears
For that was where it ends

Two months was all we had in the flesh
Such a short time to know him so well
I know he will be there after my death
Meeting me in spirit all cares to dispell

Some people would say move on
Get rid of his old T Shirt
Once that T shirt is gone
All that's left is the hurt

He was a once in a lifetime guy
One of a kind for sure
A terrible shame he had to die
His love for life was so pure

He made me feel loved, beautiful, secure
All this plus more every day
It was part of his masculine allure
All this with his charming way

Now by choice I'm flying solo
Living a full throttle happy life
He would want me to move forward
He was a great love I was almost his wife 

Loving The Rainbow

It's often only possible to appreciate the rainbow
After living with months of the rain
For how will you come to know
Without feeling the pain

Living a life almost devoid of the loving care
A person needs when as a small child
Searching for it every where
A simple touch so mild

Just as the dear violets and the rose grows
With a face turned to the sun
The beating heart knows
Love felt by everyone

Monday, March 5, 2018

Something New!

Fitness talk ahead!

Changing it up keeps me feeling good. Moving happily into the future. Trying anything new (within reason, of course) or anything which catches my attention keeps me from becoming set in my ways! 
Keeps life fresh, ever new. 
It's most likely obvious that depression plus symptoms of PTSD/MST plague me.
These situations are something far from defining me. Annoyances.

In my fitness quest, changing it up in a steady stream of keeping life fresh, I look for new things to do plus new ways to do them. Sometimes they look for me!🙂
There's so much good fitness, health, lifestyle info out there. This is a great time to be a gym bunny!

When cruising the net, I saw an article written by someone who decided to drink six 17 oz bottles of water every day for a week. That's 102 oz daily.
This would-be guinea girl recorded the changes she saw.

Well, I'll be!
I'll be doing this for this week.
I know, peeps, the recommended is 91 oz. I rarely follow the crowd, equally rare, I don't do as I'm told to do.
It's part of my charm!

It's relatively simple, my water bottles hold 24 oz, so 4 of those sweet babies plus another 6 oz.

It's only 1513, mission accomplished!
Will I be able to do this?

Stay tuned! 

Made. Of. Steel?

There was a time in my life when I felt that I was immune to being emotionally hurt.
(Please hold on queuing the violins)

In my incorrect thinking, it seemed that I had been around the tree a few times, had learned a bit, possibly become wiser. Hence, feeling immune to having my heart broken.
Oh! I was so wrong, at least, about that!
I reserve my right to own up when I'm wrong.

Though a bit more wisdom had graced my countenance, I'm still a girl with a soft heart.
It's still possible to be made to feel sad when someone is abruptly cruel, no warning, no hint. Just ~


Personally, I give warnings before I strike. Letting someone know when they are approaching my last nerve. 

Also, from dealing with the males out there in the dating world, I learned to fight back, give as good as I get.
If a guy hurts me? Knowing what he's doing while selfishly disregarding my feelings?

I will hurt him commensurately, right back.

Nothing illegal. I'm a law abiding citizen.

In long gone days, if a guy were to lead a woman on or play with her feelings? If he was so cruel as to toy with her heart, her male relatives would seek him out, teach him to think twice before playing with a woman's heart, ever again. 

Tonight, I received a dose of that male cruelty, rudeness.


Came at me, out of nowhere. So difficult to understand. Being thusly cruel to another person whether male or female would ride heavy on my conscience.

People who are physically beautiful or fabulously wealthy or even a tough Special Ops soldier are looked upon as invincible.

These people are still human, can still be hurt by the words or the actions of others.

Beauty, age, wealth, tactical knowledge are inconsequential in matters of the heart. They still bleed when their flesh is rent, they still feel the emotional pain from heartache.

When encountering tender feelings of another, if you are unable to help them, at least, please, I beseech you, don't hurt them.

Choose to be kind.

Everyone can be hurt.Everyone can feel. 

We are, all of us, only human.


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...